View Full Version : Coral Banded Shrimp update

10/09/2014, 01:59 AM
Since my last post on 27 Sept about the coral banded shrimp losing a main claw, I was very surprised this morning to see that after just 12 days the claw regrew completely. Up to last night the claw had only grown to just before the first joint in 11 days so it took about 12 hours overnight to fully regrow.(pretty full on) The shrimp also shed again. I wonder if this means their cycle for shedding is around 2 weeks or is it a repairing mechanism. Any thoughts.

10/09/2014, 10:50 AM
As best I can tell they regrow the limb internally. Mine lost one arm entirely, next time it molted it was back completely, then it lost both arms, and next time it molted both were back completely.

10/09/2014, 11:33 AM
As best I can tell they regrow the limb internally. Mine lost one arm entirely, next time it molted it was back completely, then it lost both arms, and next time it molted both were back completely.

Same happened for mine...the missing claw just appeared after molting, completely grown back.

12/03/2014, 10:48 AM
My CB is so peaceful, it is always hiding behind the rock and never gets out. I feed it squid chunks and she (or he) is very happy.