View Full Version : Considering a controller

11/23/2014, 01:22 PM
I am considering purchasing a controller, from what I've read I think it's best to go with either an Apex or Reefangel. My current set up is a 29 biocube but eventually I would like to upgrade back to a 90 or a 125. I want a consistant accurate measurement of pH, salinity,alk/calcium and also dimming my LEDs would be nice. After the tank grows I'd like to be able to start dosing if necessary. My other question is what do I need to have a sunrise/sunset with my LEDs? I bought a used setup and the driver is a Model S 200 24.. The back has 2 ports for +v and 2 for -v. There is also a +v adj space but no termial is there just a jumper I believe.