View Full Version : Carbon in Hyposalinty DT to prevent ammonia?

12/14/2014, 12:55 PM
So for reasons i've already discussed in other threads, i'm doing Hypo in my DT. I removed as many of the snails as i could find, but i'm sure some are still in the tank. I bet i got 75% of them out. I hear the bacteria should be ok as the salinity drops, but the extra die off is going to create a higher load than the tank is used to. I'm wondering if hooking up my carbon reactor would help to remove some of the nutients, thereby helping to take some of the load off of the bacteria (I know carbon doesn't remove ammonia, but it does help remove nutrients/detritus before it turns into ammonia, correct?). Does this make sense?

12/14/2014, 01:08 PM
I don't think it would do much. If there are no inhabitants other than fish just test and use Amquel or a similar product if needed.

12/15/2014, 12:00 AM