View Full Version : Chromis troubles

12/30/2014, 12:20 PM
Ok I have 2 blue green chromis, and I know they're supposed to eventually try to kill each other but I've never seen any quarrels between the two, but one of them (the smaller one) hides in the top corner of the tank all the time and barely ever comes out, now I've never really seen this as being a problem until I decided to do a lot of maintenance on my tank today and as I was pouring new water in the back corner of the tank I realized I was pouring it right into the little chromis and it wasn't even moving, so then I decided to reach my hand in to see if I'd be able to just scoop him up and I was able to do it without him even moving, but once in my hand he started flapping around, and I just thought this was very peculiar of a fish to do, should I be concerned?

12/30/2014, 12:38 PM
He is clearly intimidated by the more dominant one. Which bodes poorly going forward. Sort of the story with groups of this fish.

12/30/2014, 12:57 PM
He's always been up there and he's also clearly grown since I got the two and when he does come down I never seen any aggressiveness towards the small one

12/30/2014, 01:02 PM
The small one is terrified of something. Find out what it is. It doesn't even have to be something that's attacking him, he might just be terrified on principle.
In the meantime, separate the poor little one. That or remove the big one and see if that helps.