View Full Version : Anybody using the Jeabo Dosing pump?

07/07/2015, 12:00 PM
It's cheap, but... does it work? Is it dependable? Does it last? Etc.?

Thanks in advance for the advise.

07/07/2015, 10:02 PM
I'm using it for about two months now, so it's a bit early to give reliability statements.
I think the biggest downside may be that the smallest dosing amount per dosing event you can program is 1 ml.

07/08/2015, 12:51 AM
Between me and my son we have had 3 x DP4s. Both of his have had pump head failures. When mine arrived it had a lead fallen off inside. Having said that it has now been running for 12 months without difficulty. The pump can be calibrated but I suggest that any dose amount below 7-8 mils is a it hit and miss.It doses it OK but I wouldnt want my life depending on the accuracy at small volumes. I would certainly not use it if I wanted to accurately dose under 4-5mls. Works just fine for larger doses like Alk and Ca and NOPOX or vinegar. I would buy another, simply because I cant find anything between it at about $100 and the good ones at $400. But you get what you pay for with it. It works. 6.5/10