View Full Version : Linespot Flasher and leopard (Macropharyngodon ornatus)

11/24/2015, 09:47 AM
I Have a 16G tall QT running with a Linespot Flasher (about 3 inches). I just got him 3 days ago and have done no treatment of any kind yet. He is eating and is out and about after 2 days of hiding...
Yesterday I had the opportunity to pick up an established (3years) leopard (Macropharyngodon ornatus) from a fellow reefer for a steal.

I put the Leopard in an acclimatization box in the QT last night and he is eating and swimming this morning! I put a bunch of Macro that I got from the same reefer in with it for something to hide in. The macro was covered in red flat worms....

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/V0KvAuj3qakjO_1_c7TCh6GyfIFuavq_iltgEphLi2a3IedKjQjEuFpYGQE3iefrwSvwxldeAaA0aojdbq13VZwwxaIy3ljiBRHx BE9RvZqKfdfbSMVCDP0soQFQ8V2G1HUSQFmLBnJWgP_gV9nWG8yUHUkeplormf2UjA3_wIil--NWs97DkUDKKRwbYwiZWnzeUbKU6QpeFBurCRfTFKSnM5-Xu5dQXRPwGGRczpg1Stff0EFgzzHEy7ag6OZPy1oUqw-faRwLCVEIHPkKTF8BwqE0obbPFKZtDOfMYbv0NsZfq_eYrbrSYMzoT7_kqiqrOu4eh7snKztenmUNeOKAa_6nqC_1M_0HgGVWSFw wymPDKyUOws01fVNb6F6jKe_ozUOTY-tDsPwZF-OH7PehOZPZY8i5NiiB2wHkxSTr6et76KqQldNtZIvIum3vMDdelMYLmrCqcvwCcEZbLbRQVKG7gvfdJgIJJUq-DPw7-dO801RzzDSdMRyKnaa9ePpSh1IqERgUWtQqtbx4G80Or0iScRZoWsT7SRyvfwo=w945-h709-no

I am not sure how to go about QTing these guys.
I have read that wrasses don;t do well with CP and I have never run copper before.
I have 2x 10 G tanks that I could do TTM with but will these 2 guys be able to do it together?

Any suggestions please? Should I go ahead and dose PraziPro for now?

11/24/2015, 10:42 AM
I prefer TTM for all new acqusitions. You should be able to do the two fish together, although the leopard wrasse needs a sandbed to sleep in. You can place sand in a tupperware container and throw it out after each transfer (replacing with clean sand).

11/24/2015, 10:58 AM
So you think they ought to get along well enough in a 10G. They are getting to check each other out with the acclimatization box right now...