View Full Version : Blue Leg spawning event???

07/01/2016, 06:40 PM
Sadly I have no pictures to offer, as not only are they small but its the middle of the night.
But I just looked into one of my tanks and noticed the water column teeming with little shrimp-like larvae!
They are being tossed around by the current and are entirely at it's mercy and show no signs of clinging to any surfaces, so I'm discounting Mysid shrimp. They seem to propel themselves in shrimp-like fashion with bursts from their tails, they are incredibly tiny.

I have no fish in the tank and no shrimp, the only crustaceans I have is a lone reclusive pistol shrimp and three blue-legged hermit crabs.(originally 7 but I split them up between tanks)

Is it actually possible I got a crapload of tiny little hermits on my hands?(though I don't expect them to survive in this hostile environment)

07/01/2016, 08:41 PM
Managed to actually get a video of some of them! Seems the little buggers are attracted to light!

Towards the last 10-15 seconds there is one of the larvae that sort of comes into focus briefly.

07/02/2016, 06:30 AM
Definitely looks like blue leg larvae! :D

At least judging by what's been documented about the genus.

Shawn O
07/02/2016, 08:14 AM
Looks like hermit larvae to me. No, you probably wont get any to survive unless you set up a few kreisel tanks. Even then most, if not all will die before reaching the shell wearing stage. They tend to eat each other, as they are voracious eaters while growing and molting almost daily. Great thing to be able to witness.

07/02/2016, 10:52 AM
Yeah sure is, I was absolutely stunned when I shone the flashlight into the tank last night, I mean it was like a soup thousands of larvae!
Managed to get a little better picture too after turning off all the circulation, they sort of just floated to the surface.
