View Full Version : My lights make a lightning effect - and it won't stop!

01/24/2006, 08:52 PM
I'm setting my 150gal tank up after carrying it around for the past two years.
I just plugged the lights in for the first time; they work like they should, turn on/off via the switch just fine. I want to use X-10 modules to automate the system. I used a 3 prong appliance module, plugged a surge strip into it, then both of the dual tube lights. They turn on/off just fine, but when off they will flicker every few seconds giving a quick flash inside the tank. Although it looks really cool; I don't want this. I thought it was just maybe the capasitors in the lights, but it doesn't seem to want to stop; they've been "off" (via x10) for about 10 minutes now. If I shut the switches off they stop. Why are the lights still getting power through the module when it's off? Has anyone run into this issue? Any fixes?


Man, I just answered my own question:
http://smarthome.custhelp.com/cgi-bin/smarthome.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=136&p_created=1017873152&p_sid=d6OFFs-h&p_lva=&p_sp=cF9zcmNoPTEmcF9zb3J0X2J5PSZwX2dyaWRzb3J0PSZwX3Jvd19jbnQ9MyZwX3Byb2RzPSZwX2NhdHM9JnBfcHY9JnBfY3Y 9JnBfc2VhcmNoX3R5cGU9YW5zd2Vycy5zZWFyY2hfbmwmcF9wYWdlPTEmcF9zZWFyY2hfdGV4dD1hcHBsaWFuY2UgZmx1b3Jlc2N lbnQ*&p_li=&p_topview=1
Good to know though!