View Full Version : As the stomach turns

02/16/2006, 06:37 PM
Lastnight I added a new (baby) false percula to my 90gal reef. it is about 1" long. My other 2 clowns (also false percs) did not take too kindly to this. my daughters fish, Nemo is about 1 year old and about 2.25" long. My clown, Perky is a little over 5 years old and 4" long. Needless to say the baby was chased right out of the tank. I thought he jumped into the overflow box but after an hour I realized that wasn't the case. I found the poor little guy lying on the carpet behind the tank. I picked him up thinking he was dead. Then i noticed his gill twich so i dump him into the sump. after 5 minutes he was fine & eating. I decided to name him Lucky. Today after a good feeding I tryed it again but on the other side of the tank away from the BTA's and clowns. My clowns that never venture more than a foot from the anemones, dart all the way to the other side of the tank to get to Lucky. Perky gabbed lucky by the belly and shook him like a dog does a rope chew toy. My 3yr old daughter is screaming at the fish to stop, water is flying out of the tank and all i can do is stick my hand in the tank and try to stop it. All this is going on while i'm on the phone with my loan officer refinancing my house. I get off the phone, get a net and in about 2 minutes catch Perky. Perky is going to be in time out for a while. I dumped Perky into the sump. After all this tank drama Lucky is eating and trying to stay close to Nemo, but Nemo is making Lucky keep his distance. My Question is this. How long should I keep Perky in the sump after Nemo warms up to Lucky? also What is the life span for false percs? I have been told that 5 years is a fairly long life & that most do not live past 4.

02/16/2006, 07:30 PM
Well you had the to false percs together for a long time then? They were probably a pair and you added another clown. They will usually torture the odd clown out till death. So really, you should remove Lucky and put Perky back in the tank with her mate. Life span, I knew someone that kept one for around 20 years and I think there has been people who have kept them longer.

02/16/2006, 07:39 PM
you should return lucky. You have a mated pair and adding the new clown will just cause a disruption. And i've heard that clowns live up to 10 years.

02/16/2006, 10:48 PM
toss lucky... he will always be the odd man out considering he is the little one..

02/16/2006, 11:35 PM
My false percs are 6 years now, and just started laying eggs last year.. They show no signs of age.. I've read 20 years is not uncommon in the wild.. Marine fish do live considerably longer then FW fish..

02/17/2006, 05:04 AM
sounds like it is time for a new tank.........

02/17/2006, 12:29 PM
New tank, hahaha. Just what my 3 yr old wants to hear. The thought has crossed my mind. Nano Cube is lookin to be the choice pick. But where am I going to put it? This is bad, 3 story house and no room for a 6gal tank. Hmmmm, time for a yard sale me thinks.