View Full Version : An exercise in miscommunication

04/26/2006, 01:45 AM
This exercise is from a training course in business communications.
What does this sentence mean?

"I didn't say she took the money."

The answer is: We don’t know.

Say the sentence out loud. Emphasize the word in bold and hesitate before finishing the rest of the sentence.

"I didn't say she took the money”
Translate as “not ‘it’” = acknowledges someone may have made the statement, but it wasn’t me.

"I didn't say she took the money."
Translate as “denial” = I did not make that statement.

"I didn't say she took the money."
Translate as “partially correct” = I didn’t say the statement, … but I wrote the statement.

"I didn't say she took the money."
Translate as “wrong person” = I didn’t say (Wilma) took the money, someone other than Wilma took the money, perhaps Betty took the money.

"I didn't say she took the money."
Translate as “incorrect action” = she may have stole the money, or she may have left the money, she may have refused the money, but she didn’t take the money.

"I didn't say she took the money."
Translate as “specific” = she took $20.00, not the specific money (for example, the $10,000 we need for the new car.)

"I didn't say she took the money."
Translate as “incorrect object” = she took something else; she took the honey, not the money.

One small little sentence, numerous different interpretations

04/26/2006, 06:26 AM
Interesting. Thats why I find it so funny when people "fight" on the internet. There are a dozen ways to read something, or read into something, and a dozen ways some other guy will interpret it!

04/26/2006, 07:00 AM
Yeah...that's why I TRY to use uppercase in my sentances when I think it's important to emphasize a certain word.

Of course....then I get trashed for YELLING when it's not really yelling. :)


04/26/2006, 03:25 PM
use italics silly :-P

04/26/2006, 04:03 PM
Heh, I love the example. For all we love the internet and the written word, it does invite problems sometimes!

04/27/2006, 06:41 AM
Italics and bold get tossed out of some email clients.... And besides...with as much as I type sometimes holding the shift key for two seconds is MUUUUUCH easier than messing with tags. :)
