View Full Version : Stocking choice - Dwarf Angel/Goby/blenny?

07/15/2006, 05:02 PM
Well its not as simple as what you think is better though id love your opinions, there are a few issues to deal with adding the last inhabitant to a 20G frag and anemone tank. Firstly, my preferred choice would be an African Flameback Angel, Centropyge acanthops but i dont know whether i am willing to take the risk of an antagonistic individual ripping my Zoos and other anthozoans apart due to a personality trait. Any person's experience of pygmy angels in reef tanks would be great. Secondly i could add a Yellow Watchman Goby Cryptocentrus cinctus, the personality of which would be perfect however, i fear for the dreaded trait of leaping from my tank. The same goes for a bicolour blenny Escenius bicolor, this fish would be perfect given its fetish for crops of microalgae but i hear that they have a tendecy to jump also, the tank is uncovered and i have no prospect of "hooding" it.

If you feel another specimin altogether would be much more suited to a 20G anemone species tank (and some coral frags) with an Amphiprion ocellaris please suggest!


Salty Brother
07/16/2006, 12:12 AM
Ive heard great luck with Coral Beauty Angels. I havent heard one bad story. They also will eat algea. But then again 20 might be too small for the CBA.
Good Luck

07/16/2006, 05:19 PM
Yeah, i reckon a 30G is the minimum for a Coral Beauty, though they are gorgeous fish. The African Flameback only grows to abot 2.9" Max. so its size is ideal.

07/19/2006, 06:55 PM
The CB will be too big.I don't think the African flameback will be any risk in your tank.I have had other dwarf angels,and never had a problem with any corals,and I have'nt read of any dwarfs bothering zoos.

07/19/2006, 07:19 PM
Ok...so as far as a yellow watchman jumping, I doubt that this is likely since they mostly hang out in burrows on the bottom in a commensal (commensal or symbiotic?) relaionship with a pistol shrimp. I've had two in an open topped 135g for a few years each separately and neither one jumped, but that doesn't necessarily transfer to a small tank.

Then I had a bicolor blenny for about 6 years in the same tank and he didn't jump either. Then after he died, about a year later I got a midas blenny who lasted about 3 weeks before he went carpet surfing. I just thought they were incredibly similar and one would not jump if the other didn't. Wrong.

That's my experiences and I hope they help.

07/19/2006, 08:31 PM
My yellow Watchman wasn't a jumper-I don't think they jump at all.My Midas(was)a jumper.