View Full Version : ammonia

08/14/2006, 04:40 PM
Is it possible to degass ammonia from water :D That would have signifigant nitrate reduction.

08/14/2006, 04:49 PM
Yes, it is quite common in the water / wastewater industry but you will need about $ 20,000.00 to set up a degassing tower out side your house :D

Randy Holmes-Farley
08/15/2006, 05:20 AM
The higher the pH, the more effective it is (within the pH range near normal reef tank water). :)

08/15/2006, 10:02 AM
yes, but the tower will still not fit inside his house :)

A few years ago I had Dr. KC Lange from LanTech (http://www.lantecp.com/index.html) answer this question when it was brought up. Someone had asked if a trickle filter would degas the water of ammonia. He worked it out and I posted it on RAMR. I forget the exact dimensions, flow rate water and air needed but it was enormous.

They are called Ammonia stripping towers. They do not work well unless there is a shift in pH 10.8 to 11.5 where there is much greater conversion of HN4+ to NH3, usually through the addition of a caustic like sodium hydroxide.

08/15/2006, 11:15 AM
Hmm interesting. I wonder if it happens in nature by the force of waves pounding?