View Full Version : Sargassum Natans

08/26/2006, 10:23 AM
I have what I believe is Sargassum Natans growing on one of the pieces of live rock in my tank. It is starting to look like a forest of it on that particular rock. Is this macro algae alright to keep in the tank? Should I be removing some of it? Thanks!

08/26/2006, 11:23 AM
As far as hitchhikers go this is definitely a positive addition to the tank. :) Sargassum takes pruning well and will help pull more nutrients from the system. It doesnt have the tendency to sporulate that Caulerpa does either, though it still can. You are more likely to see small sections of the plant die back (leaves will turn white) than have it 'go sexual'. Plus, its usually very attractive looking.


08/26/2006, 01:18 PM
Thanks for the information Sarah! I think I will leave it in the tank and enjoy it and just plan to keep it pruned.

08/27/2006, 12:05 AM
IME, there are is no down side to Sargassum. Control by hand harvest is easy. When its growing, it can grow fast, and tends to grow up from single holdfast rather than spreading laterally across the rock. I doesn't spread easily by fragmentation, like some other macros, either. Since the fronds are bouyant, you can let it grow very tall in the tank, even up to the surface of the tank. If you have a veg filter or refugium, you can thow fronds in there and let them float, and they will continue to grow.

Over time, growth may slow down and eventually stop. Enjoy it while you have it, its one of my favorite algae.