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Unread 07/30/2018, 05:27 PM   #348
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I am in the middle of a year long study of skimming a fish only aquarium and relating scientific studiies of protein skimming of BSA and other organics to skimming aquaria. My data confirms what has been said before on this topic

* wet skimming removes more organics per hour than dry skimming. The difference is large compared to dry skimming

And therefore, wet skimming is a more effective at removing organic impurities than simply siphoning out tank water.

A second conclusion is that if you can replace the tank water often enough to avoid large salinity changes, AND you are interested in removing more organics from your system, wet skim as much as you can. I routinely remove 1% of fifty gallons (~185 liters) per day.

When I get the data fit for viewing, I will post it here later this year, or at least an excuse for why it’s delayed.

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