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Unread 10/29/2005, 08:53 PM   #64
Premium Member
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: Athens, OH
Posts: 472
Originally posted by H20ENG
Glad you did not use antifreeze.
Many people have misconceptions that antifreeze causes the water to be more heat conductive, or will magically cool itself. Pure water is the best coolant and heat transfer fluid- which is why every other materials specific heat is compared to that of water- which is 1.0.
Antifreeze is used for just that purpose- to lower the freezing temperature of the water (mix). It actually hampers its heat carrying capacity a bit, but that is the tradeoff for being able to not freeze up in cold weather.
I believe the intended use of antifreeze was not necessarily only for heat transfer but also for its' lubricating properties. However, it is a poisonous substance that needs to be disposed of properly and I would not use it. Glass shops use it diluted along with diamond grit/dust to make a slurry as they drill. The bits that many older glass shops use are not diamond encrusted, they are copper tube type and use the diamond grit to grind through the glass. These bits last forever, my local shop has had their bits for over 40 years! And, they drill some thiiiiick glass for commercial uses (banks, etc).

I'm contemplating how I'm going to drill my brand new Oceanic 30g cube, I want a Calfo style overflow but don't know if I should drill holes or a slot in the back for an external overflow box. I will also have a single hole for a CL.


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