Thread: Mushroom Eggs?
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Unread 10/19/2017, 09:06 AM   #3
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Seeing as mushroom corals are in fact disc anemones it's entirely possible that what you're seeing are eggs though I would think that the eggs would be a lot smaller and even more likely unable to be seen by the naked eye, but I've done zero research on mushroom reproduction outside of fragmentation. The stuff coming out of the mouths are the mushrooms expelling their guts, not uncommon when they're unhappy it's just a stress response. If there's pedal laceration the purple stuff is probably innards poking out of the wound. It might not hurt to give the shrooms a quick bath in in coral RX to prevent any kind of infection from setting in. What was left on the rock I'm guessing is pieces and parts from the parents. Shrooms are pretty resilient so where there is tissue you should see some babies popping up.

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