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« Week | Week » January 2015
Add New Event Sunday
SALT, SabreFan, vladzilb, Habib, jeng113, Nashlake, Maltose, irina, rbaby, kim aasheim, rossco, Nano-Nag, geo*SanAnto, wellzel, Drankula, Purple Penguins, SonyMan03, Alcedok9, blakeorme, Hairy Triton, Ironsheikh, helcat17, Ludecrasher, bdavis (66), Bev Campbell (65), Fay (60), M&M50 (59), lehvac (58), big_cat_1111 (58), ncastillo (58), kindaobsessed (58), pherbert (58), WaylandR (58), glazer (55), coyoteseven (55), sawman (55), JulieWalmsley (55), suarezj (55), FishyinKY (54), rparker911 (54), seabisquit2 (54), stoneijd (54), Darryl Hey (53), Carouselaquatic (52), Aquatard (52), gregormiz (52), trott (52), R.MOSTOWSKI (52), Dave7 (52), habibbeyah (52), Tangs" R " US (51), SnelgroveReefer (51), pnyxxpress (51), Tangs"R"us (51), AquassyMuff (51), swissgaurd (50), Dewey brown (50), amoroso6 (49), 5150gonzo (49), phil ravenspur (49), Bo_Hinckley (49), Fiipolera (49), maktru (49), kohlton (49), jlmestres (48), javakujeck (48), maeralius (48), andyab (48), da_stretch (48), FloridaFisher (48), jeloxi (48), GreatBarrierReef04 (47), JOHNNY O. (47), LenaSolovey (47), civilengineer40 (47), akvaryumtutkusu (47), Bearbait (46), jt48 (46), donpollo (46), SeaKeeper (46), char34 (46), flyingphish (46), SILVERONE4 (45), busybody (45), calcium (45), wwztom (45), mike1870 (45), racerzippy (45), Big Worm (44), JulieCL (44), timm1871 (44), brian8fan (44), nargy (44), tim1871 (44), Junkiebeast (44), VotSitadade (44), neptune09 (44), jorjasdad (44), hayrobet (44), csham (43), teapartyfans (43), Korky (43), djaramillo (43), boot525 (43), chicago1 (43), nlfdjim (42), yohan (42), josh norman (42), millionmanus (42), memole (42), jbleacher (42), fredbob (42), palileo (42), mohd (42), run-ne1 (42), daztowler (42), k'ville_reefer (42), sabrefan73, saltman (41), Spengo (41), 71goalie (41), John&Jennifer (41), Kyriacos (41), 9ballreefer (41), Kanievetepe (41), AAAppalsini (41), tliss (40), Puccini (40), reefgeek31 (40), Rock solid (40), MabuyaQ (40), seayu, seebass (39), rafiki_76 (39), Laren69tuna (39), TangerineHorse (39), Arnar (39), fishnfreak (39), Mr. Moe (39), JessInOk (39), gertvanthienen (38), hwadley (38), Reggae Reefer (38), Phillycsi (38), geronte (38), niloc16 (38), xtyx (38), Car_Man21 (38), christian2008 (38), the baron (38), r1-razer (38), jdpierce21, Atticus (37), corbin (37), mauriciovaron (37), SPSpirate (37), sacfishguy (37), guarnia (37), Kadath (37), busterbaxter (36), kbbrennan (36), SoulVoid (36), tp5056 (36), nerses (36), eugeneK (36), meg_254 (36), Jim Lepage (36), jmontejo (36), Mizzou (36), agad (36), shutterpunk (36), Keith P (36), kooolaid (36), Shane Hoffman (36), Tide Man (35), FlipFlops24/7 (35), Shahrina (35), Miguel CF (35), dory200 (35), Unison (35), jbstealth001 (35), m00genEM1 (35), rmcgookey (35), geraerb (35), notaverage (35), D.Blues (35), Sukarno (34), jenni (34), TonyTurboII (34), rissaroo (34), matthew5664 (34), murphy_5 (34), adalon (34), reefWI (33), Fishboy42 (33), slyntz (33), fragthat (33), ecojoe (33), topogigio82 (33), Riftafelian (33), cerafruicaree (33), Jivago18 (33), brightsilverRT (33), milw217 (33), lazared (33), LampLover (32), Saints1804 (32), tunaluver (32), agoodwin1232005 (32), Roy1983 (32), g35mike (32), DMyers1983 (32), Blushin120 (32), jeremyreef (32), Eyden (31), zing (30), kewwlkat12345 (30), rhinecanthus85 (30), Cardslax16 (29), Perez14 (29), drewM (29), tri_pod_rod (29), DanVts (29), noukje (28), Propel (28), champagne (28), rcw98022 (28), moocow (28), maritimus (28), tusynishstone (28), the_pointman (28), tigerswilleatU (28), lee009 (27), cryx (27), ZackS (26), jennyfish (26), ratimpulse (25), mushumatt (25), jccrews90 (25), XXXtripleXJ21 (24), ihavebadluck (23), staypretty (23), CaliCoral II (21) Birthdays
Add New Event Monday
CGBEXEC, redhead, mredman, cordillera, Clownfish21, JennieD, Sailfin2, Sunburnt, janetreese, kkelloww, moldman7n, petetharp, jobadia, Obliduty, gea0119, nukumjilly, Ldybkr, Crazy Mom, nemo's janitor (110), haydn (66), Eddie Gorniak (63), eddiegorniakjr (63), kevan (62), clickrs (62), stevlow (61), bachman (61), rebelbass (61), Bachlum Chaam (60), bananabobs (60), Mario Ramirez (57), mayito ramirez (57), Uel (55), madeeb (55), Desertstomper (54), Kevin D (53), jhempel (53), superbuzz (53), sigmundcmonster (53), shotspot (53), totothedog (52), stevemgd (52), VIC1 (52), mind3d (51), bfhaynes (51), sdcfish (50), neon2111 (50), reef2you (50), bluewolf (50), Cyanight (50), dracozmine (49), mikhalvarez (49), bziranski (49), crasess (49), reefguard (48), Tannopool (48), (47), coldasice43 (47), 4Runner2003 (47), Coral Reef Keeper (47), coldasice50 (47), MAJBuzz (47), pad (46), DCatrett (46), Rick2880 (46), tandor69 (46), upetcha (46), capsun (45), bbridge999 (45), tit (45), dohboy35 (45), prm9989 (45), coomaHandoume (45), lostintheocean (45), saz (44), madeinsheffield (44), gatorgirl (44), 150gReef, h20cooled (43), jimmy@pa (43), Sharonk (43), paulcoates (43), Golfwa (43), gmarcin2000 (43), jdarr (43), auqascooter (42), ninja (42), Lifefreak0007 (42), yota (42), kengriest (42), Archilles19 (42), ruden (42), officer_jay_c (42), bryancarc (42), kwpgrooming (42), Jose Baltazar (42), rrhh (42), amarcin (42), AquaUtz (42), Sooteotte (42), hydros1 (41), Crumb37 (41), goodwla (40), Imperial (40), mk1975 (40), manishkasera (40), psykobowler (40), Cory J. (39), rushthesurf (39), xexxxe (39), Chris's Nemo (39), iamkellogg (39), LastMohican (39), Josh Baker (38), cort (38), UKatFish (38), gusmcab (38), KBartley77 (38), cabana (38), luis mario (38), iamjero (38), jcg432 (38), jdub77 (38), latency (38), inspectdetroit (38), moldinspectors (38), zollnerj (37), Orange Crush (37), bluezoo (37), ladynatalia#1 (37), roush95 (37), enonrolla (37), SalvaCF (37), chivasregal (36), itchybackside (36), jdogg2432 (36), No Worries1979 (36), PrivilegedOne (36), TRMCC (36), Pure Magic79 (36), coolridernum1 (36), Dimples (36), wetgirl (35), cyano273 (35), teh_essej (35), aditullio (35), eggburt1 (35), Zap2176 (35), shepherdgrad (35), serkanozf (35), DragonTamer (34), goozini (34), cheng (34), zenus (34), dustin_duncan (34), evilss (34), Skiuseme19 (34), gohsiauken (34), petstoredude (34), lilred81 (34), charleskeller (34), Hatlebakk (34), bignev13 (34), chap550 (34), Justin Pitlik (34), Deeper (33), Nanolove (33), NewbeeReefer (33), wellsreef (33), J diggity (33), FroggyFox (33), reefman43 (33), youngster119 (33), Dgil (33), mbutch2000 (33), 05redred (32), Ideamedog (32), mgb1974 (32), JohnnyBoy (32), tansoonhan (32), MMarzi18 (32), redreefer328, MNewman (31), mr.stevebaer@ya (31), mauls (31), marcogonzales (31), Revelation1315 (30), KevyBoy (30), wea747 (30), Ellingtj (30), robin coggan (30), lionfish108 (29), jeff209 (29), ccfish (29), Jjohnson86 (29), thenewone (29), jep22 (29), Reign86 (29), iNfaMous_reeF (28), Fishy Fishy2 (28), nudilove (28), evren (28), jimsta (27), watchpower (27), Kuux (27), Darkmazda (26), zachary.gingell (26), NarHar (25), Ms.Blue (24), mmoreno (21), AwesomeOceans Birthdays
Add New Event Tuesday
NOEL, djrieb, Fishnbarefoot, dmarie120, ellisd, c1ownfish, jenghes, rt1965, oryon, exoticaquatics, cas1069, tiabmb!, Rokn, OCGal, lbc6700, Arie, FishSandwich, Michael Plonka (73), dp409 (70), pkstone (69), CWThompson (68), cudzilo (67), G.Ski (67), birddog (67), Kansas7 (67), wynford (65), ILOVEJUDYS (62), dbanta (60), rs2 (60), rcbutch (60), aqbiotec (59), Chatbot_2001 (58), seacritter (58), systemd (57), argarart (57), Christina58 (57), Steve Canyon (57), zoomie (56), Paul Bloomquist (56), wolfr (55), Glenntessmer (53), schiwo (53), uryy4me (52), Nemofound (52), Rodknocker (52), reefluv (52), connelly (51), abugginpug (51), bigmike1964 (51), lemin (50), loDagoererway (50), FragNut (50), pepetj (50), leeks (49), fishguy86 (49), WilyGuy (49), (49), cubman20 (49), BRabbitC (49), Stoneyscoral (48), Greg Simons (48), qtopian (48), jdebrouw (48), CATHY SCHOTT (47), kmikuska (47), pyranha (47), Kevin McG (47), Eesen (47), seancombs (47), keyman1848 (47), fanatic aquatic (46), rusty2racer (46), arzcrew (46), Cool Mart (46), ninjamini (46), john_i_w (46), greenbrain (46), gcm281p (45), beffie (45), 70rrclone (45), Altpers0na-old (45), HeitorSimoes (45), Weacroelo (45), RyanFromVegas (45), Heitor Simoes (45), Dave Anderson (44), kuny88 (44), mchud (44), amber d. (44), carlos basaloco (44), col_edinburgh (44), seminolsen (44), kiddoc (44), lionfish30 (44), stanfanny (43), kolasi (43), hd.reef (43), dewd (43), jaybro (43), serg141 (43), RSherman72 (43), Bikkini-bottom (43), makastle (43), Deadmullet (42), zobbiebeano (42), 2th doc (42), bruce75 (42), rshunter (42), steve1600cc (42), Bubba73 (42), WhoDats (42), wolfie (41), adpage (41), jbmyer (40), techdef (40), rick_lindsey (40), mpoletti (40), slowride (40), Massey (40), lippyfish (40), nhlgal (40), glowfish32 (40), Roundboy (39), El negrito (39), deanerk (39), AnnArborBuck (39), kate012076 (39), jedimpt (39), sumphead (39), Aiserock (39), oat (39), braines (39), ecdez (39), DrTechnical (39), larryndana04 (39), moneytank (38), Beccaf4 (38), danny zubot (38), dj stafke (38), marco88m (38), Mr Pepper (38), eghost (38), Danfive0 (38), SOULEMAN (38), n20notch (38), reefersx2 (37), AustinV (37), nelsonlabelle (37), Agoga (37), d.n.a2006 (37), robcropper (37), fatty2891 (37), atlantisaquari (37), myerst2 (36), ext1jdh (36), Roctopus (36), Jeremy H20 (36), medicjason (36), Unixhelp4you (36), voapedro (36), mattimf (35), chrisandannasreef (35), ericmb0120 (35), rongustafson519 (35), TerminatorTiko (35), BrandonP (35), Kcsuppressors, Drewww (34), Murdock (34), new_reefer (34), egilden (34), bjwoody15 (34), croberts14 (34), Diggerules (34), sumwhatfishy (34), Geodriller (34), jhchan02 (33), Danubi (33), lakee911 (33), joeaudi (33), tonymacaroni (33), supreme_being (33), pws (32), mdxchaos (32), Bifferwine (32), rappo (32), 4G1v3N (32), delatorre13 (32), k120 (32), robsinger (31), ezawilla (31), jennifish120 (31), Bullshitshark (31), Ninja120 (30), Phil120 (30), hfcman (30), mgonzalez1113 (30), fatrip, wayne_halifax (29), aborrero4u (29), peterfarhangi (28), Shiftster (28), beny (28), Mauger05 (28), NicaReefer, shlomzi (27), Bex206 (27), shichiri533, Obsession (25), Haimat (24), AnimalGuy (24), alan maxx (22), coralalex (20) Birthdays
Add New Event Wednesday
Larry Grenier, mfabache, Ryan, Suba Diver, sushiROX, mm949, der Riff-Konig, sbaroney, zemmo, rwrussom, PureOceanBreeze, SW1TCH, skiwez, Swizylstik, silver619, solareclisped, didjman89, Aaron112, OneGroovyChic, skimmer247, Josh Candiotti, terrinstevereef, goradl, jennyfur1005, mrsal, jora, Gary Reynolds, Melody_Alatorre, teecee, mickstang, geofrs (78), Coral Springs (77), MPH (68), MIKEOWL (68), slick4897 (67), rcemanon (65), jhajdu (64), Left C (63), dmanoff (61), mnw426 (61), sluggo1955 (60), reefdaddy11 (60), pauld@construx. (60), Steve Rischbieter (59), bigjer (59), ddeluna21 (58), Parablennius (56), jhontonny (56), wildwill10 (55), FishinMagician (54), Barnaby (53), Wreck Diver (52), brifirst (52), Mr.First (52), gmarino (52), RAMONHI (51), hermitz (51), Deacon (50), ABH&BJH (50), Tspitz21 (50), Mr. Turtle (50), thomasC (49), Aculaglibia (49), jag01 (48), kapitonio (48), Assault (48), Lewis21403 (48), Bluesky51 (47), piwanec (47), Vanbeer (47), waynech (47), rjackson1923 (46), clasley (46), Anemone7 (46), chefmarkt69 (46), LUVSDISCUS (46), jst2sweet4u69 (46), macnkai (46), simonbrown (46), schristie (45), gobin (45), brianstile (45), Darkside (45), Rene Wolf (45), Plain (45), Hot80GrandPrix (45), chevychef (45), ppet (45), robertomoresco (45), jpf71 (44), john2001 (44), Ragutis (44), RichB (43), NaCl-h2o Diver (43), Odirom (43), elfuego4 (43), Rogério Gomes (43), fletcherkane (43), tang-er-ray (42), Ken Uyeda (42), ctb42ctb (42), lx5litre (42), Mexican Hermit (41), steve the fish guy (41), stevethefishguy (41), fireman26m (41), londontown2002 (41), Wannabe_Reef (41), pescaito (41), scutatus (41), khonbandon (41), AlfonsoD (41), gabzak (41), Watsclan (41), tbf1974 (41), xi0n (41), radioreefer (40), forhabi (40), jaypezz (40), Jcoe30 (40), gremlinbug (40), lacybiker2000 (40), GRTTSOU (40), reefnerd (39), arconom (39), Mikeghia (39), Grimbil (39), Oldmansa (39), fish head76 (39), JR's Reef (38), DaEddieO (38), Barefooter (37), zad reef (37), baggedcrewcab (37), webdr (37), Jesper B (37), chachner (36), sonic (36), SaltyKitty (36), woz52 (36), jennifer_swf (36), sillyfishy (36), Zoafanatic (36), (36), johnmoers (36), bug'Z' (35), shaun007 (35), JasonKlink (35), GT Student (35), 8ball (35), 8BALL_99 (35), TAN-X (35), BMcCoy (35), shaunnj007 (35), inthedeep2 (35), Reefun (35), MaldivianReef (35), Lialla, diddy (34), pokvitis (34), Kataryna (34), Dego Red (34), renisel2 (34),, brndfrb (33), fort collins (33), joshsworld23 (33), MeadowSky (33), AcrylicTanks (33), Slpolo121 (33), phinsberger (33), seanskin (33), capture (32), joe_fro (32), porh (32), jason.beldon (32), fuzzems (31), fusion (31), jamieleigh (31), kwillingham (31), boniq150 (31), hqykoane (31), saltwaterguy85 (30), Burnertm (30), Mykel85 (30), Mazaratti (30), Lethal (30), endtime666 (30), ham helper (28), *Goddess* (28), bello_adelante (28), stryker86941 (28), fleavy87 (28), Btortorelli (28), TonyW121 (28), ReeferKimberly (28), johnrags1234 (27), SammCam15 (27), keckles (27), Inken Krause (27), reefizzhle (26), yoimb0b (25), dan14 (24), kevin21 (24), badgers034 (24), super stooge (23), TheSaltwaterGuy (22), Zoa Robber22 (22), TripleJ21 (17) Birthdays
Add New Event Thursday
Littlelobster2, xtinerator, Ron Leversee, vittoria, aquaman04, bbeck4x4, tomatocan, doronster, bogliman, maryanno, subartist, MarcelBrejcha, bugleem, mattowen, siva_dm, Catawaba, newtoreefkeepin, bruthaland, M. L. Fish, carfag, jerry a, motoxfreak, dawn916, b22, Willie212, tiababygirl2, lilcasino, rsummer22, bobbyd (68), resielaff (67), emory (66), davidw1298 (64), coastie (60), NUBEEreef (57), RickL (56), sarwiz (56), TimmyVee (56), Sandyp1 (56), misterfixit (55), pmpier (55), jcg1lv22 (55), OniktSalv (55), artirmprupe (55), tomahawk (54), ssimpsonca (54), Moonboy (53), kdmedic (53), J0nn0 (52), blunoser (52), gsoler (52), tbirdfarms (52), Not Enough Power (51), doggy_ (51), coral killer (51), Auto5man (50), venugopal iyengar (50), 1bad69z28 (50), Mr. Barlow (50), billya2449 (50), Scatomic (49), waycool (48), eafears (48), reefmutt (48), 1wireefer (48), sypeinterty (48), Phisher13 (48), Deanz (47), awilds (47), todd440 (47), LadyP (47), huskerreef (47), TODD JENNINGS (47), Rendos (46), Serge (46), Barooze (46), bigkahuna627 (46), conda (46), BNesti (45), littledontex (45), chardowner (45), GreyhoundTrish (45), fan (45), Syris (44), gear*guru (44), ricordearubbler (44), cdkoho (44), lastresort (44), freeds (44), sonshine (44), N8thanExpl0sion, Sharkus333, hotrod122 (43), janetglon (43), eeliteaquaria (43), leakdoctor (43), 665forest (43), jim crews (43), goalcreas (43), chaynes (42), lookoutbelow (42), Longbow (42), drangonette (42), Jamnman (42), FishCrazed (42), killintime (42), nostorey (42), vmasliah (41), pinkneyss (41), Reefer Phil (41), au8 (41), Symbiote (41), reeferphil (41), ayatori74 (41), Kerbchek (41), greenwing (41), Fluidfit (41), ferrarione (40), carmand (40), toddpolish (40), Vdubjunkie (40), kolorcepak (40), Chili Pepper (40), anuar (40), Darkangel (40), sydalex (40), pacogo (40), stoffe (40), imgolden (40), coraldude (39), edpool_sg (39), Rick Williams (39), aj1au (39), fishmaster#1 (39), Gallandro (39), Blindside (39), SaltH2Oaddict (39), kiultra (39), HighLife (39), mendez (38), Chris Lakies (38), QzIS300 (38), philagothos (38), WRX4ME (38), MaiNpHRaMe (38), WMC22 (38), joer0952 (37), flycut (37), outdoorbabe (37), Loganvillereef (37), Dome001 (36), chipar (36), fauke (36), samier (36), Sparkpaul (36), donflaminco (36), Nuts (35), Meika777 (35), jari poutanen (35), saltygirl4u (35), vekin (35), Taceas (35), eggburt (35), ashesnclouds (35), corey0613 (35), super_arrecife (35), pinky_caro (35), mitchkoch (35), tazzy695 (35), annekahck (35), fory (34), mcdrew (34), flintory5 (34), Vicente (34), Devildogg9745 (34), carlos_vilchis (34), deny2 (34), karro_barro (34), Devildogg5472 (34), Eduardo_Vicente (34), harrison12281 (34), fsu1dolfan (34), plugpitch (33), Imotepe (33), Janako (33), TTU_Nate (33), ZBT3091 (33), mmatiazzi (33), tb7379 (33), VENDETTA32 (33), 95 Z71 (33), BradsWife (33), ssolenic (33), farmboyreef (33), spidercrab (32), aceguy (32), cowboyswife (32), TankMan122 (32), devilfish (32), LotusElise13 (32), saltwaterman112 (32), Sukhaavirati, someguynamedG (31), TheSocialMute (31), certifyspace786 (31), longdrink (30), ferventforager (30), Baddi (30), DA2883 (30), Harsh (30), redbj (30), Olyashells (30), reefin06 (30), birdz (30), joseperezred (30), Reef_Addict (30), jeremevans, Fungus Amungus (29), widmer (29), chuckybaby1469 (29), speeedracer1 (29), potsky0122 (29), n0greenfx (28), reeferchick (28), swift sparks (28), Wes901 (28), Scoob UK (28), Drft626 (28), Jason7504 (28), bonsaireef90 (28), AL ur Pal (27), rasta_fish (27), xhunterx405 (27), betsylouwho (27), kray (26), marinedave (26), Carlos Alberto. (26), NvyroMental, scottiedoo12345 (25), XflatZ22 (25), brandon.07 (25), Aquariumist (23) Birthdays
Add New Event Friday
kkenn, dhjones, jacob2300, yachtdr22, mpdharley, halberstram, katone69, irv, Princess Zelda, AOinc, alee, tanya64, andro, Charrkel, rrrmarie, justajason, a_fender1969, EminReefmaster, 707steve, ateella, rahuman, forddna, stephen g., sean the barber, AZT3K, lifeeater46, Notnits, alain martinet (68), jdhmd (67), craziglu (64), mikencarol (64), Prince22 (63), trigger888 (62), Tau2301 (61), Moon (60), Pastormac (60), GandT (60), SueSea (60), mbrasier1 (59), paul 29biocube (59), hersham (58), AARiches (58), David Gardiner (58), bleueye (58), reefmadness (57), Poor2day (57), Jogi (57), peades23 (56), Balletomane (56), jblackwell0488 (55), Springer (54), lynnbeamon (53), smartreef (52), thereefkeeperro/di (52), Davesreefpure (52), David B. Visovatti (52), lucas01 (52), lucas02 (52), jah163 (52), lexirey (52), Turbojoe (51), chuko (51), bill carter (50), marshall1 (49), Carlos Ernesto Monto (49), xzoo (49), sheilazav (49), ThingsReef (47), Chinu (47), obed2010 (47), Tony F (47), nursefry (47), VA2NY (47), maik (47), mark728 (46), hayabusa (46), seppler (46), J_Bryan (46), aquarius69 (46), itZme (46), WGChristman (46), SLIM (45), dahlfan1 (45), mememe (45), Jetsam (45), TRIK (45), ecohoon (45), bfeit (44), SlugGo (44), Croman (44), Milkdud (44), chief47 (44), jtop (44), zooty (44), VeralteAquatics (44), Horizontal Dave (43), pooga13 (43), huggett (42), Schein (42), vladthebarge (42), WNTITAL (42), cbishop11 (42), waderboy (42), tommycooperatl (42), PHASE DC5 (42), Blacksheep13 (42), Altpers0na (41), dharmon56 (41), Killtinast (41), Trincate (41), Docmaffei (40), GMH1975 (40), lerxstgrogan (40), howajo (40), kittypunch (40), kennyfish75 (40), jessiesgrrl (40), stefaniet93 (40), crum04 (40), ElementalJ (40), ddaddy2420 (40), SindyBourne (40), jpweber (39), prochilodus (39), skewter76 (39), dulim (38), HardcoreGamer (38), acast77 (38), hoffmmd (37), nymike23 (37), gorbech (37), new2swnluvinit! (37), j_yates78 (37), Atlantus (37), gavij012379 (36), nevaska (36), AchillesFreak (36), rlollar (36), fcojmorales (36), PastorTad (36), kinad (36), Nitrate (35), delong19 (35), trlwill (35), Lando (35), Ryank225 (35), banjobri (35), PhilF (35), reefn00b128 (35), jpeggerling (35), Saljets (35), imopeta (35), chrislove01 (34), jasondoucette (34), ojonas (34), hawaiiguy (34), jap1 (34), kraze3 (34), NickP123 (34), keloina (34), david1981 (34), biocube8 (34), nangle2323 (34), jwoody62 (33), Dissolution (33), can-cun (33), KrazieOne (33), cary_mik (33), matt7782 (33), Marcelo Ribeiro (33), bluedempsey (33), carfakes (33), jake483 (33), Chazulb (33), ardenen (32), mr.Moon (32), johnb0184 (31), angusmacrae (31), Draedon (31), volpi gus (31), snowbrdrtsc (31), arkidean (31), lubregad (31), dumbfireman (31), halaar (30), intmarketonwork (30), w_cameron (30), Blue Devil (29), vinman009 (29), lurchccd (29), Reefer.1 (28), oldiprov (27), fairydragon (27), mjhadrich (26), JenniferC (24) Birthdays
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farmerjo90, rlecomte, quaterback-killer, rupp87, electrocuted, bitetest, Allen B Jenkins, FL Knifemaker, davebell24, jolona, Sandi Fellman, Kimmey!, dwarfdude, djkronik57, Mr paul, Carlos_Kuada, clownfish1124, FLKnifemaker, Alysiak00, ohyesroxy, evilspaz (95), aussiecoastie (74), aggie_67 (70), tomwarren1313 (69), giljam (68), ronsunni (67), grampablik (64), miniatus2003 (63), samar (63), larkinvar (63), jharel (62), Jorgedelacruz (59), ecmamakos (57), Ken Hahn, olivelappers (55), WishIWereAFish (54), DRDinwisc (54), craigy1012000 (54), longnosedfish (54), saltylynne (54), jaycbird (54), Idragslots (54), nickrogers (53), nick2004 (53), cap43 (53), Lipshemka (53), brian_neal62 (53), lrsi5774 (53), ClownBoy (52), Bill Mongo (52), Wade H. Nakahara (52), ramrunner (52), nemolover08 (52), bbeaucha (51), LordsOfdFish (51), gb12345 (50), mwr (50), JJster (50), snowangel48458 (49), andyjd (49), Ithreeputt2 (49), mulch (49), dave750gixer (48), Sundog (48), porscheman (48), bhoovreefcrazy (48), enkin (48), Paulprobuild (48), Stig Hansen (48), wagger123uk (48), alljap (47), Dale4004 (47), Frank Douw (47), cacagrossa (47), girlinagroove (46), titaniutmail.compete (46), sjones7246 (46), memoda (46), steph30 (45), Monkeyfish (45), magickyl (45), pkendall (45), HermitSolo (45), kkafish (45), billford (45), Beng (44), Curdis (44), donauriff (44), goodcook (44), Neptune777 (43), jwandersee (43), Birdmanbrian (43), BlueSohal (43), hfara (43), Selders (42), esolem (42), ntableman (42), mikenegue (42), tym133 (42), custom_toys (42), kcorkey (42), Schmaggin (42), antonio (41), (41), Coralmkr1 (41), ERICN (41), messiah023 (41), rflores (40), wendykroy (40), darealreef (40), tubifex (40), Mad-Dan (40), Armeygal (40), jimmy123 (40), AGNIESIA (40), talon4x4 (40), Senasivar (40), jimmy mckee (40), rosalynbyuz (40), maximusmarine, rickhennis (39), mjd (39), poormedstudent (39), drex_ej (39), thefishbowl2006 (39), skbreef (39), reefbarrosa (39), GustavoLourenco (39), selyons76 (39), murreef (38), Teddy Ballgame (38), stickbow77 (38), webspin (38), arranmoffat (38), josh.vince (38), jurnaza (37), bautin2 (37), bullfish (37), tims55gallon (37), tracey_442 (37), droppoint (37), reef-fisher (37), Lafununny (37), SoCalDiver (37), tspeck (37), fencecity1 (37), talkinazz (37), PuckHucker, tdm12017 (36), mreyes79 (36), ReefTiger (36), handsometzai (36), modemfox (36), is300racho (36), TheGreatMink (36), john0087 (36), Cirostar (36), triggerBen (35), hondasi (35), brekurboy1 (35), boojncarla (35), tripstank (35), Pakelika (35), gertman (35), Helfrichs Chic (35), SolaceAquatics (35), physarum (34), Slickgib (34), Arghhh (34), hippynerd (33), BLASTOMAN (33), me24 (33), snuggles (33), PGABroker (33), ShaneWm (33), srwells (33), Pinturicchio (33), Puffer Mama (32), chemicalwater8 (32), MeLoveReef (32), shopoholicmama (32), Hanna Inst. (32), Sneak (31), boiblusd (31), KingfishJohn (31), doxa101 (31), Omar84 (31), thebestfishcare (31), nimrodfiftyfour (30), Gitty L. (30), Corey R (30), AFxPolo (30), jjjaks (30), choog (30), seaflea (30), scooterlam (29), gayletbailey (29), Dougc87 (28), cptbjorn (28), LivinThaLyfe33 (25), MANbearPIG11 (25), crazyfishboy (24), arron.wakeli (24), kevinbullis6 (23), newbreefer12 (23), big cats (23), Kevin_Bullis, TheNate4b (21), Firefish3 (20), 99-MANNY-99 (20), GrantM, jayden segar (18), bubbles8 (16) Birthdays
January 2015
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