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« Week | Week » April 2015
Add New Event Sunday
Trigga Fish, Fritz Hoenke, Mike64, theitguy, shayter, 9mm, ak-dave, Rico Reefer, ///M3Matt, Sertain, balto777, kleng, poppopzim, lbpd, CharlieProLine, tly, PicoE, slosht, neoalchemist74, Stefan26, Applejay, areucrazy, dynes (68), saulfigueroa1 (67), topkates (65), ray3996 (64), tboneg52 (64), Chileanguy (62), SHARONTOLLIVER (62), plk (60), anglecoral (60), andy portman (58), johne (58), jrwdive (57), reason (56), dreinke (55), Sea_Serpent (55), Nnstlanfysp (55), salty old sea dog (54), dtaylor123 (54), badfish03 (54), reefbonz (54), tatyana (54), M&L Aquarium (53), billybggs (53), lilmiss40 (53), texasred (53), minisea (53), Mark Hulst (52), jdamico126 (52), mestandley (51), Triggerman1964 (51), jtb1001 (51), Jonathan43 (51), aa028848 (51), mkueffer (50), Theo (49), hondacare (49), Hogne (49), tcoreef (49), multifarmer (49), zsqure (49), UF_Sherry (49), tco17 (49), small_fry_guy (48), bobosfishstore (48), Summitpa (47), BigD (47), Tecdiverfl (47), mpderksen (47), fcheshir (46), Scuba Dog (46), rejiluz (46), eddiedundee (46), martinhal (46), patent attorney2 (45), mack007 (45), makoshark (45), Frunkster (45), jtejulian (45), stephanie s (45), leebob (44), STEELERFAN747 (44), oldbugs (44), tangtasticnz (44), Adam BONO (44), second2n0ne (43), Gorm (43), TNTREEF (43), scedugger (43), imjcmr (43), tyoberg (42), jamonda (42), acrophoria (41), hambalid (41), tat2shawn (41), icliao (41), simonokeeffe (41), planetbaz (41), Reilly13 (40), froggy4112 (40), Mario Silva (40), juscuz (40), Ricardo D (40), justin940, Beto (39), messymessmer (39), phreebsd (39), SKNNYPGGY (39), decoy_umix (38), Davo95 (38), newborn (38), CHAD HEINDEL (38), MaximusUSG (38), cecing (38), junio (38), bulletfighter (38), wastedincome (37), boozer (37), schill32 (37), robertmcd (37), chadb420 (37), Wicked1z (37), Boyz (37), Twitterbait, jonathan o'connor (36), Daftbod (36), reefgirl7 (36), blueregal412 (36), gppe717 (36), mafoo (36), chronic (36), crabbit (36), meintn (36), w4domi (36), robync (36), MGDMIRAGE (36), pluravcom (36), rgaines (35), smurf'em (35), punkfej (35), REEF'N'IT (35), starsbravo (34), bmwe30init (34), cadfishco (34), rob12 (34), robf1212 (34), meklo (33), simo2004 (33), Mitch F (33), fede866 (33), rickstar (33), Pepito (32), MCsaxmaster (32), queen_parrotfish_69 (32), Sead21c (32), jason412 (32), dzappia (32), john37 (32), wimplefish (32), customshopguy (32), freshsalty (32), loveperculas (32), DB Cooper (32), mlesnoski (32), millaemilia83 (32), flashyleopard (32), IoStrisciare (32), chloesdad (32), mhatt (32), r31d (31), BigJoJo (31), tigerstephie (31), WaterMelon (31), Hawaii06 (31), acsearches (31), arctictwist (31), mq_collectibles (31), supergertjie (31), silentshadow (30), c_hemmerich (30), bawla47 (30), eatgoodfood (30), reef_a_roni (30), wrasseman05 (30), mbalcer (30), reef-a-roni (30), montreefal (30), mbegany (30), it was stolen! (30), wyattG (30), kyro.blaze (30), Kimantha333, GTP2002 (28), illnifish (28), 91-MR2 (28), Ursus (28), LeOgAhEr (27), Goortens (27), j0hnnnyi (27), BurninReefer (27), mystery_reef (26), lahos (26), Chris W.89 (26), sierra_carib, Drumaboi69 (24), rossthefishman (24), thebigbadwolf68 (24), Raphael (23), sergio.exposito (23), dalilo (19) Birthdays
Add New Event Monday
friogatto, jonock, DashHills, rakeck, austinr30, SILKYREDSTRANDS, Gooper, jsc1362, surflvr911sc, Holma, erlinda, SabrinaJean, aew33594, jleet, wetdreams, CaliReefer12, seppoc, prugs, DeLucs414, 0HaleNo, daveteauk, HIM_Shepherd, Me Scott G (109), charleyz (66), indorica (63), Handimn52 (63), patwill (62), LetsGoDiving (62), Mimbler1 (61), jrreese (61), kaj41354 (61), honorhyland (60), vincentje (60), Bill V 8019 (59), moejoe1 (59), David Ruth (58), nyamazon (56), ronthediver (56), ukawesome7 (56), Cnat (55), tjack7a (55), reefbuffer (55), MAPA (55), Patrick boyle (55), frank08 (55), Dave Dunbar (54), w2 (53), markwils (53), DarrenDownUnder (53), mendelec (52), fishnut42 (52), verretlenogue (52), R8der1 (51), discus_98 (51), austinaqualung (51), robin rodgers, gcarlile (50), JohnJKI (50), connie13 (50), bthomas2000 (49), jimmy 1313 (48), Driveness (48), ZebraBlue (48), tonyjulz (47), tonyjulz1 (47), schneidz (47), kcoll4048 (47), abottine (47), srkr1432 (47), catdog468 (47), prdnblk (47), Taso NYC (46), Nikeninja (46), ClimbnTigger (46), bdsonnier (46), RalfP (46), FORD2HARLEY (46), TheKid-1 (46), Ray175g (46), kaiu777 (46), vito.dentice.3 (46), cassio (45), Cássio Gebara (45), BARUCH MOR (45), Snausy (45), Biohaz (45), jobowker (45), imsrizzuti (45), mjrwingnut (45), ffiggy (45), freshreef (45), EMR (45), Silverscot (44), jcheuvront (44), ReefJerk (44), clay3482 (44), tyedyed1 (44), BuddyP (44), thevinman (44), supergippo (44), nibbleabit (44), catpicklesdog (44), Jason Donohoe (44), ricfarm (44), Yoik, javier (43), carloapp (43), mtsooner (42), Romulus (42), leonardo-romero (42), KD5AXT (42), ryan & Cindy (42), tiburon05 (42), lebron333 (42), reefmaster1973 (42), Jerry_pl (42), zcrazyhorse4me (42), jbm13 (41), reef211 (41), theaquaticlife (41), pouttiltnon (41), coral_reef (40), trybry5 (40), NuKMaN (40), sher-mia (40), miz-patal29 (40), Huw (40), larajadecanela (40), 240-Reefer (40), alex_almar (40), Fraggle_a (40), windthief (40), akindbro4u (40), mwypych (39), coralmedic (39), JamisonSmith (39), estrada (39), qfour20 (38), jawizzy (38), rickchi (37), jpslickorocks (37), Jon913D (37), porkchop48 (37), marvin0413 (37), tim8111 (37), lzyreefguy (37), imtheonlylp (36), ojesus10 (36), knifemaker (36), jkbeims (36), jeffreycollins (36), vdhillon2 (36), tonina24 (36), joli (36), odin79 (36), MacnReef (35), wsdfoo (35), Mike JC (35), hotze13 (35), graham dunstan (35), Dr. Caspian (34), Robb Slocum (34), maldiveshark (34), Aqua Kulture (34), ReynoldsCorals (34), chevyman1856 (34), tapioca06100 (34), aquaph8, scruffbot (33), marceloitu (33), acd3 (33), oside erinn (33), quantim0 (32), cls (32), CACtheAmazing (32), chromey (32), justin1977justi (32), firedogg2 (32), taewonee (32), blane1983 (32), joshuaroot (31), Discus_lover (31), jqqbncmo (31), Amarige143 (31), brendondreher (31), NONPOUDGE (31), hookedondro13 (31), drunkymunky (31), killafins (30), SmackaMuta (30), angelmomma (30), UnderwaterMike (30), drclifton (30), Kellsindell (30), jmyers4318 (30), SpYdeR468 (29), rwalter (29), erniecloud (29), Fishycreations1 (29), Megan13 (28), Amphiprionclarkii (28), Amphiprionocellaris (28), riceonfriday (28), bjj_junkie (28), Fishwhisperer (27), mikedachamp (27), Battle_s (27), Battle's_reef (27), jeremybennett (26), OZreefhead (25), asid61, keithdakid (24) Birthdays
Add New Event Tuesday
ShirleyM, zerocool, beluka, Aaron Hockett, debbieraptors, orb777, jumby, CindySki, Norman. S. Hampson., PurdyFishy, Hawkfishrmyhomies, Hepdawg69, sushiboy, 72884, jmad, fishreef1, floresglass, Oceantank, fcsilver, sifter, thymegardener, perfectwrasse, jmike50, ksmmike, kenpa (74), flkidsun (69), jalanmark (67), errn007 (62), 1stprinciple (62), Canadian Dale (60), °Ç»Ç¾Æºü (60), 1DeR9_3Hy (60), mehmet dopran (59), biogeoss (59), oamonteiro (59), Webwill1 (59), 9lives (58), ben583 (58), melinky (57), fla_spearo (57), cK (56), markm (55), Gary Elmer (55), Joas (55), reefbase1 (54), John Hansen (54), tbass (53), Eric_De (53), docbon (52), rcarlson2442 (52), landfall (50), meglovesfish465 (50), jmtjoy (50), slaxman (49), northxwind (49), bobokity@yahoo. (49), Reefcube (48), 6stitch (48), ARWoody, moodsalot (47), HellisDS (47), foolio468 (47), tstys (46), Jagged1 (46), DJPom1 (46), tupton (46), jamesgang (46), EricReefer (45), junbug1970 (45), AZReeferEric (45), klaz (45), greggl (44), Boogie601 (44), hitsnorth (44), rumjumby (44), Vince Hancock (44), Kim Schremmer (44), Arati (44), WestonReefGuy (44), ariskerten (43), ipiniowa (43), dannyhuynh (43), kleake (43), hurrifan (42), madcap (42), dylanwoo (42), afterdark (42), maculosus (42), JoeWalsh (42), LFDiscus (41), KitKat (41), stihlreefer (41), offshoreguy (41), JOSEJONES (41), nitro dave (41), nitrodave (41), dog2424 (41), IlikeReefer (41), valentim (41), m'sreef (41), stanli (40), sabastintyler (40), 5y5tem 0verload (40), Longhorn (40), jkunlaw (40), maisysmom (40), Beamooplah (40), drevel8 (40), rivank (40), sharevalue (40), ArPartyMan (39), emuirishguy414 (39), DiTus (39), jlearned (39), davec1234 (39), Piotrek76 (39), JOSHUAB (38), emily (38), web104tv (38), disschord (38), sason1 (38), Topfins-MJ (38), kenchen77 (38), meagan_myers (37), kukai14 (37), clownandreeflover (37), j1b1e1 (37), phatfishies (37), Nina Fresa (37), ajanderson78 (37), sflindt (37), sarahf (37), stydex (37), frankrhobotham (37), Ilikereefs (37), Clitrulty (37), dimbar (37), drewber (36), where-is-the-fish (36), fishkrazi1 (36), sr-reefer (36), Knowledgeseeker (36), steve414 (36), Scary1 (36), Hugo Ferreira (36), bethkira2000 (36), srreefer (36), european freak (36), solow314 (36), kjreiner72 (36), S.Dolan (36), slowECUdiver (35), lilgrrlblue (35), mofishstl (35), lilmeezy (35), NerakIowa (35), douglas2002 (35), scomp21 (35), obxmom (35), 1Fish (35), AvalonReef (35), scottsc81 (34), cabrego (34), Evolve (33), fishyapol (33), bebeto (33), reefstuck (33), accidentaldog (33), dustinlclarke (33), david eastley (33), Something_F1shy (33), ibanez2k (33), rydiggs (33), rickyreefs (33), L98-Z (32), hotcereal (32), Rwojick (32), bigdawg220 (32), duzk (32), chriscummings83 (32), wgraboyes (32), atle (31), Jerema (31), Raciampa (31), zmeny14 (31), desantam (31), wheelerracing (31), mrssaltwater, thailin (30), JessicaAnders (30), 120AGAREEF (30), josh1415 (29), RazorsEdge (29), Feelin_Fishy (29), Angelag (29), mickey87 (28), Grkmafioso41487 (28), Urban_Squrill (28), Marc 1404 (28), Brandon1652, jonny woot woot (27), HALCYONanima (27), yogi88 (27), bob saget (26), downie (26), TripleFiveCrown (26), can.akay (26), new2u (25), Nickz (25), cathygoodgirl (23), skoomamonster (22), aroshia22 (19), Robdiablo Birthdays
Add New Event Wednesday
Winterstorm, RabiasJewell, absolute_zero, moggyhill, jfrommer, boozer7, cherylbrn, arion, FD3S, hcastillor, HighMarks, frenchy74, gpsmart, Borchcat, Caffienatedjedi, BeanMachine, Japs, Knepper2, fishcatdog66, vanmck, greenband91, boosted325is, ogami hirohisa (79), jansreef (78), jack knoll (72), keith65 (72), lu (60), Kevin Demers (60), doitmyself (60), 75GalNBama (60), tom phan (58), dougsavy (58), Acolin (57), rudirinaldi (57), ikan78 (57), jennmac415 (56), bfd150 (55), AndieCrommm (55), Oregon_Gorge (54), chunchma (54), pluma41 (54), toydavid (54), Gettin'Tanked (54), Jonathanca (53), Leopoldo V[llas (53), andya (52), morris36 (52), cniche (52), salt-aqua-manic (52), SteveLC (51), 68RUSTANG (51), Bryan Doi (51), newtophish, Robynsjw (50), shaned (50), protter (49), pounder (49), GatiParda (49), philipsgu (49), tonguis (49), dixienut (49), GoVols (49), jdshaw (48), dean lindberg (47), Caps (47), alphaferret (47), PentiumPC (47), volivier (47), mgross47265 (47), rambi (46), Dmitriy (46), arie winograd (46), guah.naj (46), Quincy (46), jl7854 (46), Eldo (46), marshal (46), Stasis (46), Abouna (46), Ranginute (46), ol'reefer (45), daniel_castillo (45), frankie (45), cdaniel (45), Angelito (45), thealy (45), ruji (45), klangman (45), 92Bowfront (45), Miax (45), hoopie (45), turtleman9100 (45), thewashcaps (45), cdowling (44), elptako (44), aaronk (43), baker (43), JasonMarc (43), Flavinho (43), Aquaracer (43), burningcoals (42), aliendomain (42), Helmholz (42), johntori (42), mcabeeaug20 (42), PatrickNorway (42), Ronnie73 (42), Vauche (42), PolilliozyCed (42), BacrdiMike (41), oettam (41), TheUPSguy (41), adam1169 (41), smitty74 (41), matthewnokc (41), jeffreylesser (41), rzellner (41), sapibabi (40), Pedro Vieira (40), oohtik (40), phodem (39), Midknightjoker (39), simonandjen (39), Lee Grizzell (39), TROYREEFER (39), voudous (38), cdogoo (38), persaudt (38), KlassicKrab (38), Lewyj (38), sgoris (38), calvin415 (37), Roi (37), badmamajama37 (37), ChetIsTaken (37), Joediver250 (37), wvufan788893 (37), Stafford (37), joestepdaddy (37), walloutlet (37), rayman (36), ewmartin (36), scott058 (36), joeyd83 (36), greenstang (36), Fredvs79 (36), zi1iz (36), Gibsonn (36), Danielsc (36), luxolex (36), delykimo (36), whulljr (35), The DJ (35), Chef123 (35), froggy415 (35), jjclark22 (34), ricidorz (34), mld90 (34), t1771 (34), zoanthid (34), hercules81 (34), mumbl3 (34), Jpuck3 (34), NocturnalReef (34), jhutton (34), rag415 (34), atoner15 (34), Rafael Fonseca (33), Amber Nussbaum (33), bennkrys (33), KPrincessKrys (33), stringy07 (33), RookieAtBest (33), Skintz (32), José Octavio (32), jonathan_jigga (32), mollymonticello (32), Sibatore (32), woltdawg (32), Yan Vergani (32), SnapperSlapper (32), jvalentine (32), Shia (31), Stretlegal (31), lisab5503 (31), StCraft (31), modifieddesign (31), skarkboy (31), HahsoineeTisa (31), sakuraness (30), Jay Moulton (30), gouhedmono (30), Squinchy (30), NicolaC (30), LunarFlame (29), this1fish (29), yiyi67 (29), Lotuaw (29), fred_soares (28), hoofenshnoz (28), hadiosbourne (28), JTTpolarbear (28), intermision (27), born2boost (27), teranceh (27), hickers89 (26), percewal (26), gnakk (25), newtotanks (25), gobby91 Birthdays
Add New Event Thursday
orion25, MchEdward, aquagirl360, Clownfish54, freelhh, $MirF, Kąi, redok69r, Linn G, LucyM, hchirino, Reef Junkie, kcbob, shoreboy (67), MLCorp (66), andetorp (65), Jim Rhine (63), gary04 (62), magicmommy (61), gtaunton (58), HowieB (58), rhdoug (57), tike (57), Britt Harris (57), Dwight Devore (56), jose soler (55), moehebin (53), Ricardo Martins (53), dewitt1625 (52), madreefer2 (52), mooboy (51), LRay (51), Jsec64 (51), Gsherry (51), FluonoMon (51), ChoctawChad (50), johnnstacy (50), TheInstag8tor (50), Po-vegas reefer (49), Dimbbrils (48), blaksheep67 (48), tekfreak (48), salsaneon (47), reefzero (47), woodzmo (46), tpaananen (46), RandalB (46), carco888 (46), yote (46), Used2Reef (45), phoenix001 (45), Billl L (45), howdycst (45), lonewolf_eng (45), jpm (45), bigredwalk (45), Mattingly (45), thollett (44), swburress (44), percula72 (44), Ales (44), astleychua (44), Gunnar Nystul (44), Ron C (44), Junior Nilvon (44), Mr Izidoro (44), Outlawn98 (43), ja5per (43), fjanusas (43), canadian_001 (43), matthewmc (43), coral Rx (43), joelrod72 (43), lepadilla (43), cjgalante (42), Calfire (42), nyaux (42), ladydeath (42), siocla (42), Dangerous Ace (41), Spiffyguy (41), extremekx (41), rockaria (40), sule (40), In10City (40), kekkuli (40), steel694 (40), VB_SQL_CODER (39), jasnhrpr (39), Thorleif Dahl (39), luckydog104 (39), jeffrykrian (39), dannystevens (39), lockus (38), hamburglar (38), spikella (38), Albatross (38), ivica (38), toaster77 (38), iamfishdaddy (38), SBGRAD24 (37), ninobr (37), saintt25 (37), Don Black (37), jasonb416 (37), Bennytheblenny (36), jrsatx20 (36), rsxtprogons (36), FuzzyFish (36), helenjc (35), Azunflea (35), mikecastelli (35), password (35), Lil_big_Reef (35), aqua360 (35), bret1680 (35), stubi (35), Frewl (35), lugnuts77 (35), MOTOR CITY CAT (35), Rxtreme1626 (35), Paramecium (35), wayway101 (35), posjr (34), eric281 (34), Maveric (34), Reefishy (34), mataichi (34), B. Rodgers (34), JohnnyW (34), double_s (34), EricButler (34), FadedSpy (34), Shadal (33), cwby416 (33), medicine (33), mowdsiw Bubba (33), inda14s (33), Springerii (33), nst416 (33), fcknola (33), nthnharrell (33), Haggis Catcher (33), sh8wn9 (33), housecao (32), Surfjnkie9 (32), drewfish (32), KenMarshall (32), oskar orn olaso (32), kody72 (32), scottytwits (31), techshredder (31), Gonzalo Redondo (31), DRZL-sauras (30), jdesp (30), Smellslikefish1 (30), CrystalS14 (30), amcamps26 (30), Brando (29), Natexetan (29), Ashek (29), ItsDave (28), ryan_h487 (28), reefNetWork (28), abtridge (28), stinkoman (27), ckiel_24 (27), lth1689 (26), siren (26), lth808 (26), james007wjs (26), t3chtr0nic (26), alzzzie (26), martin525 (25), lukeeee1990 (25), blackcrystal22 (24), Kevin34 (23), HippoTang101 (22), marysmith (20) Birthdays
Add New Event Friday
Bughead, Crustaceo Mutoid, Damon-S, The_Spider, DominOE, ninjafish, jjwdiver, cathera, traces1967, David0417d, Roy V., luckyarbuc, Broog, coolkev, Tom Foolery, TheHunter, papa.250, krazysvede, ZOJEWETT, SootHappens, PScoggin, Apstorm17, sir duke the 1, wethand38 (77), SOMEthinsFISHY (72), rheijboer (66), Mwoerner (64), FRIEND KBAWZZ (63), P S Kretschmer (62), richardtantc (59), barry bruton (59), Livens (59), pearlsrider (59), goldfin (58), edwardsric (58), redcray (58), Wardy (58), buddy croft (57), jfk (57), Farouk (57), DK-diver (57), Lucky1959 (56), hugh wolfenden (56), Ken125 (56), solar28 (56), waltere (55), tdykes3256 (54), frank arriaga (53), shepoutside (53), DruidsLaughter (52), meemzer (52), formstone (51), MACH5 (51), Brad Reading (51), thomasp123 (51), Talonn (50), bbragg (50), Kubotana (50), RUSTYM38 (50), TimBeR (49), DJ4BJ (48), sigrag (48), cjps67 (48), jayman (48), r6413utah (48), marlin65 (48), mrlover69 (47), V10 MOJO (47), thecaspercat (47), jstgtpaid (46), wlattery (46), julian d (46), Dunyion (46), browneyes70 (45), heatherkev (45), Mak71 (44), kylefishnerd (44), RobDeBruyn (44), NMREEFMAN (43), tim4reef (43), kenndnguyen (43), dsumm (43), bigginapk (43), Ehydo (42), mcclarsn (42), ReefDaddyRC (42), DNA2112 (42), bohunter1 (42), pho789 (42), Clint Bundy (42), FLIPNFISH (41), delaneymohr (41), beazer (41), bbalak, CaptainJack (40), Locutus (40), random_ryan (40), samlav11 (40), Klosxe (40), manuelmarmolejo (39), seanski (39), totho (39), satyo (39), AMwefkneercelaf (39), AMnoidwiveerelo (39), AMSmuronneracam (39), jshoemaker (39), Sapient (38), Kiddreef (38), Reefkidd (38), caa095 (38), ToTaLCHaoS13 (38), nugs (38), roberto77 (38), hatterasclam (38), Bionynicsycle (38), roberto7776 (38), tide_ben (37), salvidor4 (37), calibra96 (37), Reelfun20 (37), bherren (37), robgoral (37), rgoral (37), petstoremike (36), SilverDragonb16 (36), moosejac (36), Tigh (36), atwinparadox2 (36), youtzssd (36), tcoker79 (36), Violet_Dream (35), Telionis (35), jglover (35), DrPhips (35), Bogs (35), cj7eagle (35), ManchesterVan (35), tamortman (35), Ssj (35), ILLBILLsReef (35), TXSea (35), snoopydogchelle (34), Evilninjakitty (34), sntreptiles (34), Eliz (34), easterly81 (34), MattB (34), sirgeez (34), Jbagel2 (33), Volcmreefer (33), Cagraffwriter (33), ERB82 (33), weslynw (33), nick041881 (33), jimpa2003 (32), TitansFreak (32), Spudstr (32), mckaax (32), Jayhawker518 (32), JunkinaBox, squirrelmaster15 (31), GatorDrew (31), truesoundpro (31), Blazica (31), kdhoadle (30), orimar (30), SeaMishell (30), golfreak17 (30), matthew1048 (30), JeepSRT (30), dustbust_1 (30), nikeboy_2001 (29), heathernoll (29), rileyrayne (29), digiverve (29), yergerni (29), Goldfish MB (29), DrOizo (28), Bobby417919 (28), AD87 (28), DaAdams (28), ceelston (28), ima-saltyguy (27), Jeroen89 (26), Itz Irish (25), ckeene9 (25), bluielover (25), purebullet417 (24), Red Crayon (22), RAINBOWBOW (20) Birthdays
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