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« Week | Week » April 2015
Add New Event Sunday
JonDrury, yennale, lotus101, scruggssite, ushered_in, mike gill, DRP, WonderBoy, Nizmo350Z, AQUAPHREAK, cameronlane, DiscusKeeper, njjack2, njschriver, erikages, saddlejocky, brentmc, Turbovr3six, yogoshio, hellbob, evanfarinosi, Brooke96, jcorritore (70), ReefDiver (69), goochster (69), geldreamzz (64), Jansin (63), caddis (63), luisyap (63), Partsman41953 (62), aquanutz (60), aquanut55 (60), yardboy (59), greenvillecoins, sshapero (58), Bikertrash (58), ANTHONY C. NG (57), Walter Pratt (56), Manager (54), reeferbob (53), anthony tambs (53), guitarlady (53), Capriconous (53), droth335 (52), rmilne (52), nealb (52), treestump (51), ukbrad (51), pico64 (51), aquatictreasures (51), tastymoussy (51), christine ando (50), Stoney (50), christine koszu (50), serniuma (50), Skip-n-Bit (50), ahawker (49), aquamanco (49), adocia (49), Greg_Montalbano (48), mj67 (48), igge68 (47), pelkins8 (47), KenVadnais (47), cincinatto (47), nostiguy (46), ccicle (46), hageri (46), gib007 (46), wbeavers (46), ChrisBossierCity (46), torque71 (46), 0055 (46), robert0419 (46), shaykatzir (45), verfe (45), wheels453 (45), windminstrl (44), gcam (44), Taycc (44), fasteddie (44), CHLOBO (44), Ulysses_2001 (44), Shark Bruce (44), kuzak (44), limis (43), Bassaholic (43), mbaintyeaaq (43), garryclarkfl (43), PistolPete73 (42), sjouglard (42), jose (42), zens (42), Max_Power (42), Junco (42), jksites (42), jkj454 (41), goat19 (41), Iriri (41), jjohnson52000 (41), jes281 (41), pearsont74 (41), architeuthis (41), geelite (41), morrisgigantus (41), April (40), Fernando Kamia (40), flipper1324 (40), ohioanreefer (40), abdulaziz (40), JOSEPHLB (40), damopower (40), ahuntnfool (40), jdponyboy (39), frenchie777 (39), aardvark (39), cmekcm (39), Aquarium Obsessed (39), Chandy (39), jeffrey1884 (39), burenbxa (39), AquaTDV (38), arnaldo mazzei (38), classclownfish (38), tommi (38), kcravnit (38), retin78 (37), STI (37), frazmanw (37), DGee (37), sweetlips (36), larrycivic (36), Reckless Youth (36), robjiii (36), Greatreefer (35), kobes (35), redbeene420 (35), AndyCasanova (35), Swirlygig (35), Jeeper014 (35), Renton777 (35), Gabriel BRAZIL (35), CockyBrock (35), heymickey (34), rochellewelch (34), dj1999 (34), bagel (33), dillinger (33), lestah (33), fishy19 (33), Rijinals (33), zman (32), tjohnson (32), TXSeaStar (32), nerdman (32), kirk95gs (32), Dustyy (32), GirlPower (32), IamTomm (32), oddyfemme (31), MoonSwift04 (31), sloblackjetta (31), AFwefkneercelaf (31), AFSmuronneracam (31), AFnoidwiveerelo (31), AFfriflerpetaph (31), william5 (31), fishnoob (30), JasonTK (30), dannylao (30), Bowza99s (30), GVR-4579 (30), henrlee (30), sirius1117 (30), shaggsbud (30), RoyalReefer (30), jmvanness, Borisov2005 (29), ABorisov (29), APBorisov (29), pat8you (29), cayman reef guy (28), d9sccr (28), iceman0032935 (28), spajari (28), VaTechHokie (28), HokieReef (28), 365Seasons (28), Fabio R. (27), grNiger (27), Frederik (27), haze7573 (27), DefenderMack (27), arius (26), 29GReef (26), doogle (26), RobSW1 (26), itscold (24), Rush591 (24), sdpadresnumber1 (23), Geejo4 (22), Doronxl7, sparky30 (17) Birthdays
Add New Event Monday
mixalis, kevinpo, sdipiet, dprill, mpleleaf, johny, daveloda, Drewskiz, lily7, pipet, Kawaii, bjkimb74, billydee, r 3lusive, starkist, micko56, t-dizzle, celticcathain, alvin1968, 2kr6, flyyyguy, FLTmpaBay, Teknagen, tonymax, CoralReepher, teeteeplz, thatguy, jefft72, TruREEF7, sandstar (77), srogers (74), jimbo180 (73), joelstephen (72), Gluedude (71), Cassius (70), dicjohnson (67), ducaroo (66), capevet (64), sdraper (64), gpwdr (62), Jcksn999 (62), Finhorn (61), redfishblewfish (61), mgillman (57), PaulieG (56), earthyt (55), reef2003 (55), leonenkoleon (55), Kevk (54), ernie61jo (54), Connieann (54), lizadax (53), bowmajo (52), gregmeyer (52), ks3sal (52), sevgen63 (52), terbersa (52), Liam (51), baddlord777 (51), bhard (51), SALTWATERSIG (51), RalfE (50), griffins (50), Joe Carey (50), jeffo65 (50), ericlui (50), griffbuff2002 (50), darrenfa (49), TvR (49), lawingdl (49), Devan (49), kdugas (49), switek (48), tanku (48), rtovar (48), neptunesgarden (48), EGD (48), bigdavetab (48), Tikkagirl (47), dood68 (47), bigbad4cyl (47), kevintung (47), bigbluebubbles (47), leakybrain (47), Daoust (46), hareball_pfish (46), silverflash (46), tvanwinklehome (46), sympso (46), Carlos_Torano (46), sharkyron (46), Sympsodon1 (46), mbamartinez (45), brifox (45), Gandolf (45), lcs (45), Blue Legged Hermit (45), Bryan Thompson (45), buzz911 (45), mycherie000 (45), Mikez9 (45), Roo (44), scores (44), jcocchia (44), hagal (44), arc2417 (44), Joedaddy (44), brainz (44), wpitrof (44), Joedaddy & Syd (44), str8fan3 (43), K3P3K3P3 (43), txfireman491 (43), vladiator (43), txfireman2001 (43), dirtybarnacle (43), schoen, perculaclownguy (42), andrestay (42), shawk (42), w30olds (42), Eliasz (42), TNCoralreefer (42), geoshigi (42), Broormamawn (42), treecowboy42 (42), Yaesu747 (42), deepakbyu (41), petertje74 (41), brianj195 (41), qlawrence (41), ed4 (41), schrader mo (40), bayondai (40), Fulcrum (40), brettcollectibles (40), epbage (40), Danne (40), schrader (40), creditgirl (40), domain311 (39), deadman (39), sparticus (39), BHF (39), MyCatsDrool (39), MegaYacht (39), singtensouth (39), Deeolpoas (39), wolfpacktuff (39), AMOAndrea (39), Arcangel (38), Sonicman21 (38), Nick_P (38), ministry (38), Zaxxon23 (38), MrsMarlan (38), earshot (38), commsecure (38), catphish (38), tmcasper (38), four20reefer (37), SerenitySystems (37), jbritt (37), justareefer (37), bjbj (37), EinarKM (37), Reefa420 (37), ammari33 (37), Drako (36), BignevadaBoB (36), Goodwood (36), inkme (36), rockymtnboarder (36), classic51 (36), Sconnor (36), cutestreefer (35), Cougar99 (35), cpinkley (35), rareclownfish (35), CPINKLEY21 (35), Rustylugnuts (35), lhlopes (35), JAHGYDI (35), EFIRD (35), stlgoalie (35), derfalos (35), NemoLuvr (35), compspot (34), e215b (34), jimmyjayz (34), sassysara7480 (34), ja209 (34), faustsshadow (34), mrbclark81 (34), jcurt81 (34), wantacookie (34), jcurt99 (34), 0m3n (34), taragalindo (34), ZellieB (34), M0oN (33), Squinol (33), wdmont (33), Bubbles01 (33), sindee (33), Dertyhaurarve (33), Nicla (33), saunixcomp (32), Henrique Gomes (32), LOVEMYGSXR (32), waldoadam (32), nanomang (32), beBibbowbuppons (32), zonky (32), reeflover7826 (32), xeddyboi420x (32), bmevans420 (32), fishkeeper (31), jusgage (31), Jarrok (31), alexwbush (31), toxicape (31), UngorEatStefan (31), dcleland (31), nickmg (30), unplugged_55 (30), da1jewfish (30), aww_419 (30), The Hurricane (30), usnfbcwm (29), jamielee2406 (29), iHustleapps (29), uf7405 (28), snowlancer2720 (28), VTO b6 (28), RicoCA (28), joey182 (27), Joey88again (27), Screename_116 (27), screename116 (27), MaxPower1889 (26), caferacermike (25), ssaltydog (25), Shanerman33 (25), Cortez420, jack1492 (23), cape surf rules (23), Daniel74120 (22), Budde (21), kylemeilleur55 (20), gatorboy306 Birthdays
Add New Event Tuesday
Itchy Trigger, rgrisoli, scott harenberg, greg vigneux, Ted Murphy, Ralph s, 567a, MLWCOMP, Poseidon9697, saturnreef, Bugboy9000, annamarie421, namdrib2, Luuix, snake plissken, Doomerville, svitoizzy, CCMASNORY, Lyle Weston (69), pt109 (65), Harry Saunders (65), uuuj (65), cjorgene (65), RWJones (64), taxi (64), etrsi_645 (64), typhoon (61), Reefer Rocks (61), Vicky Hartman (61), typhoon100 (61), wkndwaryrs (61), jrgeng (59), don L. (58), marto (58), c01058 (58), pnosko (57), WhiteRibbon (55), jjulio (55), Pluto (54), anndonnie (54), Koi Hoe (53), egodyla (53), KCLINE59 (52), Clownfish63 (52), Clownfish1963 (52), aliksizmetro (52), Boston Gunner (52), rubytm (51), Xmodius (50), cruck (50), gochinj (49), dbuck1 (49), gruzjvikmat (49), arteaction (49), THINMAN44880 (48), chalko (48), Masklinni (48), fishcire (48), Ross.C (48), npaden (47), SnowDog (47), bpd964 (47), miro (47), Pypeeduple (47), wilden (47), seprock (47), pgonzo746 (47), mjones007 (47), daneel (46), twalker54 (46), dewight24 (46), Imzadi (46), ogive45 (46), frankiea30 (46), flanny (46), Steve1020 (45), tulip89 (45), josse (45), a1 (45), Thos2go (45), hippishake (45), steve70 (45), Dunc@n (44), d.aar (44), lparnell (44), Hank Scorpio (44), Blue_FuManChu (44), IanCale (43), henryd (43), Lehme (43), MickO (42), alan davis (42), biker977 (42), theoceandoor (42), Mephisto UK (42), crzypatsfan (42), paullee1000 (41), APFish (41), skipsbroan (41), hogwaller (41), zik74 (41), dermiber (41), pivaolas (41), fuzed (40), karele (40), Guppies (40), pimmpinn (40), kba (40), Fastcat (40), mindsgoneawol (40), S.A.McReef (40), intarsiabox (40), envoy1975 (40), Zanders (40), malamit (39), eautechre (39), Beerme (39), ARH (39), Martyn_UK (39), lee_unthank (39), UNSUCHKAK (39), Reefsafeuk (39), suncoral27 (39), joninct06340 (38), MIDNIGHTREEFER (38), cbanchs (38), BrettPresley (38), spiderman2000 (38), ss8306 (38), vikaspell (38), Foxfaxe78 (37), estan (37), enzosousmarine (37), clloevver (37), bluedevil78 (37), kctool2002 (37), jest (36), tesmo (36), donny222 (36), Simonmtl (36), Crizzard (36), Saith (36), chipmunk79 (36), sylviabrown (36), Durwood (35), bobo (35), stevedola (35), chienwei1980 (35), Mathajas (35), Steven1 (34), MrFaceless (34), BabeeGyrlx81 (34), NemoNme (34), Thane (34), tstjl41 (34), Foredababy2 (34), locobrit (34), cbourque (34), msureefer (33), reefy em (33), tutdog (33), SCRELLO (33), J7ryan (33), Karpen (33), lablueice (32), i8beef (32), murphys007 (32), OleStiffy (32), Mattewell (32), Kolbenschlag (31), Claytonnorthey (31), Deftones2015 (31), dasakaman (31), eaglescoutme (31), tycoakley (31), brainwashed (30), what'scoral (30), N8WI (29), rhea021 (29), Qomhogns (29), artisera (29), neoghost9i6 (28), codenamerodney (28), kandee (28), Heartswayss (27), bottlecapp09 (26), esprit09 (26), Acan Addict (26), Viaje (25), imand (24), petter0, LPSlover (23), avilamillar (23), adamizy21 (21), AJReefer, Bruce Duncan, sincere96 (19) Birthdays
Add New Event Wednesday
EricaS, Pineapple House, bensonwu, isaac269, beermonkey, estee', JSBern, Uplift, Coyle, Mabus, NeilsReef, donzi, dbphill, billybear22, Roadplug, KUDA, NEK-ap24, Sunny7L, ReefGirlSara, ShellsSD, franco_oo, tyson33, Trops, Dandelyn, Samcorp, manzer74, a4koi, AwkwardParrot, Reef Channel HK, fratchj (76), ceojp (73), ferenc01 (68), bluelin (64), yelotang (63), ROSIE (61), rosie422 (61), jcaqua (60), phoebe69 (59), pat64 (59), stonedog98 (58), Lisa_SA (58), nnewton (56), marlinchaser (55), ghorse (55), frank mascaro (55), h2oman (55), sesave (54), sebastian corbo (53), fazgood (53), mike+sheri (53), MaDd HaTteR (51), pompey (50), Dan1 (50), dr.darkness (50), cccube (50), BigFloppy (50), sean buehrle (49), Dave Cushing (49), TREXRC (49), bouncerman (49), jerry iske (49), dlferry (49), seanb1 (49), supercoop66 (49), The Reef Down Under (48), eric dijkstra (48), twee (48), sdbushnell (48), Leticia (48), DgenR8, nikolay (47), lmiles (47), freerider1 (47), KAPFishous (46), Dangerdoll (46), LindaFaye (46), flrman (46), rwlfilkins (46), salt-lik (46), sdjiricek (46), LPino (46), Lisa_s (45), jester393 (45), Roadkill (45), Sindjin (45), Richard Hendry (45), karebearparent (45), stathis (45), versach000 (45), dtiedke (44), reefdwellr (44), dvoo495 (44), biofresh (44), jcard71 (44), back_online (44), Adaminhawaii (43), Mass (43), suwanto_73 (42), eddie holland (42), vianna (42), wubvik (42), Dory (41), ErikV (41), aroseta (41), yesacarch (41), sobsts (41), chinoxl3 (40), Elias Iliopoulos (40), Janne A (40), Lalomosh (40), tauren30 (40), cgray88 (39), cnelson (39), tyed (39), Tim the Stick (39), mccarty30 (39), chewie (38), Reefer1 (38), mandarindragonets (38), stormx (38), arbo (38), Reefscaper (38), jtrotter77 (38), soulmanager (38), IndyKTM (38), reefingaddict (38), tahiti422 (38), reefingaddict77 (38), meco (38), jazasam (37), scottie (37), Th1000 (37), brayden (37), dzeadow (37), nnieman (37), csiro (37), pabloky1 (36), huyzel (36), lee tyson (36), pabloky79 (36), justin42279 (36), Jared020 (36), dirtyone (36), rlf_racing (36), justus (35), mscanlon1187 (35), charliebrowniee (35), WhiskeyReefer (35), kwizatz-haderah (35), nature boy (35), Ferevh (34), speedsport (34), Estey (34), romeo22 (34), jbarton422 (34), watermark (34), dkanka, mike90 (33), tee180 (33), budbreak96 (33), Mr. Tenticles (32), Gary_Lee (32), kennyimeeki (32), Millerpora (32), stuner777 (32), p0wershifter (32), lamendez (32), Fenix (32), toxqc (32), thisiscmd (32), aastretch64 (32), billysanborn (32), jasoncampbell83 (32), saltytwister (32), the_grim_reefer (31), ReefCore (31), onmyway (31), wu-tan (31), thinmyster (31), Buzzin (31), chris2222000 (30), egpres (30), Canser (30), SNCBOOM (30), clw2203 (30), raffaele85 (30), jorge macias (30), fire_314 (30), ghjlx05 (29), tyciol (29), sederisa (29), gabmaciel (29), Matt86, Salvadorii (28), psweany (28), Small_reef422 (28), jwb2608 (28), Miyagi570 (28), KING_nothin34 (27), SstraikerZ (27), lilfishgirl (27), Reef Keeper209 (27), AzNoWnZ (27), jgtheman84 (26), thmoney121 (26), koepski422 (26), Kingx (25), L3IGH (25), Miss_Marlboro (25), august213 (25), Justin L (24), Friends75helper (24), soyadrink (23), Belinda_ (20) Birthdays
Add New Event Thursday
t.trezona, hagarner, Fish&Frogs, RFaustino, amaica, jonewald, a7oneal, amoreira, jeteye, JJsReef, berkshire, Mperfume, GFreeth, Maxisoft, italianexotix13, Seamor (86), ChrisMohrSr (86), MaryEv (74), scoobyupnorth (68), rogert (67), arrecifecoral (65), rockey329 (64), Leosdad (63), charlir1954 (62), maxwellbear2001 (61), firelieut (61), ravin01 (61), mikenrobn (60), rgrobe, mjnoto (59), excalibur56 (59), roseman (56), George Tumulak (56), fullington99 (55), gplante (55), luvfishlikepeople (55), bobharley (55), TristonV, reefdds (53), midorcas (52), TjG282 (52), Joel Jr (52), cwjones (52), Islefan (51), acrenqtl (50), scottknight (49), aria (49), fastsurgeon (49), rtwodtwo99 (48), tsalton (48), RAYMOND KOH (47), nanoreefer2k2 (47), snakeiz (47), lambypie (47), reefpix (47), Nanoreefer2k3 (47), Greetch (47), reefin' rookie (47), chipmunk (46), suprastar94 (46), twomccormicks (46), FishRx (45), mdemarsh (45), hithere586 (45), Ronnie0423 (45), Phishmike (45), rockwyld (45), jeffyeramian (45), Rabid Moth (45), 5mau (45), audi4kquattro (45), Scrumf (44), JensD (44), Robert Lassiter (44), fran71 (44), cynder (44), JasonF (43), may36 (43), appledior (42), Out2thow (41), shokolaad (41), kbman (41), nemo007 (41), airinhere (41), scareface (41), The Perfect Pet (40), Kayadad (40), BeltwayBandit (40), LeeWord (40), Bulletsworld (40), 10" Red Devil (40), noodleking (40), Yak-52 (40), Tripp (40), CloudIX (40), rolcast423 (40), lanpomin (40), eddiem (39), Miniguy (39), carl2304 (39), steph1211 (39), Eron (39), shaunnyg (39), floonobed (39), kevoo901 (39), guyduquette (39), billlandis (39), jason2459, esben (38), buddy-dk (38), pjrib (38), muhnandr (38), dockpig (38), NitroReefLover (37), RicardoBC (37), ty423 (37), owraight (37), rpaull (37), artguzman (37), terruss reed (37), Dickie (36), jason23 (36), Blntz (36), underwaterjake (36), rocky709 (36), longiotti (36), mocerich (35), Livska (35), briboy (35), SHUSHU (35), evamm23 (35), lillymattliz (35), wa coral (35), aquariman (34), crocodilehntrr24 (34), amairman (34), watson_barrett (34), HONDAEATINGTSI (34), plost33 (34), Mustangdan23 (34), wellington mart (34), joechiefsparky (34), Jack Napier (33), I_Like_Fishies (33), delusions (33), jack0445664 (33), bradbury (33), Aaron143 (33), ThreepwoodMD (33), billweimer (33), Limerboy (33), GinKu (32), JM68 (32), bmink328i (32), GuidoStyle (32), cboimc (31), wacostang (31), hutch1814 (31), surfanimal (31), Duder_mcguy (31), lodoss (31), Mister_Palmer (31), Liz a Beth (30), chachman10 (30), UpSideDown66 (30), duds (30), Ansphire (30), glubbock (30), moshman10 (30), craigs, sparco562 (29), jleereefs (29), Lord Gaz (29), mcassidy2004 (29), o'coralteen (28), PapaSmurf (28), kcdan87 (28), milkloud (28), chbarber (28), cabbage0709 (27), dubdlee (27), brosh (27), TFM (26), spiralevolution (25), koishi_16 (25), ReefzLover (25), KentCurtis (25), mcgvck_skipper (25), DiverCrumb (24), Jkingsley3923, Jesse B (23), DPalm3 (23), Jake42393 (22) Birthdays
Add New Event Friday
worby, Dave Coryell, iammommy1st, suggokie, dleko, mike weddick, gini, newfielover, squigg77, sea_dawg16, five.five-six, TCHEZZ, lil' tanker, hp3, epstein, kristan, screamn79, IMessWitYerHead, sharkman1231, goavs21, ST1Doppelganger, Brifli (77), Tidepuddle (70), aqualinks (64), TeacherMom (64), dvangorp (62), jürgen Schnoor (61), bayoupr (61), rpilla001 (61), weeb (59), bouraganes (58), mh-47god (56), Kiteman (56), Neil Willis (55), victor escobar (54), crustycrab (54), meisel1 (53), The Dan (53), scoopsfolks (52), vinny2261 (52), wayne44 (52), innomen/dennis` (51), wcharon (51), jksato (50), roofit69 (48), mega67 (48), RedDmon (48), aaronc68 (47), Mark Hendricks (47), Lauren's Daddy (47), rhyno (47), deerveporgo (47), thebassterd (47), markah (47), keithcrkelley (47), asmodeus (46), Bride of Mushrm Boy (46), badbtk (46), schlegel 3 (46), Anthonylawson (46), tigershark4 (46), teh215 (46), rlxwcapt (46), pcourtay (46), KarenHorn (45), bsw42470 (45), gixster (45), todd03blown (45), Marlboro Red (45), jnllargo (45), murphy 1 (44), cuncator (44), rod24 (44), ewa2457 (44), KCachia (43), Kuksinhyd (43), Aldente (43), reefnutCM (43), fokaya (42), fefmed (42), Dave Parker (42), Leafsfan (42), coyoteakitas (42), cookster (42), bioload (42), cookstar (42), ibyhousz, volk23 (41), jklaugh (41), jasmerlick (41), qbndiver (41), bradburycf (40), sparkzippo (40), jal4287 (40), Cichlidius (40), aquamom (40), ksanfranfan (40), Clown34 (40), Nadwodny (40), TroyDulinsky (40), Andy572 (39), jmor (39), rcworldbook (39), JoeT (39), pierce_lee26 (39), incarlo (39), jprops (39), 145FO (39), aquaholic33 (38), BettyM (38), narac1 (38), chernandez (38), Manio (37), darb (37), EDRIEG78 (37), kramer51 (37), bic469focus (37), Flavio_FARC (37), emerald78 (37), unagseisa (37), tim4j (36), TexasScienceTeacher (36), fish4life (36), kingypaul (36), rhinonm (36), crazieveggie (36), coraline97 (36), Lear (36), reefgirl24 (36), bgoering (35), kcjefff (35), Dieselraver (35), limestro (35), NYC ReeFeRZ (35), DragonNIN (35), rustybucket145 (35), jimcoman (35), aggieMEDIC (35), CasDav26 (35), m33flah24 (35), Sergey_Tarasov (35), KCFRONZFan (35), solarnailspa (35), C42480 (35), drtimchips (35), palmernck (34), GreenBabe5 (34), panda1010 (34), pinkphishe (34), fouff (34), woody001 (34), inlikeflinn (33), nerisa (33), JeppeJ (33), brian4424 (32), pentaxx (32), salt210 (32), jdspacker4 (31), f0am (31), blablond (31), jase128 (31), NAReef (31), morever27 (31), aprilmayjune (30), FISHBREEDER (30), AaronA (30), laurenhope (30), JRHazer (29), tybenner (29), Joecoral86 (29), PeejFish (28), IrinaSH (28), Reefer4200 (28), OceanWater (28), origenal (28), Tony44, ryan l (27), ruko1988 (27), DG24MAC (27), IronHead (26), bbkid4 (25), buttons buster (25), ChickenCannoneer (24), fishstick41 (24), benniman234 Birthdays
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