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« Week | Week » May 2015
Add New Event Sunday
Ananda, longahan, flrn, jurikfishing, jimsflies, sleonard44, ReefLvr, bambam5092, terricorn, erci, pyrotechnica, XmanII, reefaddiction, TritonX, C^A^Payne, Fishboy9227, sea-n-sun, n3rull, bwhit1406, gueda (64), Scott_E_Morgan (64), kennk (63), maidsmerry (62), Sandy1954 (61), plano tx newbie (61), jeannie5355 (60), colaman55 (60), colaman555 (60), Waldo88 (59), raygia (58), kentuckygent (56), braid11 (56), MrGroove, fuhvov (55), mjfpc (54), empirestateexp (54), serfyg (54), drhea (54), lori344 (53), kijak (53), mrbuildit (53), mntbighker (53), kpercoco (53), the budman (53), rmorriso (52), Boorish Idol (52), viariasia (52), pthomas (52), jinjo64 (51), bradfld007 (51), MasterAdkins (51), Dave Cox (50), Tom&Ben (50), kedd (49), Izzue (49), Telestar (49), Gills4brains (49), master6789338 (49), BRUNON (49), vidi (49), acmech (48), givitup (48), tmplafcan (48), HackerNourbous (48), caviar (48), kevin8629 (47), jann josh (47), ken555 (46), junior andrade (46), DarwinTheDog (45), mbundy (45), frankberr (45), Radcast2 (45), RYAN 69 (45), ReefGuy07 (45), Harold5370 (45), ROBZ (44), justintomarine (44), madman712003 (44), Maciek (44), nmckin1028 (44), hlama (44), Opus_x (44), MyT-Mouse (44), SeaMat (44), daz103 (44), cartooningolik (44), reeffreak07 (44), Privatereef (44), Ralph T (44), Stromatopod (43), scot evans (43), Thourne (43), Arilto (43), PeterSouth (43), bdirtdiver (43), Latimeria (42), bmkindig (42), bkilburn (42), Tahoeman (42), jbtstyle (42), ORMA (42), mercu (42), leon tyler (42), mrelect (42), kessevasymn (42), rob1704 (41), xcom (41), truespirit (41), tang_man_montreal_temp (41), tang_man_montreal (41), ArmyMedic (41), Consultant (41), caponte74 (41), cse404reef (41), caneroute15 (41), nuch (41), Ericd000, INTENSITY77 (40), Fastlane1 (40), weimers75 (40), clcampion (40), ShowMe (40), SanDiegoSPS (40), barney76 (39), sugarray0947 (39), edelweiss (39), KSReefer (39), thomas576 (39), Harry Serrano (39), Harry 123 (39), pereploner (39), mnificent (39), wepoiyub (39), bordin4life (39), Styk33 (38), ravetildon (38), paja 55gl (38), PooDollar (38), L.W. (38), pmac90 (38), heckel90 (38), Ambusbals (38), EvilReef (38), mickym0u53 (37), aburtrum (37), Thunderlips (37), jmackie (37), buddie (37), Kabbie (37), msr316 (37), Vikenbills (37), nvillacci (36), (36), sacrifice333 (36), Physh1 (36), mike060603 (36), lanquin (36), Crystal marine (36), Malice229 (36), Thomas Rosa (36), kipher (36), thiouze (36), samy_b1 (36), rhino509 (36), DMcC (36), dennpett (36), deepseabc (36), Duck832 (36), perthreefer (35), jbailey987123 (35), vikingdaddy1 (35), jason m fenos (35), tmckinley (35), djbrandriff (35), prs_2000 (34), NoRiCk (34), burton14e7 (34), PJCardinal (34), SinCityReefer (33), anthias_949 (33), JonesersRX7 (33), fins_of_a_butterfly (33), slipknot23 (33), khurshid Alam (33), DrBatty (33), port_zero (33), aQuan00b82 (33), iamaman (33), wildfire_horse7 (32), whatcaneyedo (32), cntrycuttie2 (32), corvettecris (32), mrnoppers (32), MGXsport (31), Dankinstien (31), BrainStorm (31), JohnsLeopards (31), Johnn20 (31), godwin (31), joefish84 (31), macio23 (31), Phil00032 (31), hawaiiCreation (31), notto2006 (31), burton2090 (30), sb305soulja (30), AlexStuart (30), Eb0la11 (30), jwoo (30), rafatec2012 (30), matt880305 (29), abalinka (29), wingsoffire (28), KErickson978 (28), zipp087 (28), VeriiklolsaD (27), Pink_Gills (27), spenperr (26), Whatsfish (26), fcm90 (25), MV_ReEfLoVer (24), HomeSlizzice, robot_light1@ho (21), Billygoat286 (20) Birthdays
Add New Event Monday
toni rivera, TJS, BoulderReefKeeper, twokayaks, MykeyJ, Cyberbug, JD CLAMPIT, jimbo78, jaredhc, venicemom, KarenLM, Devil Bunny, solo607, 1Lifeinc, NaClH20 reef, PeterParker, Gabernator, gatoreefer, WillLevantovsky, Namor_Mckinzie, vegasreefin, dentri2 (73), RonnieReefer (72), Litekeeper (71), steinrs (69), tbmoore (66), doettin (64), hurtback (62), hnnewsman (62), rwilson53 (62), edjen (61), jsuperst (61), FISH (60), [\[\ark (60), POMPANO (60), claro1998 (60), maryjleinon (59), mikerando (59), Kevin Hibbins (59), Marcelo Miksche (58), brighteye (57), lennie4122 (56), bsbarton (56), wingsfan (55), mhotrod (54), ercsmith (53), frostyman (52), salim.raghavan (52), motorhead (52), ABjoypopmesyday (52), krummy (51), Bigfish747 (50), tropicman (50), scott Rhodes (48), krihal (48), Neoz (48), hillblazer (48), dsappleman (47), bighead369 (47), potterjg (46), chiron (46), squirly_girl, MadCarlotta (45), meterman (45), mdavisslo (45), patsfan1130 (45), SweetReef (45), VegasSean (45), Keithohlin (45), cupcake (45), mookdawg (44), Dav (44), Hoggn (44), blreed21496 (44), rificatst (44), tonyktomyk (44), txfatcat (44), Bjoern, holeinone1972 (43), chufa (43), rvignerot (43), tyler mays (43), ryager6 (43), reeflifetropics (43), tmays (43), leibnyz (43), jhonnyphan (43), Bigfoot_reef (43), tadman4 (42), (42), chuck30 (42), 110 oceanic (42), Hans D (42), FabioCdeAlmeida (42), Copperband_ZA (42), tanger5473 (42), ironhanger1, rumbles (41), Riser (41), danleighton (41), wetzel069 (41), Mattik (41), kidphc (41), 60Cubed (41), zztherajzz (41), MaryRambess (41), cesartorr74 (41), Silvergun, goldpony75 (40), newnewng (40), blaze98 (40), masonroad (39), luketrot (39), Linken (39), trent5501 (39), steve76s (39), cherishdareef76 (39), acck (38), edgti (38), Kaiden (38), Kierkier (38), stirlitz (38), sohalaki (38), cheredni (38), eavetter (37), sac78791 (37), Led_pony (37), Zombies026 (37), feather145 (37), saltcreep12065 (37), AreJay030 (37), jgryz (37), aberg12012 (36), 7up (36), Dionysus444 (36), astro8_au (36), DRECA (36), Stingfish (36), Lsauce (36), mariecorre (35), MrISh Idol (35), rawskyje (35), bigugly (35), muralla (35), ta2rtst (35), shinysoo54 (34), RxBandit (34), volcom69 (34), lionspride (34), Cbrewer (34), CM2 (34), wilalfmo (34), minnyreefer, pink snapper (33), riverrat311 (33), chadman (33), kaihonu82 (33), Dodes (33), Justin Orrick (33), blondee010 (33), dandroid (33), shawn420 (33), PurePower (32), Mureto (32), kulbida (32), fluke4 (32), dwdowney (32), fscottdahlgren (32), scd83 (32), yazzata (32), stevennay (32), dullboy (31), kittyhazelton (31), antimatter (31), umluis (31), asonitez (31), kbbclassof03 (30), trev (29), Cyphr (29), oceanprincess (29), Abide (29), runningrandy04 (29), chad rowe (28), D to the P (28), lovetoreefing (28), Kogut (27), Phonopolis (27), Dan0504 (26), IE Aquarium (26), boltp777 (26), NtaFreshynemor (25), ianizaguirre (23), chris35moto Birthdays
Add New Event Tuesday
edwadd, Lee Fiema, RPimenta, THEBMAN, Frogr, fishman73, Kevin7445, coloreef55, FishGeeek, cm4cm, Kelly55, jtreath, firemanxemt, TTU_Reefer, kmcfar, bobbo5, weedage66, avalon963, KArnold, jjz_13, outlaw60, bill07080, jasjenne, mrbigshot, opez, reefinghabit, bhelne01, 4bluelightning, Rpratt, omkm, jagan, WoolworthGoldfish (96), drguy0 (81), pj & jj (79), reefman38 (77), cookiemonster5240@co (75), galanc (75), zruevas (72), king bubba (69), rnngbare54 (68), snapper (66), jqtran (64), sigunnia (64), Bruce M Engblom (64), pdovie (64), darellmatt (64), donnied (64), dbegley, rmcsloy (63), tmin (62), heinz.m (60), jabbar (59), hector castillo (58), fitzyu (57), sohoal tang (57), sohal tang 1 (57), NH_Reef (55), jjelement (55), shanks60 (55), BangundaDut (55), Julian Johnson (54), Infalable (54), lyndalee (54), eric_delpire (54), TYRYFIN (53), web_design (53), Richard Adams (53), cthomas (53), pkalupa (53), new_mantaray (53), llaferte (53), yavarivahid (52), mcboat98 (52), <DRS>Martin (52), kmadhu30 (51), MATTT (50), PK (50), wrkinreef (50), jimgarrison (50), Wazzifam (50), Kowkilla (49), BLH Reef (49), tdfields (49), NC Reefer (49), jimfitz66 (49), Adam00 (49), kurt davies (49), jbhall (49), Bruceha11 (49), dan diz (49), mmbuna (49), UnderGroundReef (49), Grand Delusion (49), Jimfitz0566 (49), Freakyshrimp (49), shaken (48), kevster (48), kendo (48), fastturtle (48), cubanvet (48), ffmd21 (48), Fishmon69 (48), jgarey (47), purplebee (46), rjagla (45), petlau (45), jp1buckeyefan (45), acuafan (45), Bosphorus (45), stef reyntjens (45), Flexx (45), Les Peterson (45), Halogen (45), acuafan2 (45), DJ luNAtech (45), seanemery45 (45), AigarS (45), Reeefer (44), mac22 (44), mac7422 (44), Jakub Janota - Bzows (43), Kuba (43), CBR900RRR (43), Jakub Janota-Bzowski (43), MYSTICIRISH (43), YelllaRose (43), veronique (43), mayham72 (43), Tuffalgae (43), kevqtmn (42), tamjaichan (42), NRS (42), gnosticvisions (42), bluesea7 (42), ANZ (41), jaysgrafx (41), usemore (41), bger (41), blueallie (41), ebman74 (41), tiger_858 (41), Goku (40), butaford (40), mathisbr (40), cajunups (40), hlp (40), lukasnca (40), Fuzzball (40), new2hobby (40), rick411 (40), tommiegary (40), nichoarce (40), SC Native (40), team-tetley (40), Piedmont Corals (40), reefaholics (40), darky00 (39), TimmyG76 (39), shiggerfragger (39), thedeacon (39), daninab (39), mpfinnigan (39), rylin (38), mtglore (38), goose (38), tward (38), dreaminmel (38), Triton97 (38), brockerc (37), marcloud (37), ZiggyBuster, Myke5 (36), sr71pav (36), dylantyler (36), kurbs (36), cartman5579 (36), Matthew Ditzel (36), Fish n' Frags (36), Bonsaii (36), hisaac (35), Stella (35), Desouza704 (35), Jhau (35), hanbury (35), Dsandra005 (35), damselsindistress (34), pledosophy (34), wahoowillie (34), flashatizer (34), mjb581 (34), jakester (34), Trixsta (34), dixiered_21 (33), seacreatures11335 (33), civicunrest (33), chupacabrachus (33), Graceless (33), simoncarter (33), Scooba, junglejim83 (32), ryansgt (32), buggzero (32), racermike27 (32), jmart (32), OdiumPhobia (32), ray007 (32), brewski4u1 (32), jmart55 (32), livingart (32), ethibode (32), Charles Ward (31), jfben4 (31), HUBAKOO (31), seascapestropic (31), SYS7EMATIC (31), kev24k (31), spenrovichhhh (31), strayebr (31), Chony, ADedins05, cbr (30), MikeyG (30), lilitaly (30), Jonnyd87 (30), Down_Shift (30), agibby5 (30), Dont Ask Me (30), thestrminmormon (29), thantapsn (29), marine_ich (29), BRog (29), ex3004me (29), normandbarrett (29), brian.julia07 (29), nichthyes (29), Will (28), aquaria_marine (28), weazell (28), 14128 (28), wdubosecsvt (28), gizmo2451 (28), jkeating2005 (28), TES203NAM (28), PCYC (28), jpotreefer (28), Trigger Freak (27), STAF0S (27), yowordog (26), johnwillson, SailfishX (24), Gray Van (23), Beautiful_chaos, kidreef562 (21), Connor5596 (19) Birthdays
Add New Event Wednesday
cemde4, mmclain, reeefermadness, Casanokid, mmarvelous, gholtmeyer, iguy, cwemde, KapoKidd, Reef05, Goblue81, cmainc, BWT, onorio56, Minniemoo, rcfigment, shaggy5687, bottled-ocean, smeac72, able_mensch (79), rfefroch (72), ukgallons (67), gprovo (67), stripe (67), mudhauler (64), tommarchant (64), velidhu (62), lagoonfish (61), TMCRN (60), rdercole (60), kaletts (60), shibui (59), ARay2, lugi (58), Dave Speltz (57), 0708 (56), wls4303 (55), Carlos Sanchez (54), steverochford (54), fhoenix (53), markhilken (53), wilthompson (52), Tomoassorne (52), Rays98 (51), Kathryn6 (51), madmarc1 (51), annajenf (50), tlsg (49), Amarentha (49), crabill66 (49), Lamorak (48), pokey58 (48), 65Stang (48), ReefDruid (47), Foolkiller (47), MOI (47), Wet Fish (47), mitchel (47), ycintron (47), midaspsy (47), melcrosswhite (47), MattMcQ (47), abiaiden2 (47), reefer6 (46), mickyryan (46), dupontsniper (46), rjvencken (46), rapparee (46), lgeorge (46), Ski43 (46), trigonboy16 (46), kristinabliss (45), alcana (45), akdragonspell (45), DTMOBX (44), Saran (44), bennett (44), Sabitovuch (44), Saran63sg (44), blue_eyes53813 (43), Imperator (43), turbospinecho (43), sufunk (43), dinabull (43), Clifton M. Powell (42), jfriedson (42), refa (42), Rust_in_Peace (42), Wistelvirwelt (42), DrewReel2k3 (41), rickg (41), ricebanshee (41), Profiler (41), tom26az (41), indianareefgirl (41), Stretch44 (41), Argent, ilhamjaya75 (40), Mandi (40), lagarz (40), thidekow (40), Rykna (40), Bpilot1P (40), max455 (40), YenSmith (39), hariwake (39), BHTS (39), boy2k (39), oli~d (39), bauer16 (38), 328iGuy (38), blader92 (38), spoiledpets (38), Boarder's Sea (38), gferreira (38), celsobastos (38), sandman7793 (38), misha (37), terrinporter (37), smileyscritters (37), alpine7664e (37), vwhite4343 (37), spinnerbayt (37), cavyroo (37), madelyn (37), charliebetta (36), suziestone (36), scubaguy699 (36), JEREMY1979H (36), hide_hind (36), Kylit0 (36), Fantasea (35), Night (35), jasonthenet (35), david1019 (35), scottwatzz (35), organtinic (35), shezaracing (35), Killershrimp (35), asmujica (34), TypeRbEE (34), melbaloaf (34), pjkoz (34), Romeosdoom (34), Northernblades (34), nabverin (34), GmanR26 (33), mburd (33), vthondaboi (33), rlabriola (33), Goose007 (33), Kari (32), yusufosman (32), Shrks2Admir (32), 210Shrks (32), Gandy (32), Jaiofspam (32), arjen (32), downset, qycdmgqm (31), Jason84 (31), ashkeenon (31), artparadox (31), lilblack94gt, Christopher Marks (30), everl0ng (30), slugmuffin (30), godminus1 (30), aquaguy85 (30), PsychedelicGoby (30), Almugim (30), petemattersen (30), sudnrush (29), cheng21tang (29), SarahKate (29), nbd13 (28), karl1987 (28), carreefer (27), Koral DeLane (25), mudskipper1 (23), BallisticTurtle Birthdays
Add New Event Thursday
Reef Engineer, redpaulhus, JPLDLM, Cloud_88, DarkDevil, fatsuki, pwrstretch, acgmr3, dui 999, marlerr, cabinet doc, antonsemrad, wstem, sctn4elk, dyipi, Kennichies, bb4jdm, SoutherNites (71), southernites1 (71), Chiefy (68), Jorge Llano (66), jcduggan (63), ybnormal (59), hogfanreefer (59), Perrylazer1 (57), ScubaDoobyDo (56), Craig A. Frierson (56), AlphaPhi Reefer (56), AlphaPhiReefer (56), dangilboa (56), DAN DEWLAND (55), johnqx4 (54), raymondsr (54), allegansweetdreams (53), Tigg (53), jeffguppy (53), n0zqh (53), mbe175 (53), Saweker (52), Carl Manning (52), Biff Malawi (52), spanishnative (51), acung (50), jcusano (50), Clevfunguy (50), thomasmoczko (50), apvitor (49), ronp507 (49), rogelsh (49), Ragsy1 (49), gilfin (49), EdGR (48), marazul_66 (48), Momof2nTX (47), Maharreby (47), dadshemi66 (47), jfrotton (47), Rentaltux (46), BigwavedaveCO (46), Adey7569 (46), fishermanswarf (46), MR LIMPED (46), MR HONDA (46), gonefishing2 (45), toni123 (44), jinx55060 (44), aldrak (43), MadMoses (43), djultra (43), zues29 (43), ayzala (43), noseeum (43), x2big4u (43), reef fox (42), msulfe (42), joeyb (42), bsampson (42), SteveFox (42), cerese (42), skeung (42), AmummaAgord (42), qijfut (42), Nat61299 (41), landlord (41), wally74 (41), poe_diddley (41), LadyRed05 (41), halfa32 (41), fstlane4me (41), Orquidea_ac, rmcaum (40), Maxell (40), gahzoo (40), RTO29 (40), CapnJackSparrow (40), jasonburreson (40), macraider (40), Jimmypop (40), mike-langelo (40), sergio7794 (40), Martydk (40), gwparrothd (39), freakaccident (39), bpetal (39), den dang (39), JSB5776 (39), Daniel Moura (39), tednab (39), shamgar (39), tukhaha (39), alexandrebendas (39), McSween (39), KW-Reefer (38), trueryan77 (38), stupot77 (38), pete159@hotmail (38), BruiseAndy (37), strtrcr1978 (37), angelfury (37), masterjeep (37), thelonereefer (37), FZ1Rider (37), ReefMaster2007 (37), DaveSTL (36), 1badbrd (36), scat19 (36), Seadra (36), HannahNiceOnee (36), musiclvr275 (35), IamYourPilot (35), eric21 (34), originalozzyo (34), Apurva (34), Dlteck2000 (34), emarie (34), sabbatus (34), Jova (34), Kostis (34), purplehaze (33), Flammable (33), MikeInVT (33), LiquidSmokeGTS (33), smeelfug (33), Amberli (33), LittleYota (33), tetero (32), chrisatumd (32), Edavis0000 (32), Dustyreef (32), Fipiliwip (32), Fipilipip (32), kyboi (32), creatine2k1 (32), yanermin (32), AAvopimmess (32), Filip26 (32), flashbox_prime (31), Drewsta (31), mikearoni (31), Ricke (31), gtb (31), SweReefer (30), syddakyd (30), newenglandchoda (30), vb_diver (30), twizzlerman77 (30), gbell5 (30), cuzn Jon (30), xskyzx (30), john761 (30), weicowireman, I heart sushi (29), fishyking (29), the lars (29), haloj (29), LiL_Messy (29), zanew33 (28), Doser_fu (28), RedRain5 (28), G-Man on top (28), DoraBiall (28), tkramer222 (28), bobboman11 (28), lostreefs (26), jr000 (26), WayneVT08 (25), ARC_Steve (25), Raymundoreef (25), reefman77 (24), lost reefs (24), rjh5791 (24), Soccerscales (23), Cyruskayos (23), Reidlovesnanos Birthdays
Add New Event Friday
theringnebula, JBoarman, thiensydney, RicordiaFever, tracer_1948, dentonreefer, ldryback, phr0ze, New Guppy, buks, mackus, whitney7, bessycerka, donpedrospam, Collins' Corals, Ricardo_POW, Snow Leopard, Easyflip, kptompk (107), Bullermusicman (93), wgillings (77), edwin lorentz (74), thomas l ciosek (69), tutu (65), francal (64), biged534 (63), opashd (63), Yaden (63), thomas (62), photofanatic (62), jabe9999 (62), TM (59), reefpeople (58), Valleyman (57), SASchnell (57), NANOFEVER (57), trophyteasers (56), vekam01 (56), kevin vara (56), PhillyTom (55), tarheelsports (55), endasePiewism (55), wave runner, rendragon (53), starmomrn (53), midknight (53), WentTorb (53), GotNoMojo (52), mayla5863 (52), vancouversurfer (51), atp4 (51), maroonX (50), smitra (50), scrapcats (50), RhythmicHarmony (50), PaulKlein (49), reefrunnerdude (49), Rob Stafford (49), Extelmmex (49), balloonpilot (49), Johnny Foong (48), kaye&david (48), Wirral Mike (47), demos10 (46), gshriver (46), floridapirate (46), ulimden (46), funsterdan (45), mjlindsey58 (45), d_j_adams (45), chad24 (45), prison police (45), divedog69 (45), Fishyfreak (44), Sullivmw (44), Da happy octopus (44), alieplySoadly (44), jenoviyase (44), jodey71 (44), rdaled (43), CraigE (43), sandiacrepiper (43), mcnetwork (43), RanMan2255 (42), Rhandal (42), wrightme43 (42), Claudio Franz (42), paulooin (42), DAG Argentina (42), fatfree (42), Zoolius (42), CAFoster5, JOHN NIAZI (41), reefer90 (41), Edan_l (41), zareon (41), st0ned0g (41), st0ned0g1 (41), arcanjo (41), turbo1974 (41), nogoodnamesleft (41), shinuk (41), manopie (40), charley75 (40), Lord Mort (40), pitole (40), Claytonium4u (40), An3 (40), jglasha (40), zebulon, sakana (39), HK1976 (39), Astig (39), kennetheather (39), Z-Man07 (39), keennetheather (39), chenga (39), antoniofernanda (39), bri795 (38), dhhan820 (38), sante210 (38), hung chester (37), ErikAnderson (37), Rich's Wife (37), idmartinezc (37), Aquatox (37), kurcoba (37), josh_tn (37), Michael Tuna (36), dave 801 (36), NemoIsMyFriend (36), Titan*69 (36), kevinandnadine (36), nicholas2012 (36), C-Style (36), DUTCH10 (36), adam124kc (36), SSFiero (35), fannypack (35), choad (35), fishnets (35), Dreas (35), jodishea (35), choadaman (35), bimboa (35), stagcrazy (35), jaynano24 (35), justins13 (35), darmx (35), jah4good (35), Mike_McBrien (34), ggMing (34), Bine (34), Timerollson (34), SharkLover1981 (34), Brunommsilva (34), Rye (33), torbett (33), HopkinsDAS (33), grahf11 (33), temple2101 (32), subhashls (32), dassy1983 (32), f23power (32), bryon0508 (32), RareE1ement (32), Tedelicious (32), CasperDT (32), Danny Callus (32), ijneb (31), Reef_Newb08 (31), GCosta (31), Neko (31), SaltwaterSensei (30), bobo6922 (30), Joesmoe45 (30), sharkey585 (30), dareiff (30), agelaus (30), japspec180sx (29), surfranger05 (29), pschiller86 (29), simion3 (28), bobalabama (28), klee5887 (28), mrk1260 (28), VeronTonic (28), davieb769 (26), Ibrakeforreefs (25), rajdavid841 (25), jade_twiggy (24) Birthdays
Add New Event Saturday
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