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« Week | Week » July 2015
Add New Event Sunday
Chuck Anderson, dwwjr56, AEALOVESHERGIRLS, fumanku, kakan, fusermusic, Crimson Tide, Seng, webmat, cainchristy, BridgetP, funlvr56789, obj369, Kolognekoral, G.SMITHII, leslee5050, jo kerpaly, andrewprime1, kebewe, jbotha, travie, Peter.Goddard (74), mud711 (69), reeftangman (66), kaeote (62), eduardo servin (60), Sitron (60), acurnew (60), astauch (60), johnro42 (58), Stacy Lynn (57), tony lopez (56), domhen (55), Thhitman (55), vette396 (54), Russell Fewkes (54), OnebronryGerb (53), aqua_obs (52), johnnyatc (52), koconnor1963 (52), Clemente (52), monkeyhammer (52), diverjon (51), daa0pfz (51), jringold (51), ScarabIII (51), murkywaters (51), kevin hunter (51), grubbie (51), Rolf (50), rgebski (50), per a (50), Memphis Marine (50), Goby1Knoby (49), Brian O'T. (49), Tooler (49), BD (49), withkids (49), fiedler6190 (49), Twinpanther (49), ondesko (49), reefscapes (48), huge1day (47), hernan (47), jimbates (47), Hernan Azofeifa (47), markclay (47), labguy1968 (47), kuatto (46), tdavis1811 (46), DOMG (46), tjos1 (46), jkeithh1969 (46), GIBBO (46), Miguel Vasconcelos (46), jcavalie (46), strider (46), Reef-a-doodle-do (45), ClintonT (45), bcwolfen (45), tropicaldude (45), psycobikerbob (45), 2socrates (44), mscopic (44), clam12 (44), Jasonzo6 (44), tiskilwa coral (44), Dracko1 (43), Scarecrow (43), aquaticfantasea (43), marineaddict (42), glassbox (42), toofasst (42), Elecon (42), volkyholic (42), Howie1207 (42), ssgwilliams2008 (42), ssgwilliams (42), RedStangGA, darcitananda (41), chadmc (41), Thai Ocean (41), CSTAN74 (41), rodsboys (41), maudebe (41), sage10523 (41), drywalljohnny (41), Shane Thomas (41), Bobfish (40), c75mitch (40), maverick743 (40), Funkenstein (40), Cedric (39), ScubaBermuda (39), g4zoo (39), Fdx-courier (39), reefworldaq (39), camaro_6523 (39), xsimondx (39), peterfzammetti (39), vangelis (38), gspencer914 (38), SettinDaPace (38), Aidan77 (38), raffaele77 (38), txredneckwolf (38), arty77 (38), new fish77 (38), diGeE (37), Paul August (37), rsaylor78 (37), MacJ_007 (37), BiG_KiD (36), ozzman (36), mpoertner (36), czerbe (36), dirtyred (36), el_rustamino (36), giri (36), meniret (36), nugg79 (36), kelly3341 (36), Rich976usaf (36), DragonFireFish (35), thacyko (35), shattner73 (35), unknown_soldier (35), charisse (35), totorus (35), headtrip (34), AAMMAJ (34), RobReefer (34), madadi (34), belatube (34), michalinho (34), bhodge (34), yoink326 (33), I.T. Salty (33), SptfireXIV (33), sleeper712 (33), JonRigby2005 (33), andrewlaw3 (33), 20vturbo (33), GottisEgo (33), Brewman12er (33), RanBran (32), LuLu3889 (32), trebeid (32), johnstank1983 (32), cowboy6944 (32), Arrick (32), theviking (31), daydreamer1626 (31), sikwitit1685 (31), bbcorvette (31), RyanCD (31), NarhozNic (31), nolen84 (31), Nikos_Krik (31), golfschosen1 (30), Laser~Pebs (30), SaltyBrock (30), Mvopat54 (30), scholar (30), aaronnohren (30), squeekPriek (29), Doodleface (29), AscendingDawn (29), sex-zip (29), sellersmd, KingAngel (28), TheUsualSuspect (28), shaihalud (26), heyyitsjustin, Frankys Salt, pacersfan09 (25), Casy (25), jrosales91 (24), chibopelu13 (23) Birthdays
Add New Event Monday
oceanjunkie, L.A._Lawman, LA-Lawman, TheKeeper, reefsedge, elusive, thebrian, dgroves, Louis A. Mendez, unleashed13, thearthurclone, kb9kre, 11fishes, Sheni Angel, bethroot, weereef, dk11, Hoyden, oakisland80, pinkcbr95, mycayenneturbos, imtooeverything, Tzoras, 8Mike, Llanfear (66), rickie reefer (64), TexasTim (64), libmo (58), peter ks (58), wildolive (58), racerdeane (58), evilboi1 (58), ctaegar (57), rwilliams26 (56), BK2theReef (56), cftm13 (55), Nitachka (55), shunter (53), heels1 (53), Don Lee (52), juliovideo (52), calgator3574 (52), rjrios63 (52), Tom Theiss (50), Nightwish (50), recampbelljr (49), ronnie (49), Troy McIntyre (49), waywaywest (49), AnthonyMorgan (48), ajm-vfr (48), SamuelStimpson (48), jmw31967 (48), stevenufc (48), u luz (48), andertom (47), Laird (47), heavencent68 (47), eagraham (47), paranda (46), myazid (46), josepha (46), spermfish (46), jpstepp (46), mgs (46), vdelosso (46), elmar (46), suckafish (46), 56ovwal (46), sheni_angel (45), ELVIS FANTOV (45), st3scully (45), jdm0012 (45), Frreoosa (45), YearsOfDecay (44), Mathfreak71 (44), Quadman1 (44), NicoleC, asapilot (43), ken rawls (43), Coral Dilema (43), Michael Adam (43), kris137 (43), dannable (43), doubleduece (43), LPSreef (43), mandt (43), side (43), topshotta (42), beau's blue (42), brettzki (42), losdog317 (42), rrpwolf (42), Aval (42), cgodbee (42), VLB113 (42), MrSquid (42), tangman23 (41), Ozman (41), Bjack (41), doomick (41), Reefer@1620 (41), Chuck-e (41), fishbait2 (41), zalahige (41), Sweetlou (41), rgatchal (40), Savatage (40), mhstein (40), Cadence (40), supersmallfeet (40), fishpacker (40), Danyen (40), donald757 (40), SarasotaDiver (40), marchetto (39), Gromswear (39), 90overflow (39), Groundfury (39), Aquathug (38), yelpi (38), stoney7713 (38), arcteryx13 (38), mejdoor (38), ohbubbles! (38), Aquanewbie77 (38), micheal&amy (38), Shiro335 (38), Syris1377 (38), jgagel (37), paulkai (37), benzino13 (37), Jmelton (37), dhuynh (37), omegacerberus (37), djj00000 (37), richelle (37), cruiseking (37), troybowers (37), Lquiet (37), jemzam (37), chadn, kristofer (36), jon007 (36), littletim (36), nucklehead (36), mipe (36), Rhyno79 (36), heatherbinsocal (36), dogstsx (36), jekbalite (36), shermdawg (35), main (35), mrp2g (35), chussyclourdy (35), Venoma (35), drpc713 (34), gsxrguru2 (34), PLNelson (34), Jamesy32 (33), Jovany Bandomo (33), noapollono (33), boarderguy64 (33), prn574 (33), Mark C (32), mangrovecrab (32), anianeks (32), wackn13 (32), MarineManiac (31), reptileman2004 (31), Criminal_Colt (31), Handegard (31), seonglee (31), emoximuu (31), bonzanin (31), M.Arian, acunje (30), StoneOak (30), Contagiousmind (30), badshow (30), dukenukem (30), jpablo_217 (30), Schwarzman85 (30), Elevate (30), Paolo85 (30), shortz71 (29), ChicGVnaith (29), shoaibmughal (28), mikeobrien (28), louismendez05 (28), dawnofyourdead (27), devicore16 (26), CarmanJosh89 (26), yamaha racer (25), guitarkev13 (24), Mikes_aquatics (24), clownfish360 (22) Birthdays
Add New Event Tuesday
Chel, Traci, bpf, DLeAnnM, maxvan1, upstatedave, Djtristate, hyperfocal, danggit, ttravis, logankolby, ionredline0260, gobyholic, alhat02, acharpenter, nnahler, Tanked_one, Oz760, SaraRedaelli, inkguyma13, fishyman19, Gary Schultz (76), John Bousa (71), Hanna (66), Clairc829 (66), Jeff Burton (65), pinstripe (62), Bob Kearney (62), Tropical Reefer (62), Sweettoothbear (60), FLpatty (60), 1gideon (60), flreefguy (58), tompalmbeach (58), putera1734 (58), garyjg (57), sealife3 (57), sing_reef (57), donna miller (56), Daniel Allison (56), MikenRobin (55), pets4less (55), andrewldare (55), Liverneck (55), KarlFenkers (55), svines1932 (55), dsmalley (55), dbelshe (53), Flying fish (53), mwagner1 (53), Maldivan (53), yurway (53), Eunice TOH (53), Darrol Acre (52), Craig Buckspan (52), Bolo (52), Coralnut (52), jtrudicill (52), grimwulff (51), je339999 (51), reeflife cayman (51), bunch21 (51), gonzos-reef (50), scotts123 (50), eddielgonzales (50), paulpham (50), clevelandtampa (50), jaja714 (50), garretk (50), depken (49), Mina (49), eztiger (49), cwhicks (49), jeffcross1234 (49), AutoFanUK (47), kennerd (45), LAMPH1 (45), cte (45), cajamajo (45), Pypevedge (45), pucho37 (45), cardiskisfaky (45), puchowave (45), chastjw (44), billyboy52 (44), Mrbowdeadly (44), old95er (44), just24fun (44), labingda (44), rap 1971, Justdrew (43), enjoyfish (43), just2befunny (43), jjac (43), Eudaceous (43), Rascal1371 (43), cafebritt (43), Futurist (43), sobe1 (42), 465katrina (42), YIANNAKOS (42), weakspleen (42), zvjezdaca (42), randyr1992 (41), twright (41), aaronglawson (41), bigdog6286 (41), lincon (41), Illinois Reef (41), Squidward (40), Gearymcc (40), ClamFan (40), Softice (40), nwreef (40), Brotherhood (40), its_just_money (40), scooternerd (40), jodham (40), newbe52 (39), FABIO MILANI (39), bshumake (39), fabiomilani (39), ENGRSAPPER42 (39), engrsapper (39), buckwheat (39), menta (39), Into the ocean (39), NaNoNewbie714 (39), ecoman001 (38), PFisher (38), reefswimmer (38), Kenan (38), cshore (38), sarashu (38), shifty77 (38), llzardklng (38), jimtanya (37), clex (37), crazy4fish (37), seaspy (37), funstealer (37), bigmatt (37), Truck (37), d5omino (37), peachy (36), NOI53Y (36), cvp7900 (36), andypeachment (36), poonstang90lx (36), Fernando Tich (36), nicholas1rk (36), MROD_, charlypue (35), TheCoralNabber (35), BAD ANDY (35), blue02celi (35), chuch (35), clove0 (35), FreeShyne (34), patrickfiveoh3 (34), elcoco (34), GLENN2003 (34), Amandalee (34), PinkFloydReefer (34), AquaNovice (34), Jayra (34), mtbiker9000 (34), xxBarneyxx (34), papy2000 (34), Jeff G (34), lilswanwillow (33), Stang46 (33), kevinw2001 (33), FillyGT (33), (33), sprogg2001 (32), exsulrex (32), skyline50 (32), suliaman007 (32), BIGDREWLEWIS (32), reeksreef (32), ally (31), StinkyNappy (31), Guga (31), xdancexyayxnayx (31), popohip (31), gobygoddess (31), Eilelwen (31), georgezinser, seldon (30), daistarya (30), JiaHong (30), gehidore (29), Randle (29), rjgarden (29), JHerfkens (28), ClayC (28), Indiana Reefin (28), frye720 (27), wilkinsr88 (27), ScubaReefer714 (27), spstank34 (26), MeganLL5 (26), Mustang Boy (26), nemowithnoeyes (25), unicorn14, OceanicThunder (22) Birthdays
Add New Event Wednesday
Seriak, JJM, RossDagley, anusia, reelheel, aussiefishy, aquamanvan, poochiiiii, Lars m, c.rob, fifi, violaceous, Tim Reed, bebe_xoxo, Cootmaryone, Kalmed, strongml, FLOSSY, ArmanS, hakmazter, Miguel Jeronimo, jencheung, casper5096, AQT, d0rkism, Sniffles, aquarist9417, Stricks, ClubberLang78, Schnauzers (72), bird lady (67), SPANDY (67), Aqua NU B (66), TxsRedhead (65), R Hopper (65), glenlee (64), dw1952 (63), cherokeecrusier (62), fredsr (62), JimD(JD52) (61), wyatt183 (60), Rockybob (60), mattalfa (60), rcameron (60), tjohns01 (59), dave57 (58), Leon Lutes (58), louisekm (58), (58), danieldeep (58), goldstar63 (58), Eveready, Mikes_n_NC (57), Bill W (56), pumpe (56), allwilli (56), justClowning (56), gcwilt1 (56), (55), parmar122 (55), ozone1 (54), jagruns4fun (53), stony180 (53), clownfish462 (53), Dirty Dog (52), Springdream45 (52), UKCatFan (51), spraggy (51), kevers111 (51), waterway (51), Jimme (50), pdratty (50), dwarflion (50), ACopwGlock (50), bbsbliss (50), DeltaBravo (50), cart55 (49), pfiash098 (49), dzeased1966 (49), tedington (49), bigcasino (49), doug0766 (49), Mark67 (48), tc01 (48), waynesworld (48), ArisaAminia (48), SkoReef (48), karabul (47), Skicurtis (47), icepick96 (46), LobsterVac (46), llpoolej (46), pony (46), ysam (46), shake (46), veneborti (46), rcrspeedracer03 (46), rolemodel2002 (45), Ilbassin (45), ijaz (45), bert medine (45), AzStyle (44), bprewit (44), aiva (44), scottgw (44), aqua bg (44), godard (44), jmbcth (44), adam erdman (43), kikichandra (43), Mikx72 (43), jusplainnuts (43), sukamuhiebanie (43), mr_xxx (43), RichWise2002 (42), streetcruzin (42), AquatiCoug (42), fonzie70 (42), lisafoster (42), Andreas Pridzun (41), Nicklas (41), jasonbounds (41), LOSTOZZY (41), Ompromi (41), eyegodja (41), ::PixelFish:: (40), JerryL (40), Dennis Shade (40), gotfin (40), bigdsalarm (40), Blownpony (39), bigron (39), bonesnreb (39), carl1523 (39), SB0007 (39), bjohnson (38), benihuma (38), johnrt (38), sds715 (38), bljohnson (38), Kellie in CA (38), uthiggins@hotma (38), stringcheese (38), mik1071 (38), reefjunkie777 (38), raymccoy (38), djangoboots (37), juprana (37), tr1gg3r (37), dkrolick (37), Fingers (37), kawacycle2 (37), big_jimmyc (37), alnico (36), yajfritz (36), ZDC1234 (36), HowieUMD (36), krikke1979 (36), rEET_Guy (36), azzamarine (36), gogoderek (35), Ricca (35), 1bigstud (35), Duncan_V (35), TheFishieMan (35), knightrider (35), jenny26 (35), Tahlequah (35), Ünsal ÖZTOP (35), tee1516 (35), Silvaticus, khellrie (34), EAD (34), Lazcar45 (34), y_onder (34), LoudNerd (34), HellFire (34), wildcrazyjoker8 (34), RaskUkrom (34), Rmmason (34), nellysreef (34), glitch (34), rkbenge (34), primesuspekt (33), lilise (33), mgaroz (33), vietemu (33), npain316 (33), helicoprion (33), kevins72chevy (33), magicmuggle (33), muggleme (33), richardsonm3300 (32), stephanietrevino (32), crazyaggie05 (32), eltorro4ever (32), AllisonLeigh (32), 90GalFOWLR (32), nazzy_19 (31), 29special (31), jmaness084 (31), goongola (31), SCReefer (31), afcop88330 (30), Simmpo (30), TShiff5521 (29), aljag1 (29), efrainz28 (29), baddragon98 (29), chucho ortiz (28), James_M (28), rozzzna (28), drewluu (27), nickolas_warner (26), fairport5 (25), chris0799 (24), vanmo92 (23), rudyretama Birthdays
Add New Event Thursday
melon, Beaches, iceman16238, reef_man_1, blackjacks_mom, Normal Dave, msteele, BRINK WILKERSON, Alexj716, rockgarden, tigerfish2000, enforcer, Flipper62, artg3, Crazy Tarzan, joeywright, Mr. Oraange, Big Pete, fishxpurt (86), RAYMOND CHIEFFO (80), kevinw372 (75), Irene E. Hutnik (73), fourfishfeeders (68), johnws (65), saraiva (64), boy-n-sea (63), wulfenite (63), wlb4 (63), rdz1reef (63), JHipkin (62), dwlavoie (61), H.Tanaka (61), clement harris (61), Dirkfloyd0 (59), BrotherDouglas (58), CaribSeanMd (58), 22301523 (57), keeperofthereef (56), steshell (55), RodH (55), shellman1 (55), Geoffe (54), jmait769 (54), Vberilop (54), Ed Kazz (54), ram6519 (53), AquaticCo (52), timinnl (52), purpletang1 (51), odontricamp (51), db9er (50), pezdro (50), skiformance (50), scipioasis (49), sdlife (49), paulcayen (48), B-Beep (48), Squidhead (48), reef man2 (47), livdolu (47), rabidcatfan (47), algloria (47), wrathchild (46), Kiara (46), sdreefguy (46), brightonreefer (46), WarpedWrasse (46), Piper04 (46), jay357 (46), Vancouverman (46), sbskntr (46), johnnie-39 (46), ChrisD (45), cheeheng (45), ojvfamily (45), goslugsgo (45), spayne377 (45), dsteele (45), limbwalker1031 (45), BrinkWilkerson (45), fishbrewjack (45), nirry1 (45), jptpro5 (45), NrthNtery (45), jbniceguy (45), rjframe (44), smallreefdave (44), AlgaeGrower (44), Brennor (44), countrygirl7107 (44), ForestG (44), Mersteeby (44), capt_nemo (43), LaVon (43), erino (43), travis0712 (43), blueize1972 (43), mikenra (43), sean santoo (43), Min0taur (42), saravanan (42), Annnts (42), mad capper (42), dub33 (41), Victor4 (41), larry smith (41), GodBoyL (41), spechty (40), Raimond (40), nickthereefer (40), gosse (40), glnkng (40), ish (39), james0716 (39), rocknut (39), james_tw (39), Fishguru (39), dipster916 (39), voodoo131313 (39), Smacky (39), calin (39), Michael Mackey (39), bkaiser420 (39), jimichonga (38), Aquarium_Cats (38), peezee (38), Joy's Fish (38), nightpearl (38), BlueSEAFish (38), mpizzi (38), SavetheSea (38), muppet (38), dmanshep (37), Guszi (37), jaykyle (37), drhead0 (37), micaheli (36), BlueBadger (36), VegaChastain (36), TOAN (36), Wiscko (36), cmattb25 (36), joker_ca (36), Cnewell (36), Runfrumu (36), yerboy (36), jtalton (36), Algea Hell (35), mtchlvskort (35), Ruby21 (35), mitchsreef (35), marlinnhag (35), carmelof (35), Leslie21 (35), mr_intel56 (35), James24 (35), slebla240 (35), Cathy1 (35), pkotlarz (35), jonfr (35), reefnutty (35), xoxonatalieoxox (34), MydogForrest (34), OGSun (34), vb_rocks (34), snelly40 (34), speedo2wet (34), AirborneKev (34), pasiterri (34), NatalieD (34), DeontaeDidIt (34), ptan (33), 2by2 (33), CR_Fishfan (33), roy65 (32), lilred1995vette (32), ghost_pit2001 (32), brent_b_usus (31), new_tank_addict (31), lightning716 (31), bigleman (31), fiction225 (31), veedub916 (31), Shawno (30), yoshi^ (29), Avalanche1201 (29), distractor (29), yazzie (29), rc13312 (28), Fish_Kid_2003 (27), jakes39reef (27), eelkeeper (27), marinoperez (27), Default (27), zoantsinmypants (27), Ace00185 (27), mukhlizar, MatthewS (25), Alunai, puga (23), blake2shay (21) Birthdays
Add New Event Friday
Stefanina, Nero, abad36, Tbor, jgoelz, hockeyaddict, ratchford, Cambo, ladygills, rdrake, EmDy, discofish, Tsukihime, fishman28, springerhd, holdencraft33, namas, crazedpuffer, snodine, semmond, bobdiaz, horsejen, mgrayo01, Stick7878, EddieN, ZacK89, wayne170747 (68), Henry Kahn (66), enasco (63), djf (63), coralleigh (62), gwilli (62), sunny d polyp (61), jbucholz (60), Bonster (60), SamuraiJack (60), bettws (60), getsteppin (59), lloydkeller (59), archie2 (59), jerry_york (58), nybs (57), bjsflowers (57), murraythe eel (56), daijari (55), Reefomatic (54), MERCURYROCKET (54), Mikmah (53), festusmem (53), Rob Martin (53), mguile (53), Blade009 (52), delicatejb (52), Cyndi63 (52), droxi69 (52), Diunlindy (52), Ian56 (52), zimba (52), jameskleinkopf (51), agipseweall (50), fishlover1 (50), Paul Stoner (49), `sweet (49), TXreefmike (49), Strick (48), CarbonLifeform (48), MEDFLY69 (48), t.sparrow (47), n3ord (47), salt water dave (46), leorlevi (46), tapwater (46), Vince.Clark (46), freakyreef (45), ResinGuy (45), bigggbryyy (45), Quinster (45), cadlights (45), Fish overload (44), saltynuts (44), assemblage (44), Hairy Monster (44), mels95yj (43), CrewCab (43), jacsok (43), bncntr (43), reckless (43), GetsTan (43), aquascape (42), Poolman (42), bluelagoon (42), Fishyguts (42), pchezek (42), iljjlm (42), nujamint (42), jasper0530 (42), JouppyMut (42), AdeyT (42), bosfam01 (42), quoc77 (41), bkhunt (41), shaneb (41), Tachasu (41), llewba (41), wolfpack31 (41), RdfrtPryhyu (41), jdean1974 (41), lstaylor (41), wjfranke (40), CMonster (40), ernesto_vargas (40), ginamoore (40), micha_g (40), noom2017 (40), cab (40), ryan harris (40), newbee (39), triggerfish1976 (39), kwill6300 (39), TW_Cat (39), Mike01Z (39), wawit (39), MIKESPORT (38), minus_13 (38), bethanjohn (38), reefcraze (38), tomleone (38), Ajit (38), Volkman (38), Edsel717 (38), Ingeritiecets (38), haishui (38), RussellC (37), krustyr (37), Double Haoul (37), ncreef (37), Graham Wilgaus (37), fueltofire (37), firediver10 (37), crdisme01 (37), WeeJ (37), Nuka_Cola (37), Eric1978 (37), sobolyavka (37), RPGGamer79 (36), arlen (36), Peters1 (36), Maveri9720 (36), Azazael13 (36), bubbls255 (35), therealtechfan (35), Reefaholic1980 (35), polypstar (35), joseh (35), BiggRon (35), joshmccoy (35), chantellstrow (35), imstr8ballin, kev gy (34), REEFHEAD05 (34), Imprezablue (34), Sabantuij (34), onajoyride (34), duvivier (33), mum717 (33), CellSpeklewg (33), fla10d (33), Simrdguy (32), kbriers (32), mamagoose45 (32), alan gross (32), borinchos (32), aquadubz (32), white_tigers1417 (31), Yogi Bear (31), fireborn230 (31), Justin James (31), uniquedocks (31), saab340pilot (31), b84sharks (30), rjbesch (30), akirawp (30), jfrytz (28), TucanSam007 (28), Aurori, Bryant George (27), creepin (27), Nate&Christy (27), Siddique (27), marinefishlover (26), reefmasterkid (26), boandlulusmom (26), hldan1 (25), zakman (25), Tony britton (25), junioracroward (24), jakesh32 (24), nicknl (24), Stingray12 (22) Birthdays
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