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« Week | Week » September 2015
Add New Event Sunday
WaterbugJenn, n2phish, gruthy, worldwynd, kkernrx, reefcentralese, Eric T, reddfish, mac99, fisherman123, jmccalip, DONMAY, bigfish101, Keith Le, Cristi, twodaend, MXDad, stephish, BBDreef, sprinter144, mammyjammy0, KrazyKajun4u, ReefKeeper2009, Tyguy, sarmo, glassbydesign, FutureBoyGenius, farrowkc, sims2638, MaestroCygni, Du Tré Dirk (74), David Mole (71), djvillines (70), mattghio (68), 3dognight (67), Numisman (67), Lynn Wadyka (64), jwjb (62), cb5000 (62), Henry Thomas (62), E&LMycock (59), john s. rosa (59), E.Macera (58), bswedenburg (58), jsnatas (58), Sunspot Baby (58), wtpooh958 (57), RockDocPro (57), reefer2002 (56), papabob (55), kiml (55), Scaramouche (55), Klavinkas (55), steve chambers (54), dsteel (54), BJCooper (54), Draxlory (54), jbdug1 (54), myakkareef (53), Virgo_Angelfish (53), LisaB (53), kiwiroger (53), lovablemonster (53), TnVTX (53), Jesicafan (53), IANH62 (53), Steve69h (52), |\/|itch (52), steve36 (51), DALReef (51), simba (51), EARLD (51), T-Ville Tom (51), tom hunt (50), creecumbpem (50), dmcj (49), reggie060 (49), barnaclebabe (49), apl111 (49), Coral007 (49), fony (49), jjlee (49), giocarlo (48), P.A.JOe (48), MadMatt (48), toolhorder (48), Diehl (48), eaboytes (48), fishyface (48), AL BAGMAN (48), sheilaf40 (48), HappyHarry, Tropical-Paradise-Ed (47), cepaw (47), fribil (47), jade4286 (47), Baliboy (47), Andres750 (47), winnige (47), glendale789 (46), lisajean (46), chughes8523 (46), slee24 (46), maximus89 (45), asuring (45), dsp78213 (45), richard1970 (45), hunter57 (45), bobbym (45), darian1970 (45), nofrills (44), weedhopper (44), Qcksilver (44), careingemt (44), jofer (44), Sascha Wilken (44), C_THRU_U (44), sean singh (44), cuda6872 (43), Vertical (43), jvit29 (43), vitinocmd (43), eaglesatc (43), CharAznable (43), gennickkkkkkk (43), Koolio (43), grossbeck (42), ammon (42), minh_han (42), rfonti (42), skualos (42), StonerMcStoner (42), jkhchris (42), puron2010 (42), wmscaffold (42), cammon (42), ricordeausa (42), El_Chico (41), jhod1974 (41), beeboy4life (41), johnlfc1 (41), UserDave (41), dtl8686 (41), reefrottie (41), ryzak7 (41), syrup_avf (41), snatas (41), indyced2000 (41), s14joe (40), reefowned (40), fishynick (40), tara_karan (40), Rayven (40), reefknight (40), gabegmonkey (40), gtaylor67 (40), serpent293 (40), toybsd (40), UM_Rebel (39), sweetspirit (39), CuteCaliLoco (39), jenifer29 (39), nrike (39), Ryeseedboy (39), msarkin (39), brucilini (39), cruizer (38), Mtlreef (38), mtlreef25 (38), wtrdragon (38), Brian@CPR (38), reefer-kev (38), alvincidc (38), geSoosurnelsode (38), CompNrdCR, dima96 (37), Mpiechowiak (37), KMyers (37), ramsyy1 (37), Kilowog (37), Neal-UK (37), heathwilliams (37), Rafaweb (37), jlwill (37), mrsaltwater (37), spw4949 (37), dperez6811 (37), jnew (36), ricordiaking (36), waldosworld (36), Juiced_RL (36), dabears26 (36), Schizm (36), mdcorcoran (35), fishclown (35), Doogie5555 (35), bumblebee (35), DugFin (35), kamikos (35), metwohot4you (35), Bev1980 (35), wilky2004 (35), tanktoyman (35), vleath972 (35), Dommytank (35), GREEFMAN (35), nicholasyku (34), 46GBowfront (34), bdwpac81 (34), misiek (34), dorin (34), chadjo4 (33), ssungyo (33), hoover86 (33), 3DReef (33), winter01 (33), newportjon (33), dnsnll (33), Jimstanek (33), jlephew (32), christopito33 (32), ghuffer (32), Amedion (32), Sparky83 (32), MP5 (32), ProAccordV6 (31), Zodiac (31), Champloo (31), FloridaReefer24 (31), Skunkbudfour20 (31), Armani (31), klubvibez (31), standaman4 (31), AnthonyBreise (30), pepsi69taste (30), sew (30), rsanz (30), mcdermott.jimmy (30), tajwk (30), petedunk (30), daniel.bosetti (30), glnguyen1986 (29), Stevo22 (29), 4WS Tuning (29), Nevermind325 (29), Donivan2009, Noles920 (28), astefanacci (28), Sharkboy87 (28), Art87 (28), Titansfan859 (27), M.Doshier (27), BodeAduro (27), cjerez (26), vegasjuan J,R (25), Nitrite (22), zac39452, teddyzaper (20) Birthdays
Add New Event Monday
EddieV, Bulganin, jms021, Jim Fichtelman, soosberries, NUBIANTANGLOVER, Hi Tide, atram, Hooked on Salt, alpha0r, tr4veler`, Seajay7, BIG-G, ballada, gadgetboy, Nuclear_Glitter, JG442, graemeb1 (78), e.tabri (72), Elia N. Tabri (72), allynwalker (71), positive (71), terryw (64), DFAULKNER (64), alderon (63), krauch@bigpond. (62), poisonRN (61), poisonRN2 (61), BobCReef (60), tyran (59), arbee, litng (58), swolfe (57), tissue (57), fooflromms (57), killerant (57), exotic (56), ClamBob (56), mrcorey (54), chinta (54), paralelogram (54), narvaezjc (52), 8driver (52), Richard Periut (51), GreatLakes (51), robbuck (51), Kokken (51), hadar (51), wyanee (51), Bambalamb (50), jls (50), kano40 (50), chuckx (50), Bambalam (50), smitty65 (50), isse (49), pjreej (49), Jossi (49), KooperD (48), Trader_X (48), IMPERATORFAN (47), Daniel Lupitou (47), Downlow98042 (46), Moose in Russia (46), shaunmac (46), SVOGEL (46), inovrmyhd (46), teredo (46), Coronel, ocdreefer (45), Mlabruyere (45), Aquaboiznc (45), chris dumont (45), ScubaRaven (44), GH Sniper (44), blennylovr (44), bigkev (44), fishtankrob (44), waterdogg (44), emartino (44), ronnielaouy (44), Cooledouluth (44), reid36 (44), DaveYardley (44), mgutrman (44), Dogbert (43), Kalamari (43), tryan (43), dedy (43), johnm92172 (43), avner (43), wmartino (43), Lord-Dogbert (43), mrodeguer (43), solorzanonelson (43), magicorlando (42), jsmooth1973 (42), resun (42), rickbarnett (42), ratke (42), ALsonsSealslact (42), melnyk (41), pittbulldog (41), Rand Man (41), c_through_blue (41), Marcus71 (41), gant (41), GlennD (41), Save Africa, charro6 (40), Stuart H (40), squidracer (40), red21feath (40), Dilbry, Jeremy23 (39), JudoBeastman (39), jjnshannon (39), jauringer (39), NittO (39), ccorpse27 (39), Cressa (39), T.A.Co Corals (39), captain639 (38), Gatoloco (38), adrock16 (38), hornet2dr (38), barrierreeftc (38), RyEray21 (37), tskyleth (37), cojo444 (37), brandon99 (37), ufbrad24 (37), lillurker (37), Machumbo (37), newbuthandy (37), motoracer (37), JBG (36), RANKER (36), spaxter (36), crownnate (36), ryanadams23 (36), damo252 (36), thewilo (36), wrasseluver (36), Kasatka (35), funstarfish (35), tj03_99 (35), Ignasio (35), mijeewa (35), Bouncingsoul393 (35), wesside (35), jerry300040 (34), cheecho (34), moles1 (34), Jeff cousteau (34), Namorita (34), torosax (34), motortrendz (34), kmfdmsucks (33), lcsonka39 (33), MBCL55 (33), BrunoSkag (33), Dmb092182 (33), saralabbe1982 (33), Aiwass (33), Bobmanzari (33), Firedancer2013 (33), jaysfoto (33), shutter snapper (32), Bbentler (32), torey.riley (32), sparkiesford (32), blueeyeddevil (32), Millopane (32), sryan (32), Vincenzo1226 (32), codyf (32), AWnoidwiveerelo (32), AWSmuronneracam (32), mattyboy (32), CSoli921 (32), garrett_top (32), J3ffw23 (32), gliven (32), thaatsriite (32), joshy (31), Spencer (31), blackwater (31), pdbigb211 (31), jasieka (31), towersbob (31), Fella (31), Phish4081 (31), KCphoto24 (31), natzdowd (31), bokeron_84 (31), JG1312 (30), eaztoaklandcuzz (30), RaimonoGer (30), fluke_ae_kmitnb (30), Ultima (30), lassonde (30), directional (29), timmyb770 (29), tiffany1986 (29), Yorch (28), black96ss (28), Bladeslinger (28), MantisBrad (27), nanowiz (27), lia (26), drumnut409 (26), ~CoTeY~ (26), leonordrummond (26), chicharo79 (26), itskurmits (26), elisa20 (26), Scubatank (25), stevo7933 (25), tomr33 (25), sugarmaltese (24), EddC (24), EgoMoose (22), L8 2 RISE (22), Sythero (17) Birthdays
Add New Event Tuesday
Reddobie, Roadie, Mogiep, zero_one, minol, mburton922, lucieled, Petur Petursson, crazyjohn, tkreefer, A320 FO, kw22, dugdean (80), bartstar1071 (70), Roger Tong (63), taote (63), skjohn98 (61), dhayes (61), ramblnpony (61), stevemc (60), IanRudge (59), patharm (59), camedley (59), timosdf (57), kat0462 (57), RichEdg (57), GulliverBarb (56), golden (56), JEFF SCHENSE (55), pinkiron (55), iron_maiden (55), lisamarie (55), Alan Matheson (55), foca11 (55), lighthousekeeper (54), Trucados (54), docgreg61 (54), MaineBirder (54), kimbleyw (53), Bucks Boogie (53), agsansoo (53), PetaphetlePaf (53), loscars (53), DrSwade (52), opsguy49 (52), Levent (52), PlarmCrappy (52), dog (51), Johnnyfishkiller (51), pmac0816 (51), SgtFang (51), 1badbbc (51), michad (51), plasterman (51), aqua180 (51), FISH WHISPERER (50), wesb (50), Astral_Savage (50), lusnut (50), jjsmith (50), AlgaeMan (49), denosdg9 (49), Imaexpat2 (49), agustin (49), michaelgohbc (49), picky (49), newimage (49), shootist (49), Ludvigs (49), DEBEA (48), m23 (48), TuckJeoke (48), scubagirl35 (47), angelscrx (47), jennydiver (47), mad3000gt (47), jmac92487 (47), MarquisdeRevier (47), saltshop (46), chris03079 (46), msb27 (46), montourgirl (46), stephen1969 (46), frank31 (46), rick.johnson (46), tomthumbtom (46), icebatu (46), tomthumb (46), maher osta (46), ascitone (46), reefzone (45), ssuperman (45), shoerjim (45), atltigger (45), Tashier (45), peterink (45), mattb71 (44), Modjit (44), Clayton Smith (43), REEForMADDNESS (43), disom (43), disom6162 (43), Neutralle (43), MAC1 (43), lostfish (42), eugene22_73 (42), Adrian Martinez (42), Bigbluebh (42), timontheroad, kfowler (41), dundada90806 (41), wickedpuffers (41), Morgan (40), rednofive (40), Ben485 (40), jsayegh (40), lightbolt75 (40), eto (40), ChloroPhil (39), Eight (39), Klaufi (39), bnhd3 (39), chrisowu (39), nazarie (39), Nhrafan26 (39), this_reefer (38), dougboney (38), nrgizer (38), Sedano (38), cham (38), bmw318is (38), new_reefer420 (38), hawk420 (38), 12volt Lew (38), hearse_72 (38), IchHater (37), BRI-GUY28 (37), ryansweet (37), zoa2 (37), mr. mikey (36), Raelen (36), marshall425 (36), kie22 (36), Chriskid (36), Yoshi Magoo (36), RJ_22 (35), pheinke (35), faylor (35), SRT80 (35), K_PICHT (35), Bowler007 (35), i-WERKS (35), I Perez (35), SpaSlave (35), suchashowoff (35), jason18 (34), jhoang81 (34), Pseudocolochiru (34), FiReC (34), customdusty (34), rosborne21 (34), jfoxx81, chrislo (33), stanlyyau (33), ws6kid (33), davenport_st (33), Fabio Cg (33), AquaNot (32), derk_d00 (32), ThaFISHGUY (32), nilesh420 (32), knomad07 (32), diatriors (32), h1tman (32), Jreed983 (32), erikl18 (31), Higgie (31), wilduowe (31), Isozelmonic (31), LowDime (31), Seemann (30), joshie (30), poshpol (30), gonzo3000 (30), Rion (30), mschmitt (30), Simplisticality (30), Corbo (29), bboyin4lyf (29), sigismund (29), sigism (29), mugeneg6 (29), shane1234civic (29), Phenix 05 (28), spgalicki (28), KoTy (28), kristjan (28), ramyfmz (28), ca7l0s9, beckham23 (27), wakerider113 (27), thatrascal (27), skfury440 (27), CantImagineWhy (27), flush (26), john90009 (25), claki (25), newbee123 (22), bc9820 (15), ReeferBrandon (15) Birthdays
Add New Event Wednesday
Achilles Tang, Jibbelle, greatwhiteshark, Nia1123, littlebittyfishies, bigkert, Jim5703, AspenLeaf23, zylumn, lowbudgetreefer, aoc230, CichlidaeNReefs, Ofird, alex_hui, heliotrope, crazyboutnemo (107), John Blakely (72), jbmartin (69), tallbonde (69), lnvp (67), dchamber (67), Jim kristensen (66), insco6750 (65), kochu (65), Wgluther (65), moparmussel (61), Poplen (59), ksullivan (59), eastsideur (59), Bobl4198 (58), j laird (58), Arrakis (58), Slimehead (58), kaikala (57), unicornlady14 (57), Ruthie Kay (57), thegeneral (55), antonorl (55), Reef1234 (55), Motika (55), mikekimc (54), jackson7391 (54), 1hilton (53), gkarakas (53), cwd547 (52), HarryY (51), Blusaffire (50), Brendanurse (50), Nemo7 (50), macreef (50), jake23 (50), Nikki (49), floorman66 (49), Abe77901 (48), nenitograce (48), wcpeixoto (48), cantcant (48), Brianmil7516 (48), blacktop pete (48), dmicro (47), interstitial (47), llehner (47), saltydog68 (47), 2Spaniels (47), repairman68 (47), susan92368 (47), gkrane (46), Veronica (46), vinstr (46), iainreidltd (46), christophelirin (46), truckn38 (46), Markdadof2 (46), tamiain (46), robdawg (46), REEFERJOE (45), divegirlFL (45), macsmith777 (45), Mr Pheer (45), albert call (45), mesocyclone71 (44), jstraka1 (44), CyanoMagnet (44), jlopez111 (44), damdirtyape (44), stephanec (43), Master Er (43), ANTOINE1 (43), noslenam (43), nanocube24 (43), yolo_reef (43), Snarf (43), duckman32 (42), SULLY736 (42), scubadiver1990 (42), rgh73 (42), BigEyedFeesh (42), Kmiec123 (42), reefbro (41), GIBS0N (41), gibs0n1te (41), hjazor (41), kalin (41), Reef Bug (40), MANCO (40), mcumming (40), DKL (40), action (40), Chymos45 (40), californiausa (40), Wahbot (40), septembergrub (40), Bladez, sfxer02 (39), Nuttee(Pattaya) (39), vincentchua (39), geekwithfish (39), quality-corals (39), themi (39), CliffCla (39), seesikk (39), beez (39), MaroonFish (39), cbreefer (39), billyen76 (39), ntyzn229 (39), abbottd2 (39), pounceyj (39), Gs and Gs (39), irieef (39), newguy2hobby (39), bioboy (38), ivyspig (38), kliner (38), josh311 (38), cwklinge (38), smljebo (38), majesticshark0 (38), keto (38), asiandawg (38), zoanthidguy (38), ROMINA (38), LoveMeSomeFish (38), taughinia (38), nanoreefguy1 (38), mosca173 (38), DresdenKali (37), plkdb (37), claudio delfino (37), Deepred (37), rivadeneyra (37), count2k3 (37), Vesper (37), lewk (37), Aaron breef, mrmaculosus (36), mthomas1023 (36), aquamarinefish (36), davbrown79 (36), wiscsaltwater (36), erickc23 (36), weeseng (36), drujason20248, Simona (35), Zac (35), carmaniax (35), chrismhaase (35), diamond4100 (35), gt23us (35), darklianangels (35), fsugmoney (35), Lost in Tanks (35), Lovingmydanes (35), ziggyrocket (34), david_b (34), Lungs15 (34), Ben-G (34), drnkjunglist (34), brinkdrum (34), mxracer113 (34), playerof00 (34), deedee23 (34), corivus (34), jerehmy (34), piercea (34), Gosser23 (34), rainmkr07 (34), Arakantos (34), pierceinc (34), DieselRick (34), seblue923 (33), Thatgirl@ATR (33), Wildcatreef (33), ttopmustanggt88 (33), mengy007 (33), zeuser (33), rostato (33), dwade0323 (33), BTB0923 (33), hvacnobi (33), kuang0923 (32), petermai (32), KhalReblic23 (32), sstimac (32), camaro68 (32), sapphiredonna (32), gsc (32), three11love (31), thardy (31), DLChaney (31), worldnewsmap (31), xenomorph_lv426 (31), jkress8 (31), madball13 (31), gdub25 (31), beege_3 (30), jdmhonda954 (30), Beckyx1905 (30), beege (30), lildemmer (30), opsig61 (30), slcook54 (30), Slipstream (30), bryangraham05 (30), adamsarmywife (30), freemandnj973 (30), Wonderboy85 (30), bluedevils32701 (29), Brendan2002 (29), fuzyfuzer (29), joker0586 (29), ASIA1024 (29), griffin1 (29), yakir5757 (29), GaTechKOKO (29), sugarnails (28), Dayna923 (28), turbo4603 (28), raisingsun (28), idbyz (28), nathan87 (28), FishLvR1023 (27), Fishkeeper88 (27), Russian123 (27), sumit89das (26), FunkyFreash1307 (25), angelfishlover (24), Dylan Ringwood (24), Krenshaw22 (22), michael.cilia (21) Birthdays
Add New Event Thursday
Fenderbender, Q8 Aqua, Hermie, nstephen, greg herrmann, David Steckelberg, scott atwood, JDM_AE86, mswings959, OO7, tracer197, mjolinir, aquagrl, devildij, johnnybravo234, stardancer, jonandkellie, zandme, Shabba, chrispin, Pacman100, john6412, sgelf38 (77), carsonc (69), jim_geib (68), Simon_Montreal (68), dwight bingham (68), BEVY (67), robertifly (63), keepergale (63), kya (60), Dan796 (60), Robert Lagnese (58), anaken (58), dakotamusic (56), dorisnemo (56), LilReefer (54), tauras (54), NMizzell (54), Newtexasreefer (54), henry chua (53), reddog29 (53), newiowaguy (53), PHCorrect (53), Moyers (53), Laurie Harrell (53), harry2463 (53), remiball (53), cyberkat (52), annehf (52), annfager (52), reefer240 (51), K-Diddy (51), theeges (51), gmf1 (51), mojorizn (50), RUGDOG (50), rcraig10 (50), beefarmer (49), fayruzina (49), dremel (49), loray (48), raymondd (48), boydx6 (48), ddfool (47), enms1 (47), zephyr7 (47), Miagi (47), Nexus (47), Nexus777 (47), drowzee (47), fishinface (47), stompy0_0 (47), nemomill (47), Wormy (46), aliceml (46), Cheraly (46), LFSJames (46), rjburr14 (45), oneblackhorse (45), maxximo (45), MFISHER41 (45), mornegrigor (45), GinaYi (45), tunis (45), slipper (44), tankedagain (44), Ognid (44), steveholtam (44), clownaround1234 (44), manga1965 (43), Duck182 (43), Aqauaboogie924 (43), wild_duece2000 (42), ttreptile1 (42), hockeyweasel (42), vlade (42), cwalters (42), hardroller (42), jpatou (42), Shantell (42), katie959 (42), Five-0 (42), chinee23 (42), Big Daddy C (42), t1m (42), greybolt03 (42), Reefinabox (41), TDEVIL (41), 1320in9 (41), milhouse74 (41), sal74l (41), haydn bradbury (41), zerius (41), Joey Jo-Jo Jr (41), pj1974 (41), Sectoid (40), cricas (40), Tarkin (40), 75galsalt (40), rodzjorge (40), strang.peter (40), satriawan (39), poison_xxi (39), dougied (39), PorFshGuy (39), saira (39), jaimejojo (39), ejreyes6 (39), saltyandy (39), scottbeth (39), Bandito (38), EstimatedProphet (38), shaunwakefield (38), Aquatail (38), sixpack-7 (38), jeliask (38), pillowfish (38), sweet~n~sassy69 (38), PalmTree (37), Super Novice (37), RJARMAN (37), crazylegs (37), hopo05 (37), rydtime (37), Jan78 (37), eric beasley (37), psilentchild (37), fxtrader (37), eric b24 (37), Youngbuc151 (37), kzoojuggalo (36), Jeremy Blaze (36), butler187 (36), apapas (36), Stitchreef (36), rex7707 (36), memphisdank (36), Lenchai79 (36), Darthv247 (36), ciphen (35), underoo (35), fachin (35), flicker (35), carter30eu (35), anostimuss (35), leporinus (35), Marcus3633 (35), Marcushnmn (35), GuinnyOne (34), Nina (34), DDK (34), pilotrob (34), natedawgmil (34), kdarmr (34), Navillus (34), Tersname (33), sheeny12 (33), canesfan44 (33), merrick (33), sheaD (33), JP8224 (33), tweek5896 (33), GregG. (32), Invigor (32), Hayley (32), TheCuban1040 (32), Dooly (32), bsommers02 (32), FDLS (31), h1p1n3 (31), slty_wtrs (31), ThePetZone (30), McCrary (30), MattAranda (30), jbob (30), GeorgSapon (30), sammy113 (30), dankman88 (30), advollelf (30), kotu100 (30), towel33 (30), celestialvoodoo (29), billyjoe04 (29), Aquanoob (29), T.B.M (29), freddyboi (29), HumbleLobster (29), andregarcia_73 (29), clslvr6spd (29), awilliams4806 (29), KONSTANTINEcor (28), bubble_gum (28), All_Dat (28), ciocemar (28), IdahoFledgling, fishfreak19 (27), hardasaroc (27), Salt_King18 (27), appealsweks (27), verado (26), sciguyman (25), fjern__rekefisk (25), dustinP (24), 7thdarkangel, tajar (22), kcole, Frags Gone Wild, Betterboy4 (18) Birthdays
Add New Event Friday
scbadiver, TSquare, reign, FenwayFish, doodlhd, rault, new2, flowerhorn, beachbound, sekhet79, stillman99, puleski, Reefer07, daisyduck, eggerstout, Farrierfish, 1babelove, 96b.boy, jemw, DaveMcK, MHurst6507, wolfer5757 (69), lydzan (68), washingtond (68), jackwcalabrese (68), cybercatt (66), Mr. 700 (66), gui953 (62), tgfrank (61), Billybeau1 (61), tony damato (60), canyousee (60), dave garcia (60), nancyledzep (60), KS (59), dougmonahan (59), fishman6 (58), ppomatt (58), whathe1 (58), Ratau (58), huffhines1 (57), JohneeM (57), Mimbonaquarium (55), billy72 (54), TheSNakE (54), Fishnit (54), FrankyV (54), evandro hohl (53), ppldewey (53), Sand & Surf (52), Soon-Kook Hong (51), larchul (51), JORGEN (51), hoxton (51), dennis_sage (51), todd141, robby (50), bigcabin (50), Reonboutt (50), eifert (49), Deron Kazmaier (49), Nano4Kids (48), Slingshot (48), switherj (48), doublea (47), beermanic (47), KLHAMMETT (47), rick17 (47), lhoy (47), jubonski (47), KRMNAL1 (47), stevestank (47), gcarroll (46), CHANESNY (46), Luse (46), duc (46), roger183 (46), smilin-buddha (46), Goby1kanobe (46), kderider (46), aquaman1969 (46), Saul T. Wadder (46), MACH1969 (46), eric shelsy (46), harris (45), janggo (45), lvoogt (45), ikaros (45), Zigge (45), LuMMuX (45), Olivier75009 (45), LotR Clown (44), reefer32 (44), splitshadowz (44), DStanlelyD (44), Lord Taipan (44), Lemontree (44), firewyf99 (43), Ohhno (42), Brian Klein (42), Kira_Yamato (42), Nikky (42), Papua (42), Steel_Phoenix (41), Cappetta (41), escape2theocean (41), LivingTheDream (41), Cuzinchris (41), DETON8TED (40), Puffers (40), Kaiser Tang (40), faruk asipi (40), bentleg (40), SteveV60 (40), sp00k3d (40), AlexxAnder (40), Rain999 (40), jasperb (40), TFK (39), kendasquid (39), Discosoma (39), jbgoodman (39), Studentforlife (39), nuss2525 (39), Saxen (39), dub_LFoD (39), Elvishfrost (39), TheMcs (38), vansualla (38), cashman95 (38), Aurorafox (37), Efflo. (37), Andreas Gaehler (37), reeflover420 (37), worlds under (37), Nosy Be Imports (37), bobbyatwuw (37), sarah_a_holmes (37), Dolfan0925 (36), DRAGN (36), josh holt (36), n8dogggg (36), Abenimeette (36), dolphirefighter (36), Migget (36), dcmilnes (35), themastr (35), e30r32 (35), samson419 (35), tiger06 (35), JPSunga (35), partorrin (35), leandro (35), NANOYED (35), PhoenixBlue (34), IanV (34), gibbswagon (34), MarineBioMel (34), yellow05specv (34), Young Joe Gibbs (34), kynsee (34), Geoffkx250 (34), red8269 (34), CKS (33), amandasaurus (33), gannmann9876 (33), insaneman37 (32), billaweed (32), Dace (31), sauerpwr84 (31), BiterAtmonk (31), vioricarK (31), cody6766 (31), chucke (31), blynch002 (31), kosiarek84 (31), QwSuperMan (30), mwoodruff964 (30), McCune (30), Arcar (29), giftqoq (29), WGardiner (29), AndyCapp (28), Coleskank (28), young&broke (28), chris98 (28), MOFelix25 (28), Vuhphekargura (28), akidnamedchad (28), tj1627, fishguy306 (27), tuscany2007 (27), fishstixs05 (26), jerry_canary (24), RazorBlade (23), Downdraft (15) Birthdays
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valm, SRVDVM, tucharro1, Exuma, upyurzbudy, dan934, Reef Nanna, suburban, o1h2i3o (78), Dale Bergman (72), LStrad (67), CBBSteve, anrocsea (64), saltpeter81 (64), BobB (62), sadiespins (61), WayneL140 (60), seaswank (59), Mudshark (57), just4fun (57), tanker (57), smooth (54), Heidyth (54), smooth_9 (54), Lisa Fernandez (54), miklanus (54), Carant (54), tgcsoftware (53), raffy026 (53), Jeanie Mace (53), parker d (53), Dubachev (53), tnlz1985 (53), gipojoe (52), N@utilus (52), fasciaking (52), csellers (52), johanvanpe (52), smcnutt (51), turnbull (51), emaughan (51), naja002 (51), mtPockets (51), Peter Metzner (50), cyberaqua (50), tmarshfield (49), MNEWMAN455 (49), Kalladusa (49), dhodorow (48), makka (48), rhoodhouse (48), bill dickey (48), tizzy (48), affirmdrack (48), jcorrigan (47), chilihed (47), louf (47), FeflyFauddy (47), chilihedkc (47), Andersen (46), fc1jimbo (46), Haroldo Ailton (46), Trouble (46), cscapes (46), kachura (46), Scottpeper (46), chrisman (46), peskyfish (45), onthefly (45), Csug (45), condair (45), Long~DaKine (45), icenine2005 (45), HighlandReef (45), ayort (45), alexpa70 (45), dan1970 (45), NYGiantsfan (45), benjavan (44), Dunks (44), kimbits (44), DeepBlueC (44), Ross71 (44), bb71926 (44), MICHEAL1 (43), kimsuit (43), Phil Gilbert (43), MANDARINMAN (43), Tanggy (43), mountian72 (43), w30thumper (43), hvsukrw (43), westsieeed72 (43), aquaman1972 (43), Bigdog72901 (43), kris1290 (43), perchman (42), guitfiddler (42), dgmckay (42), ANTONIO OVALLES (42), Jonifive (42), cooperjns (42), lsilcott (42), rcschmoopy26 (42), Justen (41), tomisidori (41), Studly, altunay (40), llamart (40), S fisher (40), ydolt (40), ZK2005 (40), Curlsoc (40), jennotts (40), fishymommy (40), kenegro (40), markdu (39), matthewb1 (39), enash99 (39), scuba steveo (39), Shayne123 (39), mnjlp27 (39), shayne (39), RADERBY (39), pegoncalves (39), rstrange (39), red_hot_mama (39), nemezis (39), ms1041 (38), The_Equalizer (38), EmeraldBayOfDeath (38), jolt26 (38), jpeconsult (38), Atlantean (38), cjmackellar (38), ExesseInseste (38), capt_iago (38), bgekky3 (38), dwindle69 (37), dhess (37), dragonflysandler (37), pinnaclereef (37), macdad2718 (37), will05 (37), laurakearns (37), Anakonxx (37), ToledoReef (36), markvanderwoude (36), Sipunculido (36), BryanFox79 (36), keguttbek (36), vasqucx (36), Squir3l (35), X88&94GT (35), euanmur (35), Filip Gosselin (35), Apple5150 (35), danielcesar26 (35), Sweetkitten (35), brward5 (35), latrecia4life (35), bossocw (35), peter81 (34), DVST8R (34), dasher (34), rickmanz (34), fastrack26 (33), rickyjai8 (33), keekster1 (33), ryan_heinbuch (32), Quilb (32), Blue Drag (32), ScottWilger (32), reelitin (32), reelonein (32), Albinoguppies (31), kencole5 (31), bussardnr (31), lostreefermike (31), iken (31), jrodmunz (31), ReefnQueens (31), mantusma (31), Scorched_Ice7 (30), Uberslash (30), bonedaddycjh (30), sracasti (30), Mlam (29), Ready2Reef (29), mr fluff (29), rmorse (29), mart12345 (29), Reefkeepr1986 (29), njp14333 (27), SitBackAndWatch (27), bcampbe6 (27), LongLostLOTRelf (27), Elliott89 (26), mcarnley89 (26), bluede (25), clownfish_09 (25), TGrogan (24), Vitamin D (24), dh7922 (24), Zoanthidking171 (24), fishkid6692 (22), jakeh24 (20) Birthdays
September 2015
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