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« Week | Week » November 2015
Add New Event Sunday
jasonbolduc, R334, ola4, ebqwert, Virago, Robert Johnston, tamidriver, Bigandbouncy, doRee, spawn79, bigeyetuna, lanochka, 1prettyfish, firefishred, reeferfishin', mermaid damsel, NarumiHayaashi, jimbain, irabren (71), rmotley (71), georged (67), Bijengum (64), JimD433 (63), stevefb (61), Mark Soderberg (61), scoobysu (61), konikmorski (60), Bushwacker (60), w. f. molee (60), mikemelg (59), Kenny L (58), midniter (56), Warren Molee (56), Jana (55), Todd L (55), hkblitz (54), Drizz (54), michelengeoff (54), 0p3n Brain (54), capntom6410 (53), pluff (51), dennisthe (51), Crayz4life (51), porsche96893 (51), Gobyblue (51), jim6584 (50), duranddressel (50), the_blue_tuna_2 (50), ReefSparky (50), reeferoz (50), Hakan Demir (48), reefbr (47), Celso-Brazil (47), adxchye (47), po_beda (47), n896227 (47), drgmeh (47), Rob42261 (47), Hangman187 (47), Anubis_OD (47), steveb1 (47), SPSTER (46), mymistygirl (46), Mr James (45), sfloridasalty (45), Angel-C (45), vitaminsea (45), Tyslin (45), Nitroq2 (45), mjparr (45), aquaticobserver (45), ops1204 (45), beuchat (45), MadReef2 (45), zooqi (44), bulan (44), Marius (44), Muvisan (44), monarch (44), reef cheef (44), lemonsx4 (44), feihCfeeR (44), HEADCHEF1971 (44), Bill Davis (44), nemomama (44), seamonkeydo (44), bd3616 (44), waterfowlhntr (44), giblet (44), kp09 (43), Canton Reefer (43), AntClown (43), abatefish (43), Chappe (43), erdalcandan (43), Gary McKinney (43), Omanensis Jedi (43), gm333 (43), abatefish72 (43), tee1172 (43), Aquatame (43), danreefs (43), feivel (42), adidas_boi (42), keebler (42), jaydraven (42), saydals (42), markb911 (42), lakelanson (42), iutbapdg (42), wongcf (42), rbja (42), Crippler (42), newtothereef (42), superior (41), nealtherep (41), strelcevina (41), sc3gte (41), bigair (41), clownsntriggers (41), andilim (41), Hami (41), royter99 (40), my_oops (40), jreefa (40), dwburton21 (40), fishyfisher (40), kicky (40), ORL75REEF (40), smprifogle (39), wumpett (39), philw (39), JayFish (39), sukhdev (39), asiavage (39), basscatcher (39), puertorociii (39), patillscaper (38), jedo (38), BigJim (38), Rodrigo Siqueira (38), geesmom (38), alycat (38), tennents (38), DEBAGO (38), El Diablo (38), serius77 (38), kevlardawg (38), dalee26 (38), kaslan (37), jjljason (37), cappachino420 (37), shalegac (37), dstringf (37), MINCHMAN (37), Clayman (37), arizonaocean (37), yongxang (37), vasp (37), stainless120 (37), AZINDY (37), mclarenf1fan (36), henrik_skb (36), Steve Helferich (36), tupacpalaman (35), reefhopeful (35), drumsrme47 (35), justferi (35), Amphi (35), CGill311 (35), keno (35), Flpimpn (35), Princessn678 (35), Veneficus (34), revrenhex (34), Crepusculum (34), Stephany (33), jasob (33), italianamericn (33), CaseysZ28 (33), storrisch (33), w100rkn (33), mandemomof3 (33), polymer10101 (33), pradanov (33), deepblue90 (33), ianisbaulle (33), visser (32), suly1214 (32), daveasus (32), BigRedSpecial (32), theguy427 (32), !xobile (32), thekingofpop154 (32), Handsome Rob (32), chriswalker1983 (32), buzz2326 (32), KzooGirl (31), boosted306 (31), AF_Ray_Tng (30), MobileRay (30), Elijah (30), mike116 (30), mjoener (30), rrooccky (30), amc1101d1 (30), paarl (30), brad29 (29), harnsheng (29), dangpride (29), ucflumberjack (29), phea2 (28), Jan2003 (27), dudleystinks (27), wunstaboi (27), Mr Sh0tgun (27), Frankthetank13 (27), semkina (27), Aokigahara (27), cwarris (26), modesta2 (26), eamonn (26), Anarchy bananna (24) Birthdays
Add New Event Monday
jimmyj7090, jfinch, tsutaoka, scuba1102, olee, ojreef, MaryBebo, TChristman, cfaurote, pepe55555, rickysangel, Tom_62, Mmarino55, imtopora, mratner, Badgerman, raddog1, mavjoy, gradth, dcasarez, btiffany, Kiviro, traceli, larry610 (69), Scopas (65), raymond_62002 (64), aklarry (63), Larry R. Cisner (63), DFSINGER (62), phillyone (61), Milikin (61), Bugcrusher (60), alexmoon48036 (60), bagpiper jim (60), elj (59), bobled (59), loosemoose (58), pct (58), tui (58), RayD (58), paolo 57 (58), MatroxRunner (57), gilbertman (57), martyn h (56), im2koolmw (56), phoenixmail (56), Tazman69 (56), cody3553 (56), Ironmanbob (55), Goibot (55), reefsinker (53), Nockner (53), Scott_L (53), keith132 (53), Philter1 (53), Kimos (52), arwana (52), TedsAquarium (51), j007perez (51), Gump (50), BlueMarlin (50), Starmstr (49), thx 1138 (49), kaboke (49), kefer (49), newly salted (49), LovenBama (49), stormin (48), sweden_nemo (48), mprey (48), limwis (48), javier rt (47), macno (47), jaydanevich (47), Ian_Eb (46), motodad623 (46), RavenFan02 (46), Exxer (45), drummer34 (45), reefcrazy0540 (45), get-a-fish (45), Hickory (45), Leeho (45), glinton (44), badapple (44), bcarl (44), JEFFTHEREEFER (44), Force_Plankton (44), Drex22 (44), AquaticsNovice (44), Jeanniee (44), mja8761 (44), SunDevil95 (44), Bruce8167 (44), Frosty8167 (44), JIP (43), god_of_wolves (43), Convertigo (43), chadonna (43), cmoren0 (43), rico521 (43), cschumaker (43), kosmidis (43), captainart (43), Chriso916 (43), RicoInMontreal (43), bungdeepsea (43), wjrg (43), moose48fox (43), camiller (42), ofdave (42), Fireblade929 (42), Morthoseth (42), Digital Prophet (41), keep on reefun (41), dmicha (41), cubefan (41), August (41), micurtis (40), christran (40), alamshutterman (40), clivel (40), ssbreef (40), maelza (40), reef_ky (40), minkin (40), jvr1102 (40), bughum7 (40), celop14 (40), fishnerd (39), moneyclip (39), tyson (39), mcsejax (39), Atdnole (39), Ratbag (38), 8circuts (38), The Moog (38), ReeferJones (38), johnreefny27 (38), dj_soma (37), socorrojacobo (37), jkleejk (37), Scissorhand (37), Chinese Laundry (37), mfg324 (37), SITNLOWDOWN (36), chinchiu (36), srit1 (36), diskus (36), rockpools193 (36), alanmorehead (36), towry (36), Tropix (36), drernesto (36), CluelessFish (35), First Nano (35), propho (35), letter2no (35), T@nkgurl311 (35), cidermaster (35), nickpastry (35), contraband (35), dent82 (35), smulemor (35), CSanino (35), Pigpen80 (35), Iapeti (35), Dyceskynes (34), enteri_00 (34), tigerarmy (34), seasolutions (34), Eth0_Star (34), JoeyTheMad (34), hcmo (33), bmcgurk2000 (33), vasylr (33), Jay1982 (33), Chelmon02 (32), pete620 (32), fishmcd83 (32), fredro (32), alanmeade (31), peewee (31), Sophiebelle (31), rtcpenguin (31), Michael_J_P_425 (31), stickeyrice (31), mark1102 (30), Cierra1985 (30), bleary55 (30), nightunter (30), thomas1102 (29), Humatrigger32 (29), deftonead (29), wayneduncan (29), cameronroed (29), johnc43113 (28), ReachTheSky (28), fishking (27), the_kick_inside (27), Jweb1369 (27), The Wow Factor (26), MetalIsAwsome6 (25), lukektm125 (25), speakyourmind (25), cptclam (24), boost (24), Rispa, geewizzitsme (23), Coralfrenzy (18) Birthdays
Add New Event Tuesday
peekay, Dolfan, SeaMermaid, Rabbit, JHoyte, gavin, ADBtie, CeCe803, kd357, new2physh, CincyGida, forhead, ReeferREALTOR, willbilly, calouste, Deanna Dabbs, dennis72, setec69, BenMG, Francisco Marti, mtaquarist, cmcgehee01 (76), jbarcelona4 (73), DennyA (70), pwjaeger (65), johndbow (63), Richo53 (62), Little Haven (61), fishhaven1 (61), FiberLux (60), 747pilot (60), Hamish (58), tomcat2000 (57), richjh (57), twb (56), morgan33 (55), efex (55), zeca (53), broug (53), skimmers (52), plack (52), AfAqua (52), sadaaesix (52), docloyde (52), sumadee (52), kickin (51), gotgamenky (51), builderguy (51), teena (51), scottsdalreefer (51), DallasNYC (50), armac (50), redstang (50), joeski3 (50), mkdave (49), artone (48), suzukiro (48), jjwalker (48), N Awe (48), scubakevdm (48), kimfdim (48), rescamilla (47), malachai (47), Biff Barfsnagle (47), kresearch (47), ninnydapooh (46), lawrencehunter (46), Dugala (46), tim110370 (45), chrisnpa (45), joebuckmaster (45), phillbo (45), fishaholicWife (45), csauer52 (45), HHFamily (45), caracarn (44), cook71 (44), joeycadre (44), breizh (44), dgcforfar (44), RadaR323 (44), Cap'nPete (43), tom4anna (43), coralscapes (43), NoahEd (43), volunteerguy (43), CCall (43), 1wopr (43), drbear03 (43), SkinnyBoy (42), rhina (42), DarkEve (42), ReefSteve (41), denisNYCreef (41), dave12 (41), Icky (41), Skins (41), scotp94 (41), NDJ (40), jcjavelosa (40), steve510 (40), ferevryoung (39), fishyoperations (39), cash288 (39), darrenkim (39), mike batptiste (39), matty0206 (39), craig76 (39), BipolarRusty (39), cbo80110 (38), pebble (38), MWehr76364 (38), Duke13 (38), rarment (38), kd 327 (38), petev (38), casethekid (38), spacereefer (38), blakeboy300 (38), Brad M. (38), dhammers06 (38), slakker187 (38), DJMEAT (37), Camela (37), muzzler (37), Ira NZ (37), spratocaster (37), celldweller (37), LTJGAlex (37), tdog7879 (37), squidy_stl (37), Jamie5ltr (37), DAQ (36), Desert Aquarium (36), 6stringpenguin (36), migas_01 (36), lbheyman (36), validol (35), RipCurl (35), NiV (35), SoonerMan (35), famlymn (35), Diverman (35), TrancexACx (35), Pascual (35), servicefailed (35), Ashen404 (35), nate113 (35), mhayward (35), MelissaZek (34), venusncsu (34), thornbury (34), teenie_twin (34), carolinespine (34), junorastaman (34), dww701 (34), Almaz (33), cc62345 (33), kellyp1 (33), keysbound (33), lmdaley (33), Machiavelli (32), brad_dolick (32), KAZEKY (32), nikkipigtails (32), phox202 (32), saturnboy69 (31), -=WildPony=- (31), marinoob (31), Drake (31), Marcuz (30), psumosdef (30), mikechowan (30), xkingjamesx (29), imaginer (29), TeeMiniReef (29), Frozone120 (29), mykrofon (28), js_bass (28), Donmagic22 (28), hillwhomp (27), jewbilee (27), antony1103 (26), BIGDANE36 (26), LiLfishy90 (25), Fishyskid90 (25), onthecourt4life (24), CJTs 55gal (23), Young Reefer 03 (21) Birthdays
Add New Event Wednesday
Cowtownman, hairijuana, poisonmywell, Mrspit66, sbsshadow, "br", Cholesterol, digordiex, tutone316, andynyc, Barry L, dkakross, tsmom, muffin_man, cksky, jmiguel, dsmehs, 57Chevy, SuburbanReef, supersurfer12, Alycia, cobaltplasma, demifelix, reefkeeper66, cooper13, trackfast, Rawlings2332, supershamus (75), Joe46 (69), reggie (67), Ojaifilm (63), dodrj (62), jankoi (62), acro bat (61), interest (57), Nanookie (57), Andrea (56), ozreefer1 (56), Program1 (56), coralkepr (55), peheblim (55), yosi1 (55), gregtheriot (55), Hack2 (55), DaveWC (54), lpapagno (53), brandoug (52), BLACK42799 (52), skidoo (51), denden9 (50), mooching (50), boyimw13 (50), capred2 (50), brewercm (49), kgurley1325 (49), Julio Monteiro (49), quadzmoto (49), ldlkenneth (48), DodgeHemi (48), sean bidwell (48), genicanthus1 (48), genicanthus1681 (48), arabiamark1 (47), Rhall (47), Snooker00 (47), hreichl (47), dpd (47), bch3425 (46), Ref (46), FlameAngel4 (46), RunsWithToddlers (46), evhwolfgang (46), jimimac (46), lilfishguy (46), MasterDrazhar (46), Croff (46), reno1 (45), BarrySDCA (45), dor (45), julie853 (45), Thalion_1 (45), jeffwinkle (45), reef / aholic, HDReefer (44), Stickboy (44), Adamek (44), Snootch (43), kl34479 (43), jsimon (43), marcial13469 (43), luv_my_ocean2004 (43), aritzert (43), achenator (43), jtss10 (43), Alexandre Rodri (43), artie (42), jstaley (42), nurse shark (42), wattss78 (42), fasteddya (42), Shepherd (42), jace34 (42), Contiki (42), neckcutterjt (41), jrazo (41), reefman069 (41), mountgerizim (41), LUCKYINVESTOR (41), joshbiz (41), DuckManson (41), GraphicMan (41), dbcnash (41), tryin (41), roushinator (40), protege (40), bajadave (39), nismodude (39), king4345 (39), papparoy (39), rvgriff (39), Covenant, jtwils97 (38), pdgaffer (38), skeletor121 (38), timmay96 (38), Weller (38), dlondono (38), littlefox (38), godxzilla (38), TomK (37), ivon1955 (37), kidafius (37), #15337690 (37), bean counter (37), Pauln27 (37), billyblue (36), espy77 (36), jelena021 (36), Timmy & Erika (36), fishhead79 (36), veggiegirl (35), bulldogs72 (35), gotitans (35), titansgurl (35), Kingerjosh (35), dcmartinpc (35), donk18 (35), mem98 (35), Dslywka (35), fatih2929 (35), EclipseAgent (34), kramer102 (34), mike70nova (34), tags (34), jxm213 (34), a0n0p (34), Japsican (34), ddpartida (34), Mrs.makoj (34), cyberhero (34), slavecorps (34), chicod00 (33), _Wolfen_ (33), Nanoreef2000 (33), stina (33), Orient Master (33), MrWilcox281 (33), StrictlySalt (32), tnjones (32), avengexthexdead (32), waynechung (32), NemusMaximus (32), rwolf2003 (32), Toolei (32), makaveli909 (31), McGuire (31), stanger11484 (31), reefer11484 (31), Dolmo5000 (31), surg_xero (30), Windirmere (30), Kuzio (29), smadascott (29), Powellsk8er (29), Fishystuff22 (29), anthony7747 (28), redbug1 (28), zebinheimer (27), Mikeeee (27), euRo. (26), shadowboy (26), CollinT (26), karnivorous (25), illinibruin (24) Birthdays
Add New Event Thursday
Daveyboi, snowstar, bradsch, lawnboy, jetty, sansupt, StephM33, Flemming Stendo, ines, Gerry & Judy, aquaruki, littleking247, saltyguy51, Tomjay, Reefolution, mkenochm, dCota, brennickfish, Lolas_boy, mkz83, liftman62, 400wot (109), (73), JOSEALIMA (72), lionface (70), Gordon Bates (68), bates101 (68), alancox (66), sailergal (65), herbie0048 (62), Canal Pilot (62), BillT (61), mdidominicus (61), fuzzmand (61), scurbs, Ron crook (59), ardy2008 (58), Dangerous Darla (56), deton (56), fishdudein (56), bermuda reefer (56), Royal Exclusiv (55), fastboatguy (54), rtafoya (53), SDZ (53), Markm1963 (52), JoergB (52), 6969 (51), grumpygar (51), noles315 (51), karl larsen (51), time3664 (51), gottahaveaDori (51), ttimeon (51), byronious, Anne Guy (50), Michelle-n-Rich (50), Aeolius, Aquatic Hamster (49), to reef or not (49), RiptideRN (49), jsalame (49), Wetwilly66 (49), aquahomer (48), trueblackpercula (48), schokp305 (48), DuaneP (48), Larman (48), ilovecarol (48), yons00 (48), fishman1967 (48), bbrown6047 (47), Tjake68 (47), kirkandkhristi (47), johnny8745 (47), knfloyd (46), lureef (46), todd11569 (46), Johnscrub (46), lilem (45), duongtony (45), jasondg (45), MrsDrBDC (45), DVS1 (45), exoticfinder (45), jimmy n (44), ncscubaguy (44), bstarne (44), apex (44), hamdan1 (44), babyblues71 (44), BriSape23 (44), bigredchair (44), forceone (44), jtp7004ft (43), mhernandez (43), schackmel (43), Paulo R. Bueno (42), RandyandTara (42), Bimatech (42), jonathan.ellis (42), jayke (41), PootieTang (41), harabara (41), Olliereefer (41), SMI (41), neilbowden (41), monacoplc (41), whiteleaf (41), mike inman (41), jborvrnut (41), medic 125 (41), annularisx (41), Joseriv047 (41), healinbear (40), Kenny (40), waterart (40), aleics (40), thomasz (40), jiggly75 (40), winters_robert (40), Starscream (40), relaxednature (40), Spears A418tm (39), kcc10 (39), Rayne440 (39), Saltymarco (39), demetriustracy (39), skiper (39), timmmysli (39), Brightshark (38), mynicechicken (38), marka806 (38), TheGent (38), DiscusDan (38), zombie13 (38), JUDGE66 (38), djaz0503 (37), bubareefer (37), SilverBack27 (37), megadiesel08 (37), cereion (36), cuervoblanco (36), Fordstang84 (36), ozgur (36), asuncionmj (36), swabby1214 (35), toyotadiver (35), Vardhaman (35), dragonfly_jrr (35), jack05 (35), bluewonders (35), dirtydavenkc (35), Al Gae (35), mapbf (34), Erik765 (34), 0ma12 (34), budeboy102 (34), andrew81 (34), jetter95 (34), agam909 (34), sploke (34), coastie81 (34), intalore (33), jrodmarkle (33), kenbennedy (33), kmt46 (33), CorruptedFish (33), madcatz (33), raphael55 (33), ZAG048 (33), andrewjue (33), xytrix01 (32), buk (32), dkunin (32), MedicalZoa (32), oliverbighead (32), WillWorkForFish, Mr. T (31), Bill3H (31), another newbe (31), disdominican (31), goulashriot (31), jrod_vr4 (31), ab1784 (31), tbone357357 (31), TechN9ne (30), twabatman2004 (30), sbladen (30), Prototype (30), Cuttlecute (30), darb85 (30), Apexlaxfrog (29), aelise (29), aporareefa (29), arnold.634 (29), WhiteRiceOnly (28), jpod13 (28), Chevymacjr87 (28), Raehawk (28), epdp14 (28), hikarishadow (28), sonyscrap (28), laus (28), lausntwins (28), StrangeDejavu, SaltyDog08 (26), aquaSELK (25), saltwater4life1 (24), chiquita (22), PEACEoutt (22), reef meister (22), MrTyler585 (21) Birthdays
Add New Event Friday
fishymissy, KarenH, chance_11, texbigred1, SkinnZ, R33f3r, Griff Staley, texasranchers, rubins, iluvmud1, PhLipStyLz, masta, slvrvetteragtop, pacioli, ROBERT LUSTER, Billy1234, Chiefmcfuz, Marlon Jr, kmhopkins, Julie V, Cale W, reefpoor, blau, polka, spinoleo, jeannet30, matthewaters, bc2poo, CathyGo, tashbridge, garys reef, JelloArmor, peter200 (73), moliken (70), capel (64), johnpoole (63), rbishop1953 (62), hazydaze (61), guppie (59), robbjo (59), MV_Photon (58), dfitzz (57), reefscorpion (57), Benjamn (57), seadoo21 (56), rhanke3 (55), davetw (55), klgreene (55), Aqualunn (55), sue-zero (54), Jollymon (53), Stephan_MPA (53), Mac_1962 (53), oveb (53), reefer222 (53), gauge14iv (52), Nravin (52), fish2 (52), gartj (52), jimwat (51), cbjedi (51), Fish2reef (51), jrucker (51), marco_antonio (50), MartyDW (50), SPG (50), clamlvr (49), zagor (49), KDodds (48), lilbubba (48), Markfsmf (48), drnemo (48), Reefmiester (47), superjet (47), thadden (47), Raymond G. (47), Onewayne222, zaireguy (46), chris232 (46), birdguy30 (46), uscg qm (46), bigdawg (46), seadaddy (46), AMalick (46), canyonrunner (45), mbeckberger (45), scottya10 (45), ncfatcat (45), philh1970 (45), enchie (44), C. Schuhmacher (44), gerwen (44), JenK (44), ReefDetective (44), TomH (43), Qofther (43), mwbuchanan (43), ruder (43), nielson.carmo (43), jasonsledd (42), cbmaddixrn (42), gzimmerman (42), Diamondhead (42), cmaddix (42), red_jellybean (42), glen28 (42), CaptainK (41), Micol23 (41), swampRX (41), R. FIGUEROA (41), TwtyBrd (40), coral clay (40), fsuraven (40), redkneecoral (40), dpmamay (40), j_abydos (39), B.Scott (39), qckslvr76 (39), jbfish5 (39), kaylo (39), piraya (39), rob.l (38), stang5_o2002 (38), MisterEcho (38), aaresmi (38), woochild86 (38), jebar777 (37), dcc94tt (37), jay6629 (37), Charles78 (37), jacopasqui (37), mattpompili (37), DrAndrew78 (37), sardonicscorpio, Xsavior (36), musicsmaker (36), bucaroos (36), bulldale (36), Pittsburgh23 (36), Schmev (36), square goby (36), tangelo_ (36), Trushar (36), Chemical_Balnce (36), Inverte-J (36), AnubisCy (36), DougJP (36), ksweat (36), miasonnyboy (36), hunter04 (35), Seismic (35), larry2scorp (35), nwrogers (35), Rubicon06 (35), michael70068 (35), Aleyenator (35), Bunkerbean (35), KayzeeGal (35), mitsurs01 (35), tamspsreef (35), benK (34), snowroach (34), LeonP (34), slowreef (34), hkendrick24 (34), Thadius (34), Jimmy_745li (34), dgibson (34), easystreet (34), nickbme06 (34), metamorphis (33), flynlow (33), luke_holtan (33), LakesPookie (33), snowblind_rose (33), thomasdang (33), Just2Many (33), brodden (33), cancervero (33), ranbutler (33), emm0909 (33), wilbertpr (33), CassiusClay (33), BrandonFlorida (33), AJ31655 (32), slidewayz (32), jgs107 (32), ls1fst98 (32), TheIrishJedi (32), pwdbyhrses (31), sowinskim (31), Civicman86 (31), Shawnh204 (31), tanknymph (31), marinewife (31), okan058 (31), allyharvell (30), JPLoria116 (30), Bill S. (30), juvenile_angel8 (29), MichaelJ2006 (29), shuskins (29), stickynono (29), akinn24 (29), ChauperFish (28), reefer_man_mike (28), GLino (28), sciknen (28), beatle65803 (28), SankTank (28), morehouse87, D3MONIC (26), zermeno (23), bigbrain22 (22) Birthdays
Add New Event Saturday
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