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« Week | Week » November 2015
Add New Event Sunday
LisaP, BCashion, stan, lil_octo86, Marinecrazy, joe_dejesus, fishnutz, mdvistnes, RobertE, mcdcrew, Mike Schrider, lpsluver, banditpowdercoat, Firekat, Joe the Reefer, Ceptic, Cptnhook, Terry C, Sundance (66), bcollett (66), fisherboy (66), Meema (64), dsparke (63), Marlin Perkins (63), wyseow (62), gbracht (62), b10959 (62), rexruss (61), ecandf (61), Jot (60), jmanrow (60), Jmanrow503 (60), Wolfgang (58), Blatsocyst (58), Nezih (57), bazobee (57), gallan (56), ballgerry (55), el2iot2 (55), hritter (54), gmcmudder (54), FaviaLover (54), seasponge (53), pscheel (52), GREATWHITE5333 (52), BSLK (51), ReeferMJP (50), ronawilson (50), AneesasMuse (50), don (49), geodandrew (49), gizmo1966 (49), Infinytum (49), chefcraig (49), gwies (48), s1rGr1nG0 (48), scotter (48), abaarstad (48), SERATSE (48), JeffKirk (48), marathon man (48), wilbert (47), Yellotang (47), msudul (47), IReefer madness (47), mrtadpole (47), Tmot99 (47), How Choon Beng (46), roushduo (46), my hobbies (46), dancn (45), Fisherman's Lassie (45), BFrank (45), jennyownz1 (45), Ozereefer (45), reefdoc2001 (44), russellyhy (44), [WDT]TardFarmer, Silver Wolf (43), JimmyK (43), CABLEGUYSC (43), Chriscj (43), ps3, Luciano Henriqu (42), JonK (41), nicolaj (41), Kelly1138 (41), CORS74 (41), dborowsk (41), neko121 (40), thorsky (40), marcos peixoto (40), Thors (40), Lenny2 (40), TMY880 (40), Liquid_Plummer (40), Koren G. (39), pete125 (39), artZreef (39), Paul Stegmaier (39), jay1976 (39), wolfpak (39), Layla'sreef (39), LJMOTS (39), p stegmaier (39), ICE PHISHIN (39), mrybaker (38), rlpolo101 (38), Skydvwolfe (38), Mstrscott (38), clarkkent21 (38), loriirish77 (38), Ben (37), RaiderFan (37), Reefatarian (37), danthesmurf (37), Rblake (37), farno_78 (37), imeridian (37), TheJ (36), Dejavu (36), staindlife (36), pink spider (36), BFisher244 (36), nlknight (36), guydc1979 (36), Alex Chen (35), davetkoch (34), DoriGirl (34), Asturix (34), ShawnJones (34), OceanDweller (34), chipndal3 (34), Hypancistrus (34), pookaberry (33), FlckmyStckJn (33), hoycetee (33), paulypicc (33), gothguerrilla (33), falko82 (33), chefstylez (33), skillz4you (33), rezzn (33), dzamora32 (33), Tazman1982 (33), MDreefs (33), Mikebrk (32), Techtinium (32), craigyi (32), kalebsdad21 (32), clairemartyne (32), jlnune07 (31), ShaneC (31), Tiva (31), HayesAveLive (30), hamdogg08 (30), Hectorious (30), oaklee (30), eon (30), Enzo (29), Marla999 (29), Gimplar (29), MrTangRubber (29), unseen_clone (29), racecarcolin (29), JohnBuhdon (29), justintrask (28), Ahmed GGS (28), nikosapi (26), Walthall89 (26), Ali_Z (25), Gabriel_T (25), KonaEdwards90, fuerte91 (24), Corallee, hockeyhysteria24 (23), TaniaChaney (22) Birthdays
Add New Event Monday
mhmh, chong, AJB, sheryl_b, Lotus53, originalusername, skfuller, masson, token, koeplin, OrangeKoi, tk1360, sovadia, Rainfordi, NSSOB, baldwin8, Kuckie, Jewwells, mitikas (69), goofyman71 (67), buckonix (65), pieter (65), sdragan (65), allen avrutin (63), Kyton (62), malegolf (61), EWA (61), trubow (60), mmaness (60), Stan McClain (59), Tad's (59), Frankentank (58), cmacmike (58), dvdbrb (58), PSPeedle (58), Ziggy_Zeigler (57), glass1 (56), bmacho446 (56), ben98 (56), DLNR/DAR (56), steve42 (55), at lantaman (55), che25 (55), print6196 (54), msfelicee1 (54), tg.1961 (54), Hubb97 (53), rbudwig (52), murrayd22 (52), SeaLevelScuba (52), rexbudwig (52), imchucklee (52), Oglan, EricO (51), crazie.eddie (51), pete.e (51), eschreib (51), fishmanpuffer (51), hillsidepetshop (51), MIReeferman (51), lbussy (50), don nemo (50), joethetaxman (50), scottnjenni (50), malenci (50), Timberwerks (50), terryp01, arnjer (49), Nayko (49), afal66 (49), trudiwinter (49), chrisskiman (49), justcuz (49), bob vidotto (49), Steve-o 17 (49), schiller2300 (48), Sonja (48), zmachine (47), tbrunenn (47), scubafla1 (47), Snowking (47), blufrog (46), tryffin (46), cedig (46), ukguy (46), scherer (46), kris4647 (45), pantera2077 (45), arkangel77 (45), Mykel Obvious (45), sigmapower (45), cynthiamc, Mini-Reef (44), w00dw0rk3r (44), Alaska_Phil (44), tmorrison (44), Pet fish sticks (44), ChiefLittleElk (44), clairendave, Busterdouglass, Chia (43), sperger1 (43), bobo111573 (43), billiebo (43), SCOTT42 (43), cgwong (43), n72 (43), wesweaver (42), yano (42), MiguelCriollo (42), Tiggsy (42), SLS Australia (42), fresnosaint (42), Nuitari (41), NCNBilly (41), nickthapainter (41), swissy (41), SmokeOneLV (41), DS-Sarin (41), X-Treme74 (41), TCreefer (41), thomas.reenberg (41), brggrnb2 (40), partsguy247 (40), brggrnb21 (40), RedSnapper187 (40), jdoueihi (40), bankerboy350 (40), jacekkudla (40), ReefSC (39), Pontius (39), GinoP (39), DB112 (39), aqua_alex (39), berkanna (39), rookum, Whatshisface (38), PiePuncher (38), magdelan (38), Riccia-88 (38), beerdrinker (37), the_shindogg (37), BobEsponja (37), reeffer1 (37), kimsie (37), SharkBait_Mtl (37), J_enix (37), kendi (36), rudy79 (36), roadrules1979 (36), durellt (36), champlainDiver (35), phillytec (35), xande80 (35), Soggybottom (35), willhjr4 (35), tigerbarb (35), ledguy (35), worleybird (34), pAtTy (34), arianna06 (34), IMaNoob (34), danreefman (34), wrusst (33), quiksilver (33), SpeedwayAutobody (33), reefwick (33), CitCat21 (33), CausticTwin (33), dandlionz (33), raycityboy1 (33), Josh.Br (33), kbuckaroo32 (33), 24hh (33), d.pronin, Bubbles T (32), matix (32), carolinethedog (32), HollywoodDiver (32), punkroknrol (31), TwoValveKid (31), IslandTang410 (31), MileHighFishy (31), Newman84 (31), Cashda (31), boxerz (30), saknick16 (30), reefer13 (30), shaneh (30), nsakis (30), Swift_B_D (30), nophie17 (29), ozadars (27), Kandosii (27), clownfish11 (27), JohnDub (27), Jesska* (26), blueshoes2208 (26), Ender Montiel (26), SFMMcoasters (25), k.tran (25) Birthdays
Add New Event Tuesday
Anjel, bspro, MetallicaBrain, copperband, sschmitt, jeanbaptiste9, Clownfish Jack, FOOTHILLS, romain, redartyfarty, Brian5280, NBMAXX, jb1711, saj01c, mtmandersen, michelbretz, Nick McClurg, sugarridgeranch, thellance, Annetje, biggmc, hasrul.aizan, SolynDawn, Str8linespeed, coyote_55 (74), Owen1945 (70), arliet51 (65), dollsny (65), Robert Flor (65), Wierzbinski (64), richars1 (63), hydro52 (63), sue4254 (63), doc1 (61), Anthony B. Hall (61), missing Linc (61), meralee (61), cagey (61), muze4u2 (60), videohub (60), brinlee (60), rondatu (60), markawright (60), lliebrand (59), kannorsk (59), kingnoel (59), M.C.Hippo (58), Robert Clark (57), IMAPAQRAT (56), deadfsh (56), killi 2008 (56), Chett (55), michael tickle (54), nu2salt (54), clavery (53), sbin (53), glennf, Kevinrpac (50), madbison (50), dmr2000 (50), curls2000 (50), kc chong (50), nvrgavup (49), anem31 (48), kevinspets (48), cc3 (48), TheThingIs (48), sfx (48), barok (48), Ratpack (48), johnteo (48), stemonia (47), saunders33uk (47), tommydude (47), bugjuice90 (47), wayneniz (47), frothboy (47), DeepBlueSea1969 (46), Shark Bite (46), TraceyLV (46), NightBreed1369 (46), Roath33 (46), besten (46), cfockler (45), Salt Master (45), frogster20001 (45), fishnut__2 (45), bubba1170 (45), christreacy (45), jvswan (45), cjken3063 (44), BuyALambo (43), De Marco (43), schlep17 (43), marco7 (43), 50JumpChump (43), fishwolfe (43), noahm (43), Kreeger1 (42), wormy2u (42), mzingali (42), Dawn_B (42), aeontrue (42), aalochmann (42), André Miranda (41), reefitalia (41), fabiomgl (41), sradosevich (41), JHAI3 (41), mtferengi (41), gjm258 (41), Jonny_Vegas_1 (41), rachenbrazil (41), cagri (40), DawnBlair (40), Volitan (40), protobb (40), thedogofwar (40), alexkey (40), GIACOMOALCALA (40), alexforgetmenot (40), newbian reefer (40), djchristyle1 (40), Mrbras (40), Nuerni (40), scottjua2 (39), odyssey1 (39), JumboAg99 (39), brooksthode (39), steos (39), jcparmley (39), NbMaxx13 (39), jkhalliday76 (39), MikeP471612 (39), rob28 (39), toniker (39), Marina76 (39), djcoco99 (39), mthrasher (38), fishman02 (38), palmbosm (38), mace88 (38), haase (38), Harmoniakun (38), Blayz77 (38), CD155 (37), colinlinton (37), electric130 (37), GK (37), 99tj (37), Segundo (37), marco.vizcaino (37), edland (37), Daniel Tarasenko (36), Cunch (36), beasty1711 (36), Honda2003 (36), MannyRottie (36), dystopia (36), big_d_lou (36), devinmaier (35), typrobin (35), queenbees (35), ocean werx (35), chriso (35), hooktonfsh (35), sharper (35), 61scout80 (35), sltpro-07 (35), ABOBO (35), dragonman (34), mikexreefer (34), nasher8860 (34), yus_arbyanto (34), gmcpickup66 (34), gsxrrider81 (34), LFS Locator (34), Mazel7x3 (34), misto (33), addck (33), Mook Man (33), kellenm (33), Ty1e (33), Hinzo (33), eug (32), piranha45 (32), StinaUIUC (32), CyberTrip (31), Drum1at (30), TheAquascaper (30), phatmatty (30), MazdaSPD3 (30), apollauf (30), AmandaC68 (29), nevergone815 (29), laurenkelly (29), cpoll86 (29), Blood For Coral (29), dwhite2580 (29), MaximaClam (28), jsowada (28), pukethirst (28), Youngster Dan (28), ClownFishNutt87 (28), werner.pc (27), lil jon (27), HoiNks (26), welshdpjr (26), Nikky.Werr, redskins2647 (23), Kazzy (22), Eughenos, d_moran13 (14) Birthdays
Add New Event Wednesday
thedisasterqueen, DreamScape, Red Dwarf, Kaos, kerryw, sfrounds, veggiechick818, navajo, tomeanjean, aquaman-boy, kahlin, jawkitty, Juris_Doc, AlaskanDiver, MarcusAurelius, reef60004, zeeknduke, HeatherG1rl, Gagsy, dRockReefer, reeffer1983, marinefish (75), jdorr (70), s1rk1118 (69), Lincoln Beck (69), thegreywiz (67), mchaco (67), gary999 (66), George Cramer (66), H. Limpet (66), oldduffer (64), DonnieP (64), tientran (57), jrward140 (56), merickson (56), olias59 (56), CYYC GateKeeper (56), barb14892 (55), mpznuts (55), Ravenreefman (54), Ravenlegs (54), benter (54), highflight (54), janetora (54), TonyKalada (52), pamelalmercer (52), USAF_Nighthawk (51), Igy (49), yekim_4321 (49), matpat (49), Bang (48), jaoconnor (48), phormium44 (48), Tracker546 (48), reefsapien (48), pichoboxing (48), Dougner (47), SpikeLS1 (47), capescuba (47), brettb (47), ghM.D. (47), 8trigger8 (47), manoverboard (47), alankfchan (47), jccwv1116 (47), GRP UK (47), scottpj2002 (46), frankp (46), sceptre (46), oldhouse (46), kycstudios (46), +++TheZombie+++ (46), Miniack (46), HAILEY 2736 (46), mynock11 (46), cjg11780 (45), adventurepets (45), rklaue (45), DirtyHermit (45), Nimkin (45), JDM130 (44), sixpackrt (44), antoniobar (44), Brooks_McClary (44), sprocketz (44), Szwalla (44), dom_michael (44), BUD (43), Edge (43), bhardy72 (43), gimli023 (43), zeddy (42), jbwrl (41), enzo54321 (41), oddballs (41), DVadar (41), bcusack1 (41), nowell (41), MetroTexual (41), isipt (40), LMFR (40), makeet (40), fordgt40mkii (40), Guzzetta (40), ftf (40), marymoemurf (40), hankstanks (39), deyoe757 (39), jimbodapimp (39), Deyoe1118 (39), eugimon (39), CLOWNTRG (39), keri2000 (39), Wippjas (39), John@Premium (39), seajad (39), anotherfluke (38), diabolus_sg (38), vev (38), kadella (38), LBCportagee (38), swabe3618 (38), mysoncesar (38), bbronco (37), JaakH (37), Siren Crest (37), jcm1118 (37), waway (37), Sailfin420 (37), mrl78 (37), stumpdog (36), momin313 (36), nov8tve (36), rverbeck (36), jont36 (35), Quiet Tempest (35), Wyatterp (35), BrokenReefer (35), kermit77crew (35), vildihjelm (35), dsgmm9 (35), ed4980 (34), eoffrey (34), XMASTER (34), tooklumzee (34), sasusanto (34), gpjoe (34), dan60 (34), tswtrskier56 (34), $mooth (34), coralblossom (34), MandyBell (33), sbpatel (33), zlonespava (33), v.zivkovic (33), swoop_ds (32), erikcooper (32), angeleyes (32), szvosec (32), fish-fan-attic (32), drjboo (32), Joshsreef (32), TriNewbie24 (32), gabe3eb (31), BadtzMaru (31), Eiti Yamasaki (31), csweattgo (31), the_two (30), meganmcclain18 (30), gurlwa03 (30), Snowboarda42 (30), aclewis (30), scubadrew92 (30), t666 (30), jon.elrod@gmail (30), CoRPS (29), dbsharp (29), DeMartini (29), evo_fd86 (29), Mickey86 (29), DKowaleski (28), n0d3 (27), dwheeze88 (27), tholton33 (27), Luis Leos (27), MattysGirl (25), ReeferGoose (18) Birthdays
Add New Event Thursday
spottydog, kirstenk, 440cudaman, Simas, jrenoe1, olivert00, Redcastle, Dayve, floridareefer, Mundinator, jvlz73, Bnelson, CardiffReef, jvlz, Futopia, mrairportjunke, scottyd1119, jbacker7, dtracy1119, redburn, pyithar, redneckreef, Chip (74), jdhutcheson (67), teds48 (67), jeh52 (63), JWC (62), jccash (62), sleepy1 (60), mcbb (58), Murphyme (58), Kirt Joseph (58), TommyNitro (58), flowerseller (57), yogisfriend (57), fangorn (56), sailmason (56), Carlos Guiza (55), tammym1961 (54), Tarpals (54), Clay Murphey (53), vmcdaniel (53), rolie28 (52), garymcgrath (50), hd dude (50), QueenDustBunny (50), SaintsFan (50), DrJohn (50), scubanole (49), Chamkeeper (49), mgpetitt (49), SCSTEAMROLLER (49), Tommes (49), wrestlingref (49), Mattjjohnson (48), dolfans1 (48), Vlada (48), needprozac (48), ccampo, r2e (47), Weege (47), JasonHerb (47), fisherob (47), ksjack7 (47), commuteman (47), bud40oz (47), nicfirth (46), tjbeberniss (46), hayes180 (46), ozzy200769 (46), Marcelobsb (45), wrassie86 (45), Reefugee (45), cheeky (45), William Candler (45), Tom B, Rob_Reef_Keeper (44), dingo71 (44), raoul-macdonald (44), csherlock (43), Bu32 (43), Pixtaker (43), Kimfolmer (42), miss yeps (42), Elmer (42), K-Man_73 (42), ron86hd (42), alexandre rodrigues (41), tigerwolf (41), the12thman (41), friendly (41), timmykotanks (41), Frano (41), inkfam (41), ardovalle (41), bathynome (41), chads120 (41), Resp065 (41), gixxer337 (40), lngbrdz (40), pkrsuk (40), vernonator (40), hokiebird (39), ctsmith24 (39), hairball (39), VANELIE (39), bluetank (39), Darroll (39), Beastmaster (39), big99gt (39), EO (38), Bobo555 (38), Lakeside518 (38), sexystarfish77 (38), lisabann0910 (38), JellyTheory (37), pedromontoya (37), dan11191978 (37), dropa999 (37), GeneticAnomaly (37), Superstretch18 (37), jason m (36), zfunk007 (36), reefsponge (36), kenettson1 (36), diedrichtiger (36), PiXieCath (36), Iguana79 (36), waskito_k (35), saltyhobby (35), aquarionus (35), marcusandliz (35), gbh27 (35), TeamZissou (35), edric (35), TheVastMajority (35), Filipe Valente (35), blinkGoddess182 (34), josema (34), greenfish4 (34), AquaticEngineer (34), folkert (34), happykarma (34), fishhead14 (33), DvSkIn (33), gym110 (33), tim1982 (33), plancton (33), bhovinga (33), carnophage (33), tmn_3 (33), reefimpaired101 (33), Adamreefer101 (33), ekoroknay, electrogook (32), okietechie (32), johnvidras (32), mtuttle02 (32), Diotima (32), cassie750 (31), robbie_boy (31), abrand (31), maxinf (31), hotleatherworld (31), vitaldefect001 (30), buforda (30), candeewolf (30), Uschi (30), takeblake (30), james37128, Ezzy1986 (29), jokerguapo (29), Ciali (28), sasa311 (28), Aqua_expert19 (27), MeReefBeef (27), marcos1119 (27), Corncob (27), b.burnette (27), justinmdudley (26), Tihsho (26), Xmystx (26), lionfish1991 (24), picassomomma (17) Birthdays
Add New Event Friday
Strangelove, JEFFRO, swan, gforce, JCurtiss, reefrubble, Aian, DarkXerox, thedocta, chuutena, JE, Yotoshi, dlau20, megweg79, juanpa, Joliet Jake, foxyreef, Angel_Joy, boostedirl, rppvt, Krabman, TASReef, Marie.P, guyber (77), jmatotek (72), scuba_wannabe (71), willyo (70), Krusty Krabb (68), arkibal (68), Hari50 (65), newsalt1 (64), cpelchat (64), Skipper (63), becki boggs (62), Onjinsan (62), Sherry Sinfield (60), pope (58), Robert Rollo (58), a3150 (58), GREY BOWMAN (57), jimsullivan (56), reefarmer (55), luvrson (55), FLDiver (54), sue stripey (53), joeyx (53), Jerry13 (52), reefrf (52), Ángel Morales (51), samhaz (51), LongIslandReefer (50), deressa (50), BdT028 (50), lutjanus (50), LA1TX1 (50), anabolic_1 (49), apulo (48), tmohr8 (48), Anthony Terry (48), aquaman00067 (48), Ricky P (48), martingui (48), kdyarb2002 (48), sniper sps (47), snipersps (47), maver1ck (47), Drik (47), mikebus (47), ManuVarras (47), jgrabowi (47), krj-1168 (47), colejustin (47), neuspeedgirl (47), venkiw (46), snakebaby (46), James Fox (46), dharmalism (46), bigdaddyTank (46), RADIOACTIVCORAL (46), maverickdia (46), gfish (45), LivingDeadFish (45), dcasmas (45), robn70 (45), Credille1 (45), catarinaah (45), Aquariumaker (45), Malinois1 (45), miniv (44), Salty-Lee (44), belle71 (44), rwelch (43), efishman (43), flachk (43), ptoleary (43), kkeesee (43), crink (43), donkeytoes (43), sinky (43), devorshak (42), Maryswaterworld (42), BARRIERREEF (42), azeli73 (42), erwin1 (41), bigbry (41), Bohlsackie (41), UBUD777 (41), bluelight (41), rudezuk (41), Eddiek1010 (41), andre08 (41), mdavis735 (41), Swords (40), LadyOz (40), scotchy (40), barbels (40), walt_marsh2001 (40), solcernes (40), Anime Gee (40), cbashaw (39), mee142 (39), Feerlaroc (39), lanny24nc (39), Jeremy386 (39), ovalsunshine (39), BAM (38), njsunken (38), Phi (38), miotroyo (38), FLbongbuddy (38), NeenahFoxxe, CrimsonTide78 (37), switchlaine (37), fastlaine (37), shwa_69 (37), wazo90925 (37), teamR1concepts (37), marineman1978 (37), signal_4 (37), stef1 (37), toad2169 (37), Fortunato (37), wazzo, MiniMike (36), rodenj (36), bigdnutz (36), Vomera (36), mister crabs (36), hookan (36), ladybugmata (36), sfisk79 (36), nuno (36), winkywink (36), adrianaarnal (35), rickyfins (35), cblount59 (35), puffer99_2003 (35), ho bag (35), Travis_Maguire (35), Volz Reefer (35), boggs32 (35), newportrichey (35), BobSlob (34), lovebug (34), xcountry1120 (34), reneutrient (34), DAVID1120 (34), jthyge (34), jsavage (34), Dreyk (34), cabby30 (34), moosereefers (34), reefgeek110 (34), FatBaldingJerk (34), ddcotter (34), aquatic mouse (34), bikesandbullies (33), stapler (33), afex (33), littlelion (33), PecheK (33), gotfish1120 (33), hkriegal (32), alans22 (32), jrsoprano (32), blast_79 (32), Beals123 (32), BladeAz32 (32), Ebob954 (32), kellf (31), rachy_roo03 (31), Josh_Raf (31), L4NCEROM4NCE (31), tryme1120 (31), sneaks03 (31), Reefragz, turner2000 (30), MelloYellow (30), PhxPhish (30), K5reefer (30), Cazzolato (30), RotaryGeek (30), HSHREDDER18 (30), cgoodman381 (29), semperfimarine1 (28), rednwhiteblues (28), Zavius (27), Harlem20 (27), Miles.P (27), ReefGregory, MISTAH MICHAEL (26), splooge (26), Smokey_08 (25), Tyler6508 (25), fishnu (9) Birthdays
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