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Members with Birthdays on 12/19/2015
Bob F, pgrantz, knobbs28, makorip, Jimmycrack, joefish1061, Kyad02, rfigmon, shooby, SJGreene, CDGreenEyes, hitawaah, Klownfish, kevsmom2000, b4u1994, Emporess75, Jagertime, potters man, vpetak1, baby starfish, Dreamerslegacy, The Amateur, Salty O'Shen, MattnBonnie, Salty Dog24, Coop1219, kamuii, Grootzilla, Nubinator (67), n5kc (62), Sailor (60), HarveyK (60), ophrys (59), Mullet69 (59), speckledmind (57), mick (56), northstaraquatics (56), rnewton2 (56), SpankyStL (55), sanddollar (55), bunker (55), jimburgia (55), TheGAP (55), tvandewaerdt (54), summitwynds (54), ezrider93 (54), Stevis (54), rlaperna (53), pbs911 (53), jamesnr (53), ddampier (53), Mastover, Pat 0441 (52), kbell2433 (52), dne63 (52), tysturn (52), lmcnutt (51), pdeyeguy (50), vmarine (50), sraigan (50), Luca Brazzi (50), TAK (50), owlshead19, dantodd (49), cfranden (49), SnkyJake (49), reefgirl2002 (48), lr0067 (48), mikehulen (48), kismetsh (48), sweintz (48), abigguy67 (48), Nivaldo Martine (48), puntific (47), Saxe (47), Machelle Dotson (47), FshGk2b (47), griffitz62 (47), justacj (47), tmarcone (46), Mirus (46), guy0rocky (46), hillrc91 (46), Tamilla (46), cewolf2 (46), Guy(ReefSmart) (46), HMART (45), 3twenty5 (45), mufflerguy (45), bevis28 (45), greendragon (45), sunnysmom (45), k5shawn (45), yeti (44), mantisbaby (44), Tanyajx5 (44), (44), dkurfurst (43), olouieo (43), nupe3ai93 (43), dragonfly72 (43), e_bisco (43), mrk (43), Erick Coffman (43), gutterguy (43), dragonfly1972 (43), tane (42), youngrs (42), derflliw (42), shmak (42), apetru (42), phil-jane (42), sherston (42), oread (42), aqua hobbies (42), ggvvvv (42), cpara (42), Powder_Blue_08 (42), crissy74 (41), SnowmanX (41), cjc4167 (41), fjr_wertheimber, rikbar (40), thomas_w (40), virgile (40), nitrogen75 (40), Von Rolen (40), Virgile57 (40), bikencamp (40), Julianlove (40), tniels (39), ~ChrisB~ (39), RonsId (39), knave (39), beaglebasil (39), AikidoGuy (38), fisheybob (38), Neo1219 (38), jboo70 (38), volitans (38), Glassprisoner (38), rennfamily (38), Crisynjay (38), shaft1996 (38), BradA (38), SoLiD (38), scottven (38), davidp405 (38), steve_1111uk (38), 67muscle (37), Ben Lee (37), ReelBigFish (37), jimi323 (37), divelocker (37), hotrodcal (37), msudawgs56 (37), rsalies (37), Turnermnk (37), fishnewb (37), flyline (37), skalis2000 (37), InQuisitor (36), bal_george (36), phatboyL7 (36), exotic aquatic (36), mramc3 (36), jmccown (36), vprmatrix23 (36), PranK (36), toddroi (36), tewkes (36), toddroimac (36), masterfoo (36), delor, Luiz Crisóstomo (35), ReefLizzy (35), j_ramos2001 (35), Ditries (35), JonnyVictory (35), punk3r12 (35), jgillard (35), omiksemaj (35), cootie (35), furtado1980 (35), venom_jd (35), T786 (35), Ncfishguy (35), keong2002 (34), dwagner11 (34), spy231 (34), Compguy (34), stfne21 (33), reefmesa (33), ObscureAllure, skirrby (32), Sash (32), csloo (32), somethinfishier (32), acroman (31), huff3294 (31), Josh@BigAls (31), NorthCoralNewB (31), haycox1984 (31), anudatwo (31), iguanaking10 (30), Redkite7 (30), Curve50880 (30), jengill1 (30), kylepoma, NHReeftank (29), pofh (29), bassettmd (29), mparker (29), MaineReefer207 (29), marpar (29), deepseafisher (28), YoungReefer06 (28), Freak_of_Nature (28), 1mccumber (28), coty (28), Caleb8706 (28), RandomTime, dbwhicker (26), bpoore89 (26), moochi (26), Echidna09 (25), dfreakonature12 (24), the great (22), varanidfreak (16)
Long Island Reef Association (LIRA) 2015 Holiday Party
Calendar: Public
*The times shown may change, depending on DST settings
Long Island Reef Association (LIRA) 2015 Holiday Party
Hi Everyone,

The clubs annual holiday party will be at the Long Island Aquarium, NY on Saturday December 19th, cocktail hour starts at 7PM.

Admission for this years event is....

$35 for club members.
$35 for spouse with family membership.
$65 for spouse with single membership.
$65 for friends/family/guests that would like to attend.

The event will include an open bar and full catered dinner.

Please sign up here so we can get an accurate guest list to catering by Dec 12th.

The menu this year will be...

Cocktail Hour:
Butler Style Passed Hors D'Oeuvres
Tuscan Table with: Caprese Salad, Cold Antipasto Display, Gourmet International Cheeses, & Grilled Vegetables

Buffet Dinner:
Salad: Traditional Garden Salad
Carving Station: Angus Sirloin
Hot Chafing Selections:
Sauteed Chicken with red peppers & roasted garlic
Roast Salmon
Hoisin Pork
Accompaniments: Olive oil & balsamic roasted vegetables
Pasta: Penne ala vodka
Dessert: Tiered trays of Italian & French pastries & cookies

Bar: Beer/Wine/Soda/Juice/Coffee/Tea

Hope you can make it out!
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