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Members with Birthdays on 04/05/2015
tmcpeek, bosoroni, Jahdiel, E.Y., jimmyleg, MDRG, rileyg, Flobex, HamptonsESB, Oldngrey, finisproduction, illinois cuda, Susan Gray, joeyg4583, ms_maddiemae, acoffeediva, jakeyo, munch798, jrg345, Ray305, nycompound (71), James Appleton (67), Lonnie Strunk (65), JerryReef (63), newtsonk (62), NYCREEF69 (58), gojicraig (58), 3moons1star (57), JamesDGRose (57), dreamin_spirit (57), FumbleFingers (57), chilly724 (56), mh9020 (55), ericerac (55), ramblinreck83 (54), hobie61 (54), Flying-Al (54), coralreeferman (54), gtilby (53), pimkooper (53), stankirk (53), troy.w.white (53), sevenseas (52), aussiekez (52), kjguzzi (52), LocAfella931 (52), OceansDirect (52), n6ach (51), lhooq (51), yinghao (51), dannyObanny (51), sambrose (51), magio (51), timr (50), Abnorebmano (50), tankboy1 (49), FishNinja (49), dandiz (49), Kevin B. Piedt (49), Lp1977 (49), Devon Reefer (48), rijmpje (48), gangstafish (48), davethefish (48), FordFiveHundred (48), edying (47), skullring (47), Esquare (47), Coral Addicted (47), jerome arcachon (47), Timinator (46), Freder (46), mderise (46), tattooed (46), tratrodytut (46), shelbersman (46), Dave2909 (46), schwa6970 (45), teo reef (45), JCurry (44), kessel (44), J19M (44), richardg (44), paradox71 (44), beeler (44), autopro (44), Gtstricky (44), Naperenterprise (44), paul the reefer (44), metallibusa (44), Kutter (43), raider42 (43), ubasst (43), KGKnox (43), vega4572 (43), morvernport (43), REEFSURVEYOR (43), cgries (42), poobear2111 (42), Blue Skies (42), SgtMorris (42), jacquesb (42), cba (41), HiPressure (41), jennandgeo (41), petehill99 (41), spearxspark (41), cheetp (41), RC30 (41), conejo74 (41), kenstur (41), skeeters (40), barry c (40), ski7895 (40), msills (40), Gibeon (40), welshdane (40), chetscc (39), kyunsung,Shon (39), BAYONNEREEF (39), german_mama78 (39), travish (39), caldana (39), scottevil78 (38), Rook (38), hughe (38), chiznad (38), teejay407 (38), dkk08 (37), swenard (37), garrdn (37), KhawMengLee (37), toņico (37), tlmuas (36), thoughtmusic (36), vsnsofadrgn (36), Jrmass (36), Boxer0405 (36), dominiko (36), renejuan (36), indykitch (36), dolabela auricula (35), fishjinx (35), BigDaddy750 (35), ouija212 (35), jds92199 (35), 123and456 (35), alittlediy (35), ExCeed (35), islandfever80 (35), kuzuner (35), rocklobster707, Solonas (34), hutcho1981 (34), nmprisons (34), Timmyp211 (34), smp867usmc (34), vincer20 (34), 103pro (33), The_Mad_Ferret (33), recampbel (33), hectordc9 (33), hoyta (33), geohauss (33), Meeocky (33), mikemartinez (33), martinez7648 (33), DRoZZy (33), Manix (33), jessebeverly (33), soulbereaver (33), lostboijohn (32), PeLeCAFE (32), Slideways (32), rvdbarnes (32), gavinx (32), kikireef (32), Jseimo (32), bmwardo (31), picasso2006 (31), tedeschialves (31), hotrod797 (31), FlowerPot (30), tsname (30), thomas liaw (30), pimpskinny (30), twopair1 (30), Shaymil (30), rydr119 (30), flounderfish (30), StudentCounsurr (30), mattT5 (30), twiggyb (30), Hurley675 (29), Pufferowners (29), h8z2luze (29), reef-diver0 (29), spsfragger (29), acoff87 (28), Vi3tDaddy (28), Pugnut87 (28), Daddyfish3o3 (28), rebel_fish (27), rna (27), Allanth (27), Masta_Cheef (27), saltlife350 (27), reefboy32 (26), Ocean Man 1 (26), ssm05rsx (26), The Shrimp X (25), Miguel Serodio (25), Lev F. (23), rmodys (23), Elninothefirst (23), WM15 (23), JeremyNicholson (23), sevak (22), Reefsystem (22), TylerJB946 (21), Gocklins, HammerLover (17), paulbello (16)
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